an international movement (originally) for the establishment of a Jewish national/religious community in Palestine and (later) for the support of modern Israel.
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**Balfour Declaration**
Britain’s declaration in support of Zionism, issued early November, 1917.
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**1948 War of Independence (Arab-Israeli war)**
A coalition of Arab nations (Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon) attacked Israel. Israel won.
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**Occupied Territories**
land Israel controlled after the Six-Day War that was originally Palestinian territories, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, Golan Heights
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**Un Resolution 242**
“Land for Peace,” Israel promised to relinquish control of Occupied Territories in exchange for international recognition.
* By giving “that for this” Israel would be less likely to have to defend itself from outright war with its neighbors.
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David Ben-Gurion
First Prime Minister of Israel
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Arab revolt of 1936
 Lots of Jewish people moved into Palestine since they needed a place to live. Palestinians didn’t like that, thought that land was going to be given to Jewish people and they would lose control of their land. Tried to fight the British to get control back but ended up losing.
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Suez Crisis
When Nasser took over the Suez canal causing an issue with Britain and France. So bad that the U.S had to step in to help.
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Camp David Accords
* Peace agreement between Israel and Egypt, first to recognize Israel’s right to exist
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 Palestinian fundamentalist organization, formed in late 1980s to fight for Palestinian independence.
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Gamal Nasser
**Leader of Egypt 1956-1970**
* **Nationalized the Suez canal, led to the Suez Crisis. Promoted pan-Arabism. Unification of Arab states in MIddle East, North Africa.**
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Yasir Arafat
**Leader of PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)**
* **Initially fought with Israel, eventually agreed with Res. 242**