Separation of the target population into groups, called strata, and the selection of samples from each stratum.
Divide target audience population into homogeneous subgroups/strata
Combine the samples into a single sample of the target population
has an equal number of positive and negative response alternatives
Very Satisfied
Very dissatisfied
Has more options on one side
Very Likely
Somewhat Likely
Very Unlikely
Understanding the Research Problem
Identifying and Developing Constructs
Establishing Detailed Data Requirements
Understanding the Scaling Properties
Selecting the Appropriate Measurement Scale
Confirm research objectives and information requirements
Select appropriate data collection method
Develop questions and scaling
Determine layout and evaluate questionnaire
Obtain initial client approval
Pretest, revise, and finalize questions
Implement survey
Question Format
Unstructured: open-ended questions formatted to allow respondents to reply in their own words - allow unlimited response - often skipped**
Structured: close-ended questions that require the respondent to chose from a predetermined set of responses or scale points
reduces respondents effort
easy to answer
Pretest: survey sent to 10-30 subjects
Pilot Study: 100-200 respondents of target population
Data collection
Data reduction
Data display
Conclusion drawing/verifying
Likert: This advertisement made me more likely to purchase a product from this company
Completely Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Completely Agree
Semantic Scale: How was your last experience purchasing a product from company? (Pleasant) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (Not Pleasant)