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Criminal Law
focuses on wrongs against a person, property, or society
Civil Law
focuses on legal relationships between people and the protection of a person's rights
wrongful acts that do not involve contracts: occurs when a person is harmed or injured because a health care provider does not meet the established or expected standards of care.
the failure of a professional to use the degree of skill and learning commonly expected in that individual's profession, resulting in injury, loss, or damage to the person receiving care
failure to give care that is normally expected of a person in a particular position, resulting in injury to another person
a threat or attempt to injure
the unlawful touching of another person without consent
Informed consent
permission granted voluntarily by a person who is of sound mind after the procedure and all risks have been explained in terms the patient can understand
Invasion of Privacy
unnecessarily exposing an individual or revealing personal information about an individual without that person's consent
False Imprisonment
restraining an individual or restricting an individual's freedom
any care that results in physical harm, pain, or mental anguish
false statements either cause a person to be ridiculed or damage the person's reputation
written defamation
spoken defamation
Medical Malpractice Insurance
Average cost (doctors) is about $40,000 per year
OB/GYNs, surgeons
Some medical specialties pay higher rates: $100,000 - $200,000 per year
Parts of a Contract
1. Offer: a competent person enters into a relationship with a healthcare provider and offers to be a patient 2. Acceptance: the healthcare provider gives an appointment and treats the patient 3. Consideration: the payment made by the patient for the services provided
implied Contracts
obligations that are understood without verbally expressed terms
Expressed Contracts
stated in distinct and clear language, either orally or in writing
breached contract
If a contract is not performed according to the agreement, it is breached, and can be cause for legal action
legal disability
A person who has a legal disability cannot legally form a contract
person working under the supervision of an employer
principal's liability
The principal is responsible or liable for the actions of the agent and can be required to pay or otherwise compensate people who have been injured by the agent.