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retrieval paths
When you want to
locate information in memory, you travel on those paths, moving from one
memory to the next until you reach the target material.
involves the creation (or strengthening) of memory
Spreading activation
As each node becomes
activated and fires, it serves as a source for further activation, spreading
onward through the network.
lexical-decision task
research participants are shown a series of letter sequences on a computer
screen. Some of the sequences spell words; other sequences aren’t words (e.g.,
“blar, plome”). The participants’ task is to hit a “yes” button if the sequence
spells a word and a “no” button otherwise.
indicates that a specific prior event
(in this case, presentation of the first word in the pair) will produce a state
of readiness (and, therefore, faster responding) later on
“remember/know” distinction.
This involves pressing one button (to indicate “remember”) if
they actually recall the episode of encountering a particular item, and press-
ing a different button (“know”) if they don’t recall the encounter but just
have a broad feeling that the item must have been on the earlier list.
Explicit memories are those usually revealed by
direct memory testing
direct memory testing
testing that urges participants to remember the past.
Implicit memories, however, are
Implicit Memory • 255typically revealed by
indirect memory testing
processing pathway
the sequence of detectors, and the connections between
detectors, that the activation flows through in recognizing a specific stimulus.
processing fluency
the speed and
ease with which the pathway will carry activation.
Retrograde amnesia
is often caused by blows to the head;
the afflicted person is unable to recall events that occurred just before the blow.
Anterograde amnesia
causing disruption of memory for
experiences after the onset of amnesia; these are cases of
Korsakoff’s syndrome
As a result, longtime alcoholics
are vulnerable to problems caused by thiamine deficiency, including the disorder
known as