What is a hernia?
The protrusion of an organ, or part of it, through a defect in the wall of the anatomical cavity in which it normally resides
What are the types of hernias according to location?
What are the classifications of hernias?
What is the difference between direct and indirect hernias?
Direct hernias involve the intestine loop in direct contact with the skin, while indirect hernias are covered by the perineum
What are the causes of umbilical hernias in pigs?
Hereditary factors
Navel infection
Abnormal stretching of the umbilical cord during farrowing or improper placement of navel clips
What is the pathogenesis of umbilical hernias?
Weakness in supportive muscles around the navel area leads to failure of the umbilical opening to close properly, allowing intestines to protrude and form a "ball-like" structure
What problems can arise from umbilical hernias during slaughter?
Intestinal rupture and contamination of the carcass with intestinal contents
What are the treatment options for umbilical hernias?
Non-surgical repair
Surgical repair
What is the procedure for non-surgical repair of umbilical hernias in pigs?
Elastrator rings are applied close to the abdominal wall under azaperone sedation (0.5-1 ml/20 kg), leading to necrosis and eventual separation of the hernial sac
When does necrosis of the hernial sac occur with elastrator rings?
By day 7
When does the hernial sac separate with elastrator ring treatment?
Between days 21-28
What is a complication of non-surgical umbilical hernia repair?
Rings can slip distally over the hernial sac, resulting in oedema
What is the surgical repair of a hernia called?
What is the pre-surgical preparation for umbilical hernia repair?
Fasting for 12 hours and cleaning the affected area
What anaesthesia is used for surgical umbilical hernia repair?
Stresnil combined with ketamine
What are the surgical steps for umbilical hernia repair in female pigs?
Separation of muscle
Female: genital organs must be moved to one side, more complicated. Elliptical incision
Male: the prepuce, preputial diverticulum & penis should be reflected posteriorly or to one side
Incision: hernial sac is then isolated & dissected via the hernia ring. Adhesions are separated if necessary
Close hernia ring w/ interrupted mattress suture w/ absorbable material
Close subcutis w/ simple continuous, then close skin w/ ford interlocking
What is the post-surgical care for umbilical hernia repair?
Systemic antibiotics for 5 days and removal of skin sutures in 10-14 days
What is an inguinal hernia?
An anatomical defect where there is an abnormally large and patent vaginal orifice allowing abdominal organs to pass into the inguinal canal
What is the pathogenesis of scrotal hernias in pigs?
Failed obliteration of the processus vaginalis or failed closure of the internal inguinal ring after testicular descent
On which side are scrotal hernias more common in pigs?
The left side, about five times more frequently than the right
What is the treatment for scrotal hernias in piglets younger than 7 days?
Scrotal taping with duct tape, removed after 48 hours
What is the recommended approach for scrotal hernia repair before castration?
Surgical repair
How is the pig restrained for a surgical repair of a scrotal hernia?
Dorsal recumbency w/ hindquarters elevated
How is the inguinal and scrotal area prepared for scrotal hernia surgery?
Thoroughly cleaned and prepared
What is the surgical approach for scrotal hernia repair?
An oblique incision is made over the affected external inguinal ring
Once through the skin, the subcutaneous tissue & vaginal tunic are bluntly dissected – the tunic should be kept intact because this will keep the intestines contained
The entire hernial sac is removed through the inguinal incision
The tunic is massaged & the testicle is twisted to force the intestines into the peritoneal cavity
The tunic & spermatic cord cord are transfixed to the inguinal ring
If adhesion & incarceration are observed during surgical correction of a scrotal hernia, the vaginal tunic should be opened & the intestine dissected free
The inguinal ring is closed w/ interrupted or horizontal mattress sutures
Then bilateral castration
What additional procedure is performed after scrotal hernia repair?
Bilateral castration
What is the treatment for inguinal hernia after castration?
Clean and lavage the herniated bowel, enlarge the inguinal ring, replace the intestine, and suture the inguinal ring shut
How long are ATB given after castration?
5-7 days powder ATB onto incision site
Is it easier to perform umbilical surgery for a male or female?
Female. No prepuce.
Can females get inguinal hernias?
What is another method for inguinal hernia?
DON'T open! Twist the hernia and push into the inguinal canal. Sew together.