trading stations with resident merchants established by the Portuguese and other Europeans
El Mina
important Portuguese factory on the coast of modern Ghana
Nzinga Mvemba
ruler of the Kongo kingdom (1507–1543); converted to Christianity; his efforts to integrate Portuguese and African ways foundered because of the slave trade
Royal African Company
chartered in Britain in the 1660s to establish a monopoly over the African trade; supplied slaves to British New World colonies
Indies piece
a unit in the complex exchange system of the West African trade; based on the value of an adult male slave
Triangular trade
complex commercial pattern linking Africa, the Americas, and Europe; slaves from Africa went to the New World; American agricultural products went to Europe; European goods went to Africa
Akan state among the Akan people of Ghana and centered at Kumasi
African kingdom in the Bight of Benin; at the height of its power when Europeans arrived; famous for its bronze casting techniques
African state among the Fon peoples; developed in the 17th century centered at Abomey; became a major slave trading state through utilization of Western firearms
Great Trek
movement inland during the 1830s of Dutch-ancestry settlers in South Africa seeking to escape their British colonial government
ruler among the Nguni peoples of southeast Africa during the early 19th century; developed military tactics that created the Zulu state
wars among Africans in southern Africa during the early 19th century; caused migrations and alterations in African political organization
Swazi and Lesotho
African states formed by people reacting to the stresses of the Mfecane
Middle Passage
slave voyage from Africa to the Americas; a deadly and traumatic experience
Saltwater slaves
name given to slaves born in Africa; distinguished from American-born descendants, the creoles
African religious practices in the British American islands
African religious practices in Brazil among the Yoruba
African religious practices among descendants in Haiti