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If onychectopia is the displacement of a nail, then the abnormal presence of nails is:
24. onych-o = nail
17. x-ias-is = the abnormal presence of x
(x = onych = nails)
If brachiosis is an abnormal condition involving the arm, then gouty pain in the arms is:
36. x-agr-a = gouty pain in x
20. brachi-o = arm
If omedema is the swelling of a shoulder, then treatment by means of the shoulder is:
If otodysplasia is the defective formation of the ear, then the defective growth of the ear is:
48. x-o-dys-troph-y = the defective growth of x
(Most derived noun suffixes can be made into adjectives by replacing the primary noun suffix with an adjectival one)
x-o-dys-troph-y (48) = the defective growth of x
x-o-dys-troph-ic (48 & 3) pertaining to the defective growth of x
Note that for most nouns ending “-s-is,” the corresponding adjective ends “-t-ic”
That is, the noun suffix “-is” is dropped, the final “-s-” of the base changes to “-t-,” and the adjective suffix “-ic” (3) is added. English derivatives often reflect this stem change
( oto - dys - trophy )
If arthritis is the inflammation of the joints, then the tendency to preferentially affect joints is:
67. x-o-trop-ism
= the tendency to preferentially affect x [diagnostic or therapeutic]
( arth - o - trop - ism )
If anconospasm is a spasm of an elbow, then the rupturing of the elbow is:
15. x-o-rrhex-is = the rupturing of x
the letter "x" often stands for the two sounds "ks" which explains the two apparent irregularities
x-o-rrhex-is = ("rrhecs-is") the rupturing of x (15)
(ancon - o- rrhex - is)
If arthrectopia is the displacement of the joints, then the lack of growth of a joint is
49. x-a-troph-y = the lack of growth of x
6. arthr-o = joint
If cephaliatry is the healing of the head, then one who specializes in the head is
12. x-ist = one who specializes in x
9. cephal-o = head
If cheirostasis is the stopping of the hands, then an instrument for the stopping of the hand is:
73. x-o-stat = something which stops x
22. cheir-o, chir-o = hand
If rhinia is an abnormal condition involving the nose, then the swelling of the nose is:
38. x-edema = the swelling of x
14. rhin-o = nose
If rhinitis is the inflammation of the nose, then the surgical puncturing of the nose is:
55. x-o-cent-es-is = the surgical puncturing of x
(x = rhin = nose)
If brachiostat is something which stops the arm, then an instrument for cutting an arm is:
20. brachi-o = arm
69. x-o-tom-e = an instrument for cutting x
If ophthalmectopia is the displacement of the eyes, then the swelling of the eye is:
38. x-edema = the swelling of x
12. ophthalm-o = eye
If mammodysplasia is the defective formation of the breasts, then one with a disease of the breasts is a:
75. x-o-path = one with a disease of x
mamm- o = breasts
If toxicophobia is a morbid dread of poison, then one with a morbid dread of poison is:
x-o-phob-e= one with a morbid dread of x
tox-ic-o = poison
If pimelopathy is a disease of fat,
then the measurement of fat is:
pimel-o = fat
x-o-metr-y = the measurement of
If stercorrhagia is the rapid flowing of feces, then the softening of feces is:
sterc(or)-o- = feces
x-o-malac-ia = the softening of x
If sphenoidia is an abnormal condition involving the sphenoid bone, then the downward displacement of the sphenoid bone is:
sphen(oid)-o- = sphenoid bone
x-o-pt-os-is = the downward displacement
If amylogenesis is the production of starch, then treatment by means of starch is:
x-o-therap-y = treatment by the means of
amyl-o = starch
If sarcocele is the protrusion of something through flesh, then a calculus involving flesh is:
x-o-lith = a calculus involving x
sarc-o- = flesh
If neuroplegia is the paralysis of nerves, then a deficiency of nerves is:
neur-o = nerve
x-o-penia = a deficiency of x
If myxostat is something which stops mucus, then pertaining to the disintegration of mucus is:
x-o-lys-is = the disintegration of x
mix-o- = mucus
If melogenesis is the production of limbs, then a substance which produces the limbs is:
x-o-gen = a substance which produces x
8. mel-o = limb