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Marine Environments
Habitats in oceans with high salt concentrations.
Is where 90% of all photosynthesis and free oxygen takes place in oceans.
Coastal Zones
These have warm and nutrient rich waters that extend to the edge of the continental shelf
The rising of the tides can be observed if it is an intertidal area where rocky shores are mostly found.
Open Sea
Part of the ocean that extends beyond the coastline starting where the continental shelf ends, inhabited by large marine species affected by various environmental factors.
Deep Sea
Cold ocean region with low dissolved oxygen levels, hosting organisms adapted to bioluminescence and surviving on drifting matter.
Freshwater Environments
They differ from marine environments in terms of salinity.
The temperature of the water fluctuates easily(oxygen supply can be limited).
Littoral Zone
Shallow water area near shores supporting aquatic plants, predatory insects, amphibians, and small fish.
Limnetic Zone
Refers to the area that is farther from shore but still closed to surface, inhabited by floating algae, planktons and fish.
Profundal Zone
Deepwater zone below the range of effective light penetration in lakes, housing bacteria and wormlike organisms feeding on debris. These live at the bottom of the lake. Not all lakes are deep enough to have profundal zones.
Productive areas where rivers meet the sea, providing nutrients, filtering sediments, cleaning water, and protecting coastal areas.
Ecosystems where freshwater/saltwater and land meet, categorized as inland or coastal, such as marshes, swamps, bogs, salt marshes, and mangrove swamps.
FALSE: 90% of all photosynthesis and free oxygen take place in oceans
TRUE OR FALSE: 70% of all photosynthesis and free oxygen take place in oceans
Many parts of the ocean habitats are classified by their depth, type of ocean bed, and amount of life.
How are Ocean Habitats classified?
Estuaries, coastal wetlands, mangroves, and coral reefs.
Name examples of Coastal Zones
Species here are affected by wave and wind activity, pressure, water temperature and prey.
What various environmental factors affect the species in the open sea?
Coastal Zones, Open Sea, and Deep Sea
Types of Ocean Habitats
The dissolved salt content of a body of water
Freshwater environments named as waterfalls or streams of water leading to rivers (0.3%)
Standing Water
Freshwater environments that stay still and don't move like downstream. These are usually Ponds or lakes (1.8%)
TRUE OR FALSE: Freshwater is strongly connected to terrestrial habitats; thus they are easily polluted with human activities.
Downstream and Standing Water
Two types of freshwater environments
FALSE: It is Estuaries that fit this definition
TRUE OR FALSE: The wetlands are mportant habitats for animals to hatch, but some people want to drain them for housing or farming.