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nondenominational (adj.)
Definition: not restricted to a particular religion; secular
Example: Hagee, who founded the nondenominational evangelical Cornerstone Church and a television ministry in San Antonio, has regularly used world events to link his claims of biblical prophecy.
obfuscation (noun)+ obfuscate(verb)
Definition: 1)darkening or obscuring the sight of something
2)meddling with people’s understanding in order to confuse, baffle or bewilder them
3)confusion resulting from failure to understand
Example: Politicians keep obfuscating the issues.
kvetch (verb or noun)
verb:express complaints, discontent, displeasure or unhappiness
noun: a constant complainer, a nagging complaint
Example: Kvetch about the lack of Nerd clusters in the vending machine, not about the impact of climate change on people of the global South.
entreat (tran. verb)
Definition: ask, plead for, or request earnestly
Example: You might entreat your teacher for an extension but you would not entreat your friend for some Nerds Clusters (unless you were engaging in a form of hyperbole…)
kowtow (intran. verb or noun)
Definition: 1)int. verb: (literal) To bend the knees and bow in a servile manner 2)int. verb: (figurative) try to gain favor by flattering or being overly agreeable 3)noun: the act of kowtowing
Example: You can try kowtowing to the boss, but he'll see right through you
wistfully (adverb)+wistful (adjective)
Defintion: In a way marked by longing or regret
Example: I looked wistfully at my second grade yearbook because the photographs evoked simpler times.
atavistic (ajective)+atavistically (adverb)
Definition: Referring to an earlier type of behavior. Throwback.
Example: Now that I keep up with everyone in my life digitally, handwritten letters have an atavistic appeal.
unfathomable (adj.)+unfathomably (adverb)
Definition: 1)impossible to come to understand; incomprehensible 2)of depth: not capable of being sounded or measured 3)resembling an abyss in depth; so deep as to be unmeasurable
Example: Between Black Friday and Christmas, the swell of humanity grows to unfathomable size.
solipsistic (adj.)
Definition: adj. 1. relating to the philosophical theory that all that is known to exist is one’s own self or consciousness 2)extremely interested in oneself; self centered
Solipsism, noun: the concept or state of being focused only on the self or seeing things through one’s own experience.
Solipsist, noun: a person with these beliefs or traits.
Example: The scene is Cole’s acknowledgment that aesthetic consciousness remains passive and solipsistic even when experienced in common, and that danger demands a different kind of solidarity—one that is active, ethical, even political.
connoisseurship (noun)
Definitions: 1) love of or taste for fine objects of art 2)expertise in a particular subject, especially an area of art
connoisseur(noun)-Person who understands principles and details of an art form enough to act as a judge or one who enjoys something with appreciation for its subtleties.
Example: One might be a connoisseur of kale salad but not of, say, overthinking or playing Bananagrams.