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The five senses
Sense | Stimulus | Receptor Cell | Sensory Organ |
Sight | Light | Photoreceptors or light receptors in the retina of the eye | eye |
Hearing | Sound (vibrations) | Mechanoreceptors: hair cells in inner ear | Ear |
Taste | Chemicals | Chemoreceptors or tastebuds | tongue |
Touch | Pressure Temperature Pain | Mechanoreceptors Thermoreceptors Nociceptors (pain receptors) | Skin |
Smell | Chemicals | Chemicals in olfactory cells in nasal cavity | Nose ![]() |
Eye Eyes
Structure : The corneas and lesn focus light onto the retina , which contaons rods and cones
Structure : The outer ear collects sound waves , the middle ear amplifies them , and the cochlea in the inner ear converts vibrations into nerve signals . The vestibular system ( Semicucluar canals ) Detects head movement for balance
Stimulus: Detects sound waves and head postiion/movement
Structure : The olfactory recetors in the nasal cavity detect airbore chemcical molecules
Stimulis: Detects chemical molecules in the air
Structure - The taste buds on the tounge contain receptors for sweet . Salty , sour , bitter , and unami taste
Stimulus : Detects dissolved chemical in food and drinks
Structure : Contains different recpetors for pressure ( Mechnorecpetors ) , temperature ( Themoreceptors ) , Pain ( Noiccieptors )
Stimulus Detects touvh temperature changes and pain .
Describe passage of information through a neuron
Neuron receives a stimuls
Electical impuse traves throguh the neruom
Impulse reaches the axon terminal
Nuerotransmitters are relased into the synaoe
Neurotransmitters bind to receprots on the nextneuron
A new electical impulse is generate int eh nect neuro
mylin Sneath
A fatty layer that insulates the axon , speeding up impulse transmission
The part of a neuronn that receives a message and sends it to the cell body
part of a neuron that carries an electrical message away from the cell body to synapse
A small gap between two neurons that must be crossed by neurtransmitters
Sensory neuron
A nerve cell that carries a message from a receptor to the central nervous system
A nerve cell that carries a message from a receptor to the central nervous system
Motor neurons
A nerve cell thar carries a message from the central nervous system to a muscle cell .
Cell body
the Main part of a cell that contains the nucleus genetic material and processes signals
n I A chemical messenger that cross the synapse between rhe axon of the neuron and the dendrite of another neuron
Passage of information through a neuron
Information travels through a neuron as an electrical impulse , moving from the dendrites to the axon terminasl . when impulse reaches the synapse , neurotransmitters are released , crossin he gap to stimulate the next cell
sensory , motor , interneurons communicate info
Sensory neurons detect stimuli and send signals to internuerons in the central nervous ssytem . Interneurons process the information and relay it to the motr=or neurons , which triggers a respnse in muscles or glands . This process enables the body from something hot ina reflex action .
Scenarios without thinking
Knee jerk reflex , when the docotr taps the knee it kicks out automatically
Blinking when something approaches your eye .
Response order
Stimulus —> recpetor—> sensory neuron—> Internueron —> Brain—> Motor neuron —> Effector —> Response
Central Nervous system (CNS
The CNS is control centre of the body . All messages from your enviroment and responses are processed
Two parts to CNS
Brain that is the processinf centre , where informatioon , is gathered by the interneuron , compares it to past experiences , and controls internal changes and movement .
parts of the brain
Peripheral nervous system ( PNS)
The oerioheral neurvous system connects the body to the central nervous system , transmitting information between the cns and organs , limbs , and tissue
PNS split 1 - SOmatic nervous system
ontrols voluntary skeletal muscle movements , such as waving or reaching out to take an object
PNS split 2 - Autonomic nervous system
controls involuntary actions. This includes heartbeat, digestion, respiration, salivation and perspiration. It maintains a constant internal environment of the body.
Autpnomic system two parts
The autonomic system is further split into two systems, the two divisions have opposite effects, e.g:
Sympathetic system speeds up heart rate.
Parasympathetic system slows down heart rate.
The systems work together in the body to maintain a balance.
SOmatic vs automatic
Examples of diseases and problems affecting nervous systek
ALzheimers disease - Affects memeory and thinking due to brain cell damage
Multiple sclerosis - The immune system attacks the mylein sneath , leading to muscle weaknesss and coordination problems
Stroke - occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked , leading to brai damage .
Endocrine system
Endocrine system – a collection of glands that make and secrete (release) hormones.
– a chemical messenger that travels through blood vessels to target cells.
Target cells
a cell that has a receptor that matches a specific hormone.
Flight or fight
The bodies automatic reaction to danger , drivenby the sympathetic nervous system . It increases heart rate , breathing ,and muscle readiness , while slowing digestion , preparing the body for either fight or escape .
example hormon - adrenalin
Adrenal glands
Produce the hormone adrenaline/ epinephrine.
Normally it stimulates heart rate and enlarges blood vessels.
In danger it floods your system causing the ‘fight or flight’ response:
Increased strength and heart rate
Raises blood pressure
Glycogen converted to glucose faster
Blood diverted to the muscles (for energy).
Effects that the relese of adrenalin causes
Heart beats faster to increase the delivery rate
of fuel and oxygen to muscles and remove their waste
products quickly.
Breathing increases. Active muscles need extra oxygen so they can use more fuel to get more energy.
Muscles able to work harder .Muscles need to be more
efficient as they prepare for ‘fight or flight’ situations.
Skin goes pale. Blood is diverted from the skin to essential organs and muscles.
Skin starts to sweat. We need to dissipate heat as
our muscles become active.
Type of hormone - Peptide hormone
Made of protein and produced by the anterior pituitary , parathoid gland , placenta , throid glnd and pancrease .
Travel through bloodstream until they find and interact with specific repetor on surface of their target cell
Steroid hormone
Secreted by the adrenal glands and the ovaries ( women ) and testtes ( men) .
Produced from cholesterol