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artificial sweetener

-artificial sweetener are chemical substances approved by the Food and Drug Administration that are added to food and drinksfor their sweetness

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artificial sweetener

-artificial sweetener are chemical substances approved by the Food and Drug Administration that are added to food and drinksfor their sweetness

chất làm ngọt nhân tạo

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a pinch of salt

a piece of paper

a drop of water

a little of st

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take st with a pinch of salt

-to whatever that paper publishes with a pinch of salt- it’s a tabloid (báo lá cải)

không tin hoàn

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you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs

-I know you love your friends, but you have to break a few eggs if you want to make an omelet.

muốn có thành công phải chấp nhận hi

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since the waiter waited— us for over two hours, we should give him a good tip

A. by


C. for

D. around

  • wait on sb: phục vụ ai (nhà hàng)

  • wait about/around: ngồi yên chờ mà không làm gì

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odour (N) /ˈoʊ.dɚ/

  • Inside the room there was the unmistakable odour of sweaty feet.

a smell, often one that is unpleasant

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scent (N) /sent/

  1. the scent of roses

  2. The hounds had lost the scent of the fox near the river

  3. a bottle of scent

  1. a pleasant natural smell

  2. a smell produced by an animal that acts as a signal to other animals

  3. perfume

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scent (V) /sent/

  1. Halfway through the game, the team could already scent victory

  2. the hounds eventually scented the fox

  1. If a person scents something, they have a feeling that they are about to experience it

  2. If an animal scents something or someone, it knows that person or thing is there because it can smell it, him, or her

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linger (V) /ˈlɪŋ.ɡɚ/

  • It's impossible to forget such horrific events - they linger (on) in the memory forever.

to take a long time to leave or disappear

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underdone (A) /ˌʌn.dɚˈdʌn/

  • I like my steak underdone

Underdone food, especially meat, is cooked for only a short time, or for less time than is necessary (tái)

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well done

-He insists on having his steak well done and will often return it and ask for it to be cooked for longer.

(thịt) nấu kĩ

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to make the sauce, — a small bar of chocolate and melt it over a pan of water

A. grate

B. hack

C. cut

D. splash

  • grate: nạo

  • hack: đốn

  • splash: vẩy, té

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the fidge keeps food at — temperature.

A. constant

B. consistent



  • constant temperature/ speech: nhiệt độ/ tốc độ giữ nguyên

  • consistent: kiên định

  • continual: liên tục ( có ngắt quãng)

  • continuous: liên tiếp (không ngắt quảng)

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slowly add the flour,— until it is completely blended

A. stirring

B. whisking

C. rolling

D. sprinkling

  • stir: khuấy

  • whisk: đánh trứng, kem

  • roll:

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frozen food

  • frozen dinners are convenient, but many are also high in fat, calories and salt

đồ đông lạnh

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a milk/ juice/ egg carton

knowt flashcard image
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dilute (V) /daɪˈluːt/

  1. Dilute the juice with water before you drink it.

  2. These measures are designed to dilute public fears about the product's safety

  1. to make a liquid weaker by mixing in something else

  2. to reduce the strength of a feeling, action, etc.

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dilute (A) /daɪˈluːt/ (US: DILUTED)

dilute hydrochloric acid

made weaker by diluting

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dilution (N)

  1. chất lỏng được pha loãng; sự làm loãng

  2. sự giảm bớt

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dissolve /dɪˈzɒlv/ (V)

  1. Dissolve two spoons of powder in warm water.

  2. Their marriage was dissolved in 1968

  3. The tension in the office dissolves when she walks out

  1. (of a solid) to be absorbed by a liquid, especially when mixed, or (of a liquid) to absorb a solid

  2. to end an official organization or a legal arrangement

  3. to disappear

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synonyms of dilute?

diminish, decrease,alter, lessen, mitigate, etc.

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unsalted butter is best for this recipe, but—that, margarine will do

A. axcept

B. given

C. for all of

D. failing

  • failing: if that is not possible

  • for all= despite

  • given that= in view of st= in the light of st= as a result of st= because of

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scald (V) /skɑːld/

  1. I dropped a pan of boiling water and scalded my leg

  2. Scald the needles to sterilize them

  3. Scald the milk and then add it to the egg and sugar mixture

  1. to burn the skin with boiling liquid or steam

  2. to put something in boiling water or steam in order to make it completely clean

  3. to heat a liquid until it almost boils

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scald /skɑːld/ (N)

  1. For scalds, cool the affected area under running water

  2. Common diseases include leaf scald, rust, and mildew (nấm mốc).

  1. an injury to the skin caused by boiling liquid or steam

  2. a plant disease that damages leaves or fruit so that they appear burnt, caused by too much sun, by bacteria, or by pollution:

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leave the jelly in the fridge to—

A. curdle

B. set

C harden

D. stiffen

if a liquid or soft material sets, it becomes hard or firm

curdle: làm đông lại, đông (sữa..?)

stiffen: làm cứng

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—the fruit in brandy for a few hours before you add it to the mixture

A. bathe

B. dampen

C. soak

D. water

  • soak: ngâm (soak the vegetables, soak in the rain)

  • dampen: làm ẩm

  • bathe: tắm rửa

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make do with st

Can you make do with $5 for now and I’ll give you the rest tomorrow?

dùng tạm (thứ kém chất lượng hơn)

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do away with something

These ridiculous rules and regulations should have been done away with years ago.

to get rid of something or stop using something

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do (something) up

Can you help me to do up my dress?

to fasten something or become fastened (buộc chặt, thắt chặt)

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sugar is obtained by— and processing sugar cane

A. clubbing


C. smoothing


  • crash: ép, nghiền

  • club: đánh bằng gậy

  • spash: té, vẩy

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stiff paste

hỗn hợp bột cứng

rigid: cứng nhắc

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you should— off the leafy ends of the vegetable before cooking

A. trim

B. shave

C. carve

D. slice

  • trim: tỉa

  • carve: khắc, tạc

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it's just a fluke

chỉ là may mắn thôi

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he—some tomato sauce on his burger

A. sprayed

B. pasted

C. sprinkled

D. squirted

  • squirt: rót, , chắt

  • paste: dán (bằng hồ)

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