A Roman
How does the poem A Toast to Actium describe Marc Antony?
Who is Chaste and Faithful Galla addressed to?
mos maiorum
What is the Roman set of values called?
A Toast to Actium compares victories in Jugurtha and Carthage to the Battle of Actium
Which poem mentions Jugurtha and Carthage and how?
Historical Roman victories such as Jugurtha and Carthage
In A Toast to Actium, what historical events does Horace compare the Battle of Actium to?
Which poem over-exaggerates the threat of Cleopatra by saying she fled Rome suggesting she reached Rome?
The poem Cleopatra says she fled Rome suggesting she reached Rome
How is the threat over Cleopatra over-exaggerated in poetry?
A Toast to Actium and Metamorphoses
Which poems mention Octavian's victory against Sextus Pompey?
A Toast to Actium
Which poem mentions the Gauls deserting Marc Antony to join Octavian?
For a woman's sake
How does A Toast to Actium describe Antony's motive?
A Toast to Actium
Which poem says Antony fought "for a woman's sake"?
Drinks Roman wine (or from Roman territories)
How does Horace celebrate in A Toast to Actium?
Carmen Saeculare
Which poem asks the goddess of fertility to protect mothers?
A Toast to Actium emphasises that it was Caesar's triumph
Which poem disregards Agrippa's role in the Battle of Actium?
princeps civitatis
What title did Augustus have that meant First Citizen?
27 BCE which means First Citizen
When did Augustus become princeps civitatis and what does it translate to?
Which poem accuses Cleopatra of trying to destroy Rome?
Maddened queen
How is Cleopatra negatively described in the poem Cleopatra?
Describes her as a gentle dove and the Romans/Octavian as a sparrow-hawk
How might the poem Cleopatra be suggesting sympathy for Cleopatra?
When did Drusus die?
Which poem calls Cleopatra a gentle dove?
Which poem describes Cleopatra's death as noble?
He describes her suicide as noble and courageous
How does the poem Cleopatra suggest respect for Cleopatra?
Which poem describes Cleopatra as a maddened queen?
It suggests that they reached Rome (fled from Rome)
How does the poem Cleopatra make Marc Antony and Cleopatra seem more of a threat?
Romans are continuing to act sinfully like their parents
How does the poem Moral Decadence begin?
They have been neglected
According to Moral Decadence, why have the gods caused many woes for Rome?
Moral Decadence
Which poem discusses recent military failures?
Describes recent military failures such as Parthia
How does Moral Decadence emphasise the effect of immorality on Roman power?
What type of sin does the poem Moral Decadence prioritise?
She is taken part in foreign luxuries (Greek dancing)
In the poem Moral Decadence, other than adultery, how else is the woman behaving sinfully?
Her husband is aware and it is with non-Romans (Spanish)
In the poem Moral Decadence, what two things make the adultery even worse?
The heroes of the Punic wars
In the poem Moral Decadence, who does Horace contrast the young sinners with?
It suggests that moral decline will get worse when the sinners have children
How does the poem Moral Decadence end?
Augustus' 3 year campaign in Gaul
What historical event is the poem Augustus Returns in honour of?
His wife and sister are leading the religious ceremonies in his absence
How does the poem Augustus Returns strengthen the image of the Imperial Family?
Augustus Returns compares Augustus to Hercules
Which poem compares Augustus to Roman heroes (other than Aeneas) and how?
It suggests that young unmarried people's opinions should be ignored
How does the poem Augustus Returns promote the Julian Laws?
Augustus Returns
Which poem says unmarried people's opinions should be ignored?
Augustus Returns
Which poem instructs the Roman boys to organise a celebration?
In Augustus Returns, Horace does not fear civil war or being murdered
Which poem describes how Augustan Rome has made them feel safer and how?
Horace is unable to write a military poem as there is so much peace
How does the poem To Augustus begin?
The Ludi Saeculares
After what was the poem To Augustus released?
It describes the closing of the gates of Janus Quirinus
How does To Augustus emphasise the Pax Augusta?
To Augustus says he has restored the crops, returned the standards, revived ancient arts
According to which poem, what three things has the age of Augustus brought back?
To Augustus
Which poem say Augustus has Restored the crops, returned the standards and revived ancient arts?
To Augustus
Which poem mentions the closing of the gates of Janus Quirinus?
They have driven out crime
How does To Augustus describe the effect of the Julian Laws?
To Augustus says the fame and majesty of Rome has spread to the furthest regions of the empire
What does an Augustan poem say about the benefits of Augustus to the provinces?
To Augustus
Which poem describes the positive affects of the Julian laws (no crime no violence etc.)?
No civil war, no violence, no anger
What does the poem To Augustus say Rome is like when protected by Augustus?
To Augustus mentions areas that are only at peace with Rome saying they are under Roman rule and law
How does Augustus over-exaggerate the size of the empire in poetry?
To Augustus
Which poem has the Romans celebrate Troy, Anchises and Venus?
The Romans will celebrate Troy, Anchises and Venus
How does the poem To Augustus emphasise Augustus' ancestry?
As a time of celebration and traditional family values
What does To Augustus say the Golden Age is for Romans?
The Opening Ceremony of the Secular Games by young children
Where was the poem Carmen Saeculare sung and by who?
Apollo and Diana
Which two gods are worshipped in Carmen Saeculare?
How does the poem Carmen Saeculare describe youth?
The singers love the Seven Hills
How does the poem Carmen Saeculare emphasise the patriotism of the occasion?
New yet the same
How does the poem Carmen Saeculare describe the new Rome?
Asks the goddess of children and fertility to protect mothers so Rome will have more children
How does the poem Carmen Saeculare link to the Julian laws?
It was prophesied by the fates
In the poem Carmen Saeculare, what makes the Golden Age spiritual?
The crops and harvest will flourish
In Carmen Saeculare, how will the Golden Age benefit all Romans?
Carmen Saeculare
Which poem asks Apollo to bring peace?
Setting the stage for the freedom brought by Augustus
How does Carmen Saeculare depict Aeneas' purpose?
The soldiers leaving to retrieve the standards
Who does War and Peace address?
Mentions the journey of Aeneas
How does Carmen Saeculare link to Augustus' ancestry?
Venus, Aeneas and Anchises
Who does Carmen Saeculare remind us Augustus is related to?
Carmen Saeculare describes Augustus as "merciful to our fallen foe" Temple of Palatine Apollo describes how he may spare the Eastern quivers
How do two poems emphasise Augustus' merciful nature
Carmen Saeculare
Which poem describes Augustus as 'merciful to our fallen foe'?
In the Carmen Saeculare, it says the Parthians conceded out of fear as the Romans were so threatening
How does Augustus spin the Parthian settlement in the Carmen Saeculare?
Faith, Peace, Honour, Modesty, Virtue and Plenty
In Carmen Saeculare, which gods are returning to Rome?
Apollo, Jupiter and all of the gods
Who is described as fully supporting Rome in Carmen Saeculare?
A Toast to Actium, Cleopatra, Augustus Returns, Drusus and the Claudians, To Augustus, Moral Decadence and Carmen Saeculare
Name the poems written by Horace
War and Peace say war brings booty to all those fighting
How does which poem describe the benefits of war for soldiers?
In War and Peace, it is depicted as the soldiers duty to restore the pride of Romans
Which poem is used to inspire soldiers to retrieve the Parthian standards and how?
War and Peace says it will come under Roman control
What is the destiny of Parthia according to which poem?
Propertius hope that before he dies, Augustus will be showered in wealth and glory
What does War and Peace say about Augustus specifically
Who does Propertius ask to protect Rome in War and Peace?
Propertius says he won't be fighting
How does the poem War and Peace end?
Her obscene husband
How does Woman's power describe Marc Antony?
A Woman's Power says she wanted to give Rome as a gift to Antony
Which poem makes an interesting claim about Cleopatra's motive in the Battle of Actium?
In a Woman's Power they are depicted as amoral and violent and where Pompey was assassinated
How are Egyptian cities described in which poem?
That whor
How is Cleopatra described in Woman's Power?
Propertius shows that he hates women by his attack of historical and mythological women alongside Cleopatra such as Medea Allowing personal feelings to enter is a weakness of poem's as propaganda
How does Woman's Power reflect Propertius feelings and why is this notable?
In Woman's Power, she wanted to oppose Jupiter with Anubis
How did Cleopatra threaten Roman culture in which poem?
In a Woman's Power says that Rome was terrified of her
How does poetry legitimise the threat of Cleopatra (not "fled from Rome" thing)?
According to A Woman's Power, rule under Cleopatra would be worse than the last king of Rome
What political horror is Cleopatra compared to in which poem?
Woman's power
Which poem depicts Apollo supporting Rome during Actium at the end (not Palatine Apollo)?
Woman's power
Which poem depicts the foundation of Rome and several of Rome's victories?
They don't fear Jupiter
In Woman's power, how is Rome described as fearless?
He has left his wife Galla crying to go to war in order to greedily gain the spoils
Why is Propertius angry at Posthumus at the start of Chaste and faithful Galla?
What war is Chaste and faithful Galla referring to?
She is terrified that he will die
How does Propertius describe Galla waiting for Posthumus?
She is chaste and modest
How is Galla complimented by Propertius?
Have an affair and the spoils of war won't bring her back
What does Propertius subtly suggest Galla might do?
Odysseus and Penelope
Who are Posthumus and Galla compared to in Chaste and faithful Galla?
The journey of Odysseus
What is Posthumus' victory compared to in Chaste and faithful Galla?
The loyalty of Odysseus' wife Penelope
Who is Gallas compared to in Chaste and faithful Galla and what characteristic?
The Actian Games in Nikopolis, celebrated every four year
What event did the publishing of The Temple of Palatine Apollo coincide with?