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Gestalt Psychology
Emphasizes the tendency to integrate pieces of information into meaningful wholes.
Differentiating the main object (figure) from the background (ground).
The perceptual tendency to organize stimuli into understandable groups.
The tendency to place items that look similar into a group.
The tendency to place objects that are physically close to each other in a group.
The tendency to look at the whole by filling in gaps in a perceptual field.
The tendency to perceive that movement of an object continues once it appears to move in a particular direction.
Depth Perception
Ability to see in three dimensions and judge distance.
Visual Cliff Experiment
Experiment that showed depth perception may be inborn to some extent.
Binocular Cues
Depth cues that use both eyes (e.g., retinal disparity, convergence).
Retinal Disparity
Is a depth cue from the slight differences between images seen by each eye.
Neuromuscular cues, when two eyes move inward (towards the nose) to see near objects and outward (away from the nose) to see faraway objects.
Monocular Cues
Depth cues that use one eye (e.g., relative size, interposition, texture gradient).
Relative Size
A depth cue using the perceived size of familiar objects; larger objects appear closer, while smaller ones seem farther away.
Interposition (Overlap)
Objects that block others are perceived as closer.
Texture Gradient
Distant objects have a smoother texture, while closer objects show more detail.
Relative Clarity
Distant objects appear hazier and less clear, often with a bluish tint.
Linear Perspective
Parallel lines seem to converge as they extend into the distance.
Perceptual Constancy
Objects are perceived as having consistent size, shape, and color despite changes in sensory input.
Size Constancy
Understanding that objects don't change size as they move closer or farther.
Shape Constancy
Recognition of the shape of objects even when viewed from different angles.
Lightness Constancy
Perception of consistent lightness regardless of lighting changes.
Illusions are misinterpretations of sensory stimuli.
Müller-Lyer Illusion
Misperception of line lengths.
Ames Room
Distorted room shape creates size illusions.
Hermann Grid
Dark spots perceived at intersections of a white grid.
Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
ESP refers to the perception of information not gained through known sensory channels.
Knowledge of future events.
Mind-to-mind communication.
Ability to perceive remote events.