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What is Rhetoric:
humans use of symbols to communicate
All symbols are human
What are symbols:
things that are arbitrary but still is powerrful
What’s an example of symbols
What is the goal of rhetoric?
to communicate what’s in my head to yours
Define Rhetorical criticism:
Qualitative research method designed for systematic investigation and explanation of symbolic artifacts for how people communicate
What are the 3 dimensions of rhetoric:
Humans create it
Symbols are the medium
communication is the goal
What’s the background on neo-Aristotelian criticism
Aka traditional criticism
created in 1952 and was the first rhetoric criticism
still used but uncommon in journals
What is the primary goal of neo-Aristotelian
measure the effectiveness of public address, single source oratory.
What are the 4 canons, rubric, aristotle uses for speeches
Invention: content (etho pathos logos)
Arrangement: organization
Style: the language and literary devices
Delivery: oral and physical presentation
What are the benefits of neo-Aristotelian criticism
systematic evaluation
Provides a measure objectivity in determining the effectiveness of a speech
long history so there are plenty of examples
What are the drawbacks of Neo-Aristotelian criticism
limited in scope to single source oratory
ignore historical, cultural, and moral context
has been overly focused on elites
ignores non rational appeals
Aristotle was prescriptive not descriptive, and criticism is descriptive
What is the artifact for Neo
a public address, best suited for single source oratory
What are the steps to analyze the artifact for Neo
Step 1: reconstruct the context in which speech occurred (rhetorical situation, historical, rhetors goal)
Step 2: Analyz the speech base on Aristotle canons
Step 3: Asses impact/reaction of audience
What is the research question for Neo
Did the rhetor use the available means of persuasion to evoke the intended response from the audience?
What does narrative criticism focus on?
What is a story?
Must included at least 2 events
events must be related to each other temporarily
must be a casual or contributing relationship among events
events are unified about subject
Purpose of stories?
Understand ourselves
inform of history and culture
created understanding of present and future
reinforce and challenge ideologies
persuasive appeals
What are assumptions of narrative critic
humans are storytellers
judge world based off “good reasons” we get from stories: narrative fidelity
Always involve audience
Narrative Analysis steps
step 1: identify objectives in narrative
step 2: discover how various features/strategies of narrative accomplish objective
step 3: evaluate the narrative based on objective
What is ideology?
a pattern of beliefs that determine a groups interpretation of some aspect of the world
gives us a common picture of reality
Ideology is a mental framework that manifest itself through
categories: gender, mental health, race, religion (factual)
language: words we use and how we say it
concepts: love marriage gender, race (reflects what’s importance to us)
imagery of thought: what you correlate thoughts to image
systems of representation: difference in sex & gender, what does it mean to be a women
Ideology is identified in the following dimensions:
Eco and Politics
power and control
Ideologic criticism is:
analysis beyond the surface structure of an artifact to discover the beliefs, values, and assumptions it suggest
Assumptions of ideological criticism
multiples ideologies exist in any culture and have the potential to be manifest in rhetorical artifacts
Ideologies are oppositional: Dom and Subm
What is hegemony?
Privileging one ideology while repressing another
What are the points of hegemony ideology?
experiences support the interest of those with more power
controls what participants see as natural (norm)
to maintain the dominant ideology must be renewed, reinforced, and defended continually through the use and rhetorical strategies and practices
the rise of dominant ideology is not always deliberate and conscious
Analysis of ideology criticism
step 1: identify present elements (look at surface level)
step 2: identify suggest elements linked to present
step 3: formulate ideology
step 4: identify the function
What is feminism:
a social and political movement aimed at improving the lives of women
Assumption for feminism:
equal opportunity for self-expression
cultural context privilege males (experiences, expressions, and enterprise) over females
many feminists don’t believe that feminism is ONLY for women
oppression nature of our culture can be changed through equality, immanent value (all humans have value), and self determination (live your own life)
primary means of changing our culture is disruption
1st Core objectives of feminist criticism:
Communication practices of women are used as a heuristic device for studying how communication practices in general can be used to disrupt hegemonies or standard perspectives and practices
Heuristic devices: construct used to aid social phenomena
Hegemony: dom and sub ideology
2 & 3 core objective of feminist criticism:
Decolonize mind from oppressive actions, thinking, or being
Decolonize: breaking from dom ways of thinking and asserting own perspective
Preserve the history and contributions of early feminist activist and scholars
Procedure for analyzing the artifact with Feminist Criticism:
Step 1: identify and explicate the strategies used in the artifacts to disrupt hegemonies
(generate multiple perspectives, cultivating ambiguity, reframing/shift perspective, enacting, juxtaposing incongruities)
Step 2: explore impact of strategies of disruption
For feminist criticism what is generating multiple perspectives?
deliberately presenting alternate views on a subject, however we know what the dominant one is
For feminist criticism what is cultivating ambiguity?
messages are constructed unclear, ineact, and open to multiple interpretation
For feminist criticism what is reframing
shifting perspectives to view a situation from a different point of view
For feminist criticism what is enacting
Individuals act out an interpretation of a situation this is counter to the one normally accept- embody the point they are making about the new reality they desire
For feminist criticism, what is juxtaposing incongruities
merge categories that are typically believed to be mutually exclusive