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Distributed System, independent, coherent
A collection of -- computers (nodes) that appear to users as a single -- system.
Cell phone networks, switching, internet
Workload shared across headsets, -- systems, and internet devices.
Heterogeneity, openness, security, scalability, fault tolerance, concurrency, transparency
Challenges in distributed systems (7), H—, O—, S—, S—, F— T—, C—, T—
Transparency, complexity
Hiding system — from users.
Access, location, concurrency, replication, failure, mobility, performance, scaling
Types of transparency (8): A—, L—, C—, R—, F—, M—, P—, S—
Synchronous, asynchronous, partially synchronous, bounded asynchrony
Timing and synchrony assumptions(4)
Upper bound on processing time for nodes
Arbitrary delivery times
Partially synchronous
Unpredictable transitions between synchronous and asynchronous periods
Caching, frequently, slower
Using faster storage for -- accessed data from — memory.
Eavesdropping, tampering, masquerading, replaying, non-repudiation
Security threats(5): E—, T—, M—, R—, N—
Encryption, authentication, digital signatures, authorization, auditing
Security measures(5): E—, A—, D— S—, A—, A—
Decentralized, retrieval, replication, consistency
P2P data management (4): — storage, data —, —, and — management
Unordered, global time, FIFO, casual, total ordering
Message ordering(5): U—, G— T—, F—, C—, T— O—
MapReduce, map, shuffle, reduce
A programming model for processing big data, includes —, —, and —.