AP Gov Unit 3

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Civil liberties

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Civil liberties

individual personal freedoms

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Bill of Rights

first 10 amendments to constitution, protects individual personal liberty by limiting the federal government

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1st amendment

freedom of religion, speech, press, and assembly

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2nd amendment

right to bear arms

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3rd amendment

no quartering of troops

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4th amendment

no unreasonable searches and seizures

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5th amendment

due process, double Jeopardy, right to remain silent, self- incrimination

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6th amendment

speedy, public trial by jury (criminal)

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7th amendment

speedy public trial by jury (civil)

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8th amendment

no cruel or unusual punishment

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9th amendment

unenumerated rights of people

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10th amendment

establishes federalism

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14th amendment

  • included due process clause

  • state can’t deprive a person of life, liberty, or property without due process of a law

  • gives birth to selective incorporation

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Selective incorporation

bill of rights has been applied to the states on a case-by-case basis

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Engel v Vitale

  • Banned state sponsored public school prayer, even if participation is voluntary

  • Said that this violated the establishment clause, promoting religious belief

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free exercise clause

the right to practice the religion of your choice

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Wisconsin v Yoder

Compelling Amish students to attend public school beyond 8th grade violates the free exercise clause

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Schenck v U.S.

  • Court upheld a congressional law that prohibited speech intended to harm the war effort

  • speech that creates a clear and present danger can be banned

  • there can be a time, place, and manner restrictions on speech

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Tinker v Des Moines

Students have free speech, symbolic speech is pure speech, therefore the black arm bands were protected

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New York Times v US

  • Bolstered freedom of the press, preventing Nixon administration from blocking publication of classified documents

  • heavy presumption against censorship, even when national security is involved

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McDonald v Chicago

incorporated an individual right to bear arms

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exclusionary rule

illegally obtained evidence may not be used in a trial

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Miranda rule

suspects have to be informed of their 5th and 6th amendment rights

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Gideon v Wainwright

incorporated the 6th amendments right to an attorney, forcing states to provide defendants with an attorney if they can’t afford one

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Roe v Wade

established and incorporated a right to an abortion based on the right of privacy

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Civil rights

protection of groups of people from discrimination

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equal protection clause

told states they couldn’t treat people differently under the law

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Letter from Birminhgham Jail

demands fulfillment of declaration and constitution for African-Americans

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Brown v Board of Education

racially segregated public schools violate the 14th amendment and equal protection clause

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Civil Rights Act of 1964

banned discrimination based on race, sex, color, religion, or national origin in public accommodations or employment

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Voting Rights Act of 1965

banned literacy tests and other obstacles to vote

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Affirmative action

preferential hiring and admission policies for minorities

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