Texas Tech University Dr. Jackson
Genus of cattle
Species of cattle
Taurus or Indicus
How much single money-generating commodity does cattle make?
$68 million
What's the largest single money-generating commodity in all of U.S. agriculture
Beef accounts for __________ of animal agriculture's share of total farm cash receipts.
The U.S. has about ______ of the world's cattle, but we produce nearly ________ of the world's beef and veal.
6%, 18%
Ruminant Digestive System
Both BEEF & DAIRY cattle have the same digestive tract
Purpose of the Cattle Industry
Make use of natural resources indigestible by humans (grass & other forages)
Make use agricultural wastes & by-products
Rugged & adaptable to topography & climate
The beef industry is ____________.
Highly fractured.
Structure of US beef industry
Seed stock producers
Commercial cow-calf producers
Yearling or stocker operators
Feedlot finishing operations
Seed Stock Production (cattle)
Produce breeding stock.
Commercial Cow-Calf Production
Produce the heaviest calves possible with the least cost.
Yearling or Stocker Operators (cattle)
Growing calves to heavier weights on low-priced forage before the calves enter the feedlot
Feedlot Operations (cattle)
"Finishing phase"; 600- to 850-lb cattle are finished to market weight and condition in confinement
Where is cow production?
Every state in of low-cost forage
What state has the largest amount of cattle?
Any color (tri-color most coveted)
Long horns
Light muscling
Dominant Beef Cattle
British breeds
Continental breeds "exotic"
How many breeds of cattle are there in the US?
Cattle from the British Isles are mainly ______________?
Angus Cattle
Imported from Scotland
British Breed
Red Angus Cattle
Developed in the United States.
British Breed
Horned Hereford Cattle
Imported from England
2nd largest registry in U.S
British breed
Polled Hereford Cattle
Developed in United States
British breed
Shorthorn Cattle
First British breed to be imported to U.S.
British breed
Imported from England
Continental cattle breeds are ______________.
paternal and dual purpose.
Chianina Cattle
Imported from Italy
Continental Breed
Gelbvieh Cattle
Imported from Germany
Continental Breed
Dual Purpose
Limousin Cattle
Imported from France
3rd largest U.S. registry
Continental Breed
Maine Anjou Cattle
Imported from France
Largest continental breed in terms of weight
Simmental Cattle
Imported from Switzerland
5th largest registry in U.S.
Heaviest milking continental breed
Produce muscular carcasses
Brahman Cattle
Imported from India
American Breed
Commercial cross
Hybrid vigor
The United States produces approximately _____ of the world's cow's milk.
Dairy cattle also produce ___________.
Most __________ comes from dairy calves fed all-milk diets and slaughtered when weighing a few hundred pounds.
_________________________ is the most efficient of all the domestic animals.
The dairy cow's conversion of feed to food
Number Operations
Decreasing number of operations
Increasing size of operations
Why is production of milk increasing?
Improved genetics, management, and use of technological innovations
National Milk Production
1 California
2 Wisconsin
3 Idaho
4 New York
5 Pennsylvania
Ayrshire Cattle
Dairy Cattle
Brown Swiss Cattle
Dairy Cattle
Holstein-Friesian Cattle
Dairy Cattle
Average 305 d lactation = 24,958 lbs of milk
Jersey Cattle
Dairy Cattle
Highest percentage of butter fat production (4.7%)
Genus of goat
Species of goat
Genus sheep
Species of sheep
The ___________ is the smallest livestock industry in the U.S.
Sheep industry
The ______________ industry is drastically declining over time.
Lamb meat per capita _______________.
< 1 lb
The sheep industry survived in niche markets.
The purpose of the goat and sheep industry is to....
make use of natural resources indigestible by humans (grass & other forages)
They make:
Animal fiber
Milk products
Range production
how goats and sheep are raised in Western U.S.
Complimentary production
how goats and sheep are raised in Eastern U.S.
How did sheep get into the U.S.?
English settlers bring sheep for solely for wool production
When the U.S. sheep at its highest inventory?
Post Civil War - WWII, ~50 million heads
Reasons for decline in sheep after WWII
Less demand for wool
Low consumer demand for lamb in their diets
Difficulty in obtaining and keeping reliable herders
Competition for public-owned rangeland and increasing government regulation
Decreased government support
Farmer diversification into other enterprises
Seasonal nature of lamb production and consumption
Inadequate profits.
Extensive Management Systems
(Range Production)
Use little supplemental feed, graze large areas of land
Factors impacting profitability: rainfall, predators, prices for lamb and wool
Intensive Management Systems
(Farm Flock & Feedlot industries)
Common in the Midwest
Intensive in health & nutrition management
Goat Production Systems
Hair Production
Meat Production
Dairy Production
Merino Sheep
Most dominant breed in worldwide sheep industry
Fine Wool
Rambouillet Sheep
Dominant range ewe in the US
Fine Wool
Columbia Sheep
Fine Wool
United States
Crossbreed with Rambouillet and Lincoln
Dorset Sheep
Known for ability to breed out of season & prolificacy & milking ability
Medium Wool
Hampshire Sheep
Sire breed is known for rapid growth & muscularity
Face, ears, legs are dark brown-black
Have a wool cap on head
Medium Wool
Suffolk Sheep
Ewes prolific and heavy milking but produce poor fleeces
Medium Wool
Southdown Sheep
Early maturing, good lambing, average milk production
Excel in cross breeding programs to produce meaty carcasses at light weights
Medium Wool
Finnsheep Sheep
Litter baring animal - usually crossbred
Medium Wool
Lincoln Sheep
Long Wool
Angora Goat
Produces mohair (higher price than wool)
Over 90% of U.S. Angora goats located in TX
South African Boer Goat
Hardy, fast growing, meat - type
Generally brown head & neck with white body & legs
Short hair
Spanish Goat
Highly variable in appearance and performance
Very prolific & hardy, utilize great deal of browse, used to clear brush
La Mancha
United States
Distinguishing characteristic is a lack of external ear tissues
Saanen Goat
Heaviest milking breed
Nubian Goat
Most popular breed of registered dairy goat in U.S.
Noted for high butter fat compared to other
Not as much volume as Saanen
Any color accepted
Scientific knowledge of _________ is not nearly as extensive as those for other livestock species.
Impossible to present facts and figures for the __________ that are comparable to those of the other livestock species..
Every 5 years _________________________ attempts to survey all ag producers.
National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
How much money does the horse industry make in the US?
$50 billion
How many jobs does the horse industry supply in the US?
Reasons people are in the horse industry for:
youth education
The recreational horse owner faces many choices for his or her leisure dollar and time.
The horse industry must find ways to continue to attract the leisure dollar or risk shrinking in size.
During the past decade and a half, horse breed associations have expanded shows to include more divisions in which to compete.
Horse Associations
Not breed specific, but requires member to compete
Horse Breed Shows
Must own a horse registered through the breed association
Horse Open Shows and Saddle Clubs
Open to anyone!
Can be all types of classes, all breeds
Often more affordable, good starting point
Horse Pleasure Riding
Dude Ranch
Trail Riding
Work Horses
Pen Riders
Types of Horses
Horse Breed Classifications
Light (hot-blooded)
Heavy (draft; cold-blooded)
Miniature Horse
14.2 hands or less
Light Horses
Weight - 800-1400 lbs
Height - 14.2-16 hands
Primarily used for riding
Arabian Horse
U.S. has largest population, but found all over the world.
Saddle Type
Light Horse Breed
Thoroughbred Horse
Hunter Type
Light Horse Breed
American Quarter Horse
More QHs in U.S. than any other breed
Stock type
Light Horse Breed
Tennessee Walking Horse
Distinctive Gait
Saddle Type
Light Horse Breed
2 beat, lateral gait
2 beat, diagonal gait
Appaloosa Horse
American Paint Horse
Stock Type
Light Horse Breed
Heavy Horses Breeds