mr evans has a head that looks like an ostrich egg. This is my limerick about it. "There once was a teacher so dull- A total business hack- We're not surprised if wone day- We'll see his head crack"
Chain of command
The route of the flow of communication in an organisation from top to bottom.
Span of control
The amount of employees which an organisation’s manager has control over
Organisational structure
How a business delegates the roles and responsibilities of staff members, represented by layers of management.
The process of removing unnesscesary layers in an organisation
The process of allocating tasks to staff members
Members below management in a chain of command
Tall organisational structure
Organisational structure with a top-down approach to management and a long chain of command
Flat organisational structure
A modern organisational structure with fewer layers of management and a shorter chain of command
Shamrock organisational structure
An organisational structure consisting of an organisation’s core workforce, flexible workers, and outsourced work
Core workforce
The senior management of an organisation (managers, accountants, human resources, etc.)
Outsourced work
Contractual workers employed by the business (marketers, freelancers, IT, etc.)
Temporary staff
Those who work under a company in certain periods (part-time and seasonal workers)
Matrix organisational structure
Organisational structure where members of each department report to both the project and department managers who report to upper management
The purpose of an organisational structure
To delegate tasks to employees in an organization to help achieve its goals.