Commercial rivalry
________ and open warfare were key characteristics in the relationship between the Greeks and the Phoenicians.
Early Roman society
________ was made up of households and village councils.
great civilization
The first ________ to emerge in Italy was that of the Etruscans.
religious leaders
Kings served as ________ and were the primary means of communication between gods and men.
________ have been regarded as a people whose origins, customs, and language are shrouded in mystery.
Primitive Rome
________ was made up of seven villages, all which developed independently of their Etruscan and Greek neighbors until the middle of the 7th century B.C.E.
Punic war
The First ________ lasted from 265 to 241 B.C.E.
________ had allied itself with Carthage against the Greek cities of Italy since its earliest days.
Roman preeminence
________ in Latium came to an end with the expulsion of the last king.
________ worshiped a variety of gods personifying the sun, the moon, dawn, Venus, and Mars.
________ suffered a setback (temporary) due to the Gaul's (or Celts) of northern Italy.
________ developed sophisticated means of divination.
________ introduced to Latium and Rome their political, religious, and economic traditions.