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Acer nigrum
Family: Sapindaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Black Maple
Twig: Y
Leaf: Opposite, simple, concave, droopy, usually 3 lobed occasionally 5
Acer saccharum
Family: Sapindaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Sugar Maple
Twig: Y
Leaf: Opposite simple, 5 lobed
Family: Simaroubaceae
Physiognomy: Ad Tree
Common Name: Tree of Heaven
Twig: Y
Leaf: Alternate, pinnately compound, leaflets are ovate-lanceolate
Carpinus caroliniana
Family: Betulaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Musclewood, Blue Beech
Twig: Y
Leaf: Alternate, simple, doubly serrate, glaborous
Carya cordiformis
Family: Juglandaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Bitternut Hickory
Twig: Y
Leaf: Alternate, pinnately compound 7-9 leaflets, lanceolate
Euonymus obovatus
Family: Celastraceae
Physiognomy: Nt Shrub
Common Name: Running Strawberry Bush
Fagus grandifolia
Family: Fagaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: American Beech
Twig: Y
Leaf: alternate, simple, narrowly oblong-ovate, vein goes till each leaf tooth, slightly bristle tipped
Fraxinus americana
Family: Oleaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: White Ash
Leaf: Opposite, pinnately compound, leaflets usually 7-9, looks like hickory but more narrow at the top of the leaf. Serrate
Lindera benzoin
Family: Lauraceae
Physiognomy: Nt Shrub
Common Name: Spicebush
Family: Rosaceae
Physiognomy: Ad Tree
Common Name: Common Apple
Family: Moraceae
Physiognomy: Ad Tree
Common Name: White Mulberry
Twig: Y
Leaf: Alternate, simple, crenate-serrate
Ostrya virginiana
Family: Betulaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Ironwood; Hop Hornbeam
Twig: Y
Leaf: Alternate, simple, oblong/ovate, doubly serrate
Tilia americana
Family: Malvaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: American Basswood
Twig: Y
Leaf: Simple, Alternate, Sawtoothed, Slightly heart-shaped
Qualities of Acers (Typically)
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Leaf Type: Palmate
Leaf Shape: Lobed
Leaf Veins: Palmated
Aesculus glabra
Family: Sapindaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Ohio Buckeye
Leaf: opposite, palmately compound, usually 5 leaflets, rarely 7, oblanceolate, smells bad when bruised.
Carya glabra
Family: Juglandaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Pignut Hickory
Leaf: Alternate, pinnately compound, 5-7 leaflets, usually 5
Carya ovata
Family: Juglandaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Shagback Hickory
Leaf: Alternate, pinnately compound, 5 leaflets (almost always)
Juglans nigra
Family: Juglandaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Black Walnut
Leaf: pinnately compound, 13-23 leaflets, lanceolate rather than ovate.
Family: Caprifolia
Physiognomy: Ad shrub
Family: Caprifolia
Physiognomy: Ad Shrub
Prunus serotina
Family: Rosaceae
Physiognomy: Nt tree
Common Name: Black Cherry
Leaf: Alternate, simple, oval to oblong
Prunus virginiana
Family: Rosaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Choke Cherry'
leaf: Alternate, simple, obovate to oblong
Quercus alba
Family: Fagaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: White Oak
Leaf: simple, alternate, obovate to oblong, 5-9 lobes, no bristles, deep lobes
Quercus macrocarpa
Family: Fagaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Bur Oak
Leaf: Leaf: simple, alternate, obovate to oblong, 5-9 lobes, no bristles, deep lobes, pubescent underside of leaf different from white oak. Also broader upper portion of leaf
Quercus rubra
Family: Fagaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Northern Red Oak
Leaf: simple, alternate, obovate to oblong, 5-11 lobes, bristles,
Quercus velutina
Family: Fagaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Black Oak
Leaf: simple, alternate, obovate to oblong, 7 lobes, bristles,
Ulmus Americana
Family: Ulmaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Americana Elm
Leaf: alternat, simple, doubly serrate, base asymmetrical, usually glaborous, bristle tipped
Ulmus rubra
Family: Ulmaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Slippery Elm
Leaf: alternate, simple, doubly serrate, base asymmetrical, usually glaborous
Vitis Riparia
Family: VItaceae
Physiognomy: Nt-W-vine
Common Name: Riverbank Grape
Betula alleghaniensis
Family: Betulaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Yellow Birch
Leaf: Alternate, simple, doubly serrate, bristle tipped
Family: Celastraceae
Physiognomy: As W-Vine
Common Name: Asian Bittersweet
Cornus florida
Family: Cornaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Flowering dogwood
Leaf: Opposite, simple, closely clustered around twig.
Family: Elaeagnaceae
Physiognomy: Ad Shrub
Common Name: Autumn Olive
Hamamelis virginiana
Family: Hamamelidaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Witch-Hazel
Leaf: alternate, simple, oval-obovate, glabrous
Ilex verticillata
Family: Aquifolia
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Michigan Holly
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Family: Vitaceae
Physiognomy: Nt w-vine
Common Name: Virginia Creeper
Populus deltoides
Family: Salicaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Eastern cottonwood
Leaf: Alternate, simple, triangular, toothed, 20-25 rounded teeth per side, gland tipped
Populus tremuloides
Family: Salicaceae
Physiognomy: Nt tree
Common Name: Quaking Aspen
Leaf: Alternate simple, ovate to orbicular, finely serrate
Rhus glabra
Family: Anacardiaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Shrub
Common Name: Smooth Sumac
Family: Fabaceae
Physiognomy: Ad Tree
Common Name: Black Locust
Leaf: alternate, pinnately compound, 7-21 leaflets, oval
Sassafras albidum
Family: Lauraceae
Common Name: Sassafras
Leaf: Distinctive, with varying shapes (entire, lobed) and aromatic properties.
Toxicodendron radicans
Common Name: Poison Ivy
Family: Anacardiaceae
Description: A plant that can cause skin irritation upon contact due to the oil urushiol. It typically grows as a vine or shrub and is found in various habitats across North America.
Toxicodendron vernix
Family Name: Anacardiaceae
Common Name: Poison Sumac
Leaf: Compound leaves with 7-13 leaflets, smooth edges, and a glossy appearance.
Family: Adoxaceae
Physiognomy: Deciduous shrub
Common Name: Mapleleaf Viburnum
Leaf: Broadly ovate to maple-like, with a serrated margin, typically 3-5 lobed.
Viburnum Trilobum
Family: Adoxaceae
Physiognomy: Deciduous shrub
Common Name: Highbush Cranberry
Leaf: Tri-lobed, dark green, serrated edges
Common Name:
Family: Sapindaceae
Physiognomy: Deciduous tree
Common Name: Red Maple
Leaf: Lobed, serrated edges, typically green in summer, turning red/orange in fall.
Family: Rosaceae
Physiognomy: Deciduous tree or shrub
Common Name: Downy Serviceberry
Leaf: Simple, oval-shaped, serrated edges, green in summer, turning to yellow/orange in fall.
Family: Fagaceae
Common Name: American Chestnut
Physiognomy: Deciduous tree
Leaf: Simple, alternate, serrated edges, elongated shape, glossy green.
Family: Rubiaceae
Common Name: Buttonbush
Physiognomy: Deciduous shrub
Leaf: Opposite, simple, elliptical to ovate leaves.
Family: Cornaceae
Physiognomy: Deciduous shrub or small tree
Common Name: Gray Dogwood
Leaf: Opposite, simple, ovate to lanceolate, with smooth margins.
Decodon Verticillatus
Family: Lythraceae
Physiognomy: Nt Shrub
Common Name: Swamp Loosestrife
Leaf: simple, opposite,lanceoate
Dirca palustris
Family: Thymelaeaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Leatherwood
Leaf: simple, alternate
Fraxinus nigra
Family: Oleaceae
Physiognomy: Nt
Common Name: Black Ash
Leaf: opposite, pinnately compound, differentiated from white ash by the lack of substantial petioles on leaflets. tips are less sharp as well
Liriodendron tulipfera
Family: Magnoliaceae
Physiognomy: Nt tree
Common Name: Tulip tree
Leaf: simple, alternate, lobed, 4-6 lobes,
Rhus typhina
Family: Anacardiaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Staghorn sumac
Leaf: alternate pinnately compound, ………
Quercus ellipsoidalis
Family: Fagaceae
Physiognomy: Nt tree
Common Name: Northern Pin Oak
Leaf: alternate, simple, deeply lobed with sharp tips, 5-7 lobes, “skinny”
Salix amygdaloides
Family: Salicaceae
Physiognomy: Nt tree
Common Name: Peach-leaved willow
Leaf: simple, alternate, lanceoate, similar to a peach
Salix exigua
Family: Salicaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Shrub
Common Name: Sandbar willow
Leaf: alternate, simple, looks kinda like thin rosemary
Sambucus canadensis
Family: Adoxaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Elderberry
Leaf: pinnately compound, opposite, hickory like but more spade shape with uniform thickness.
Thuja occidentalis
Family: Cupressaceae
Physiognomy: Nt tree
Common Name:Arbor vitae
Leaf: scale-like, fan like pattern, evergreen
Acer Saccharinum
Family: Sapindaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Silver Maple
Leaf: 5 lobes, Opposite, turns yellow in fall (typically) as opposed to red with other maples, very deep lobes, and overall skinnier look than other maple leaves
Asimina trilobum
Family: Annonaceae
Physiognomy: Nt tree
Common Name: pawpaw
Leaf: simple, opposite, large dark green, super obovate
Celtis occidentalis
Family: Cannabaceae
Physiognomy:Nt tree
Common Name: Hackberry
Leaf: simple, alternate, asymmetrical, bristle tipped, lightly serrate
Cercis Canadensis
Family: Fabaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Redbud
Leaf: alternate, simple, heart shaped, sharp point at the bottom
Cornus alternifolia
Family: Cornaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Trree
Common Name: Alternate-leaved dogwood
Leaf: Alternate unlike other dogwoods, simple, latex inside,
Crataegus Sp……..
Family: Rosaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Hawthorn
Leaf: …….
Euonymus alatus
Family: Celastraceae
Physiognomy: ad shrub
Common Name: Winged wahoo
Leaf: opposite, simple, lanceoate,
Euonymus atropurpureus
Family: Celastraceae
Physiognomy: Nt Shrub
Common Name: Burning bush
Leaf: opposite, simple elliptical, finely serrrate
Frangula alnus
Family: Rhamnaceae
Physiognomy: Ad tree
Common Name: Glossy Buckthorn
Leaf: smooth, glossy, simple, alternate
Gymnocladus dioicus
Family: Fabaceae
Physiognomy: nt tree
Common Name: Kentucky Coffee tree
Leaf: alternate, doubly pinnate, 40+ leaflets
Platanus occidentalis
Family: PLatanaceae
Physiognomy: Nt tree
Common Name: American Sycamore
Leaf: alternate, simple, 3-5 lobes, coarse serration teeth
Rhamnus cathartica
Family: Rhamnaceae
Physiognomy: ad tree
Common Name: Common buckthorn
Leaf: oval, simple, falsely opposite (alternate)
Staphylea trifolia
Family: Staphyleaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Bladdernut
Leaf: Compound, 3 leaflets, opposite, oval, deeply serrate
Rhus aromatica
Family: Anacardiaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Fragnant Sumac
Leaf: compound, alternate, leaflets 3 lobed, vaguely ovate shaped.
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Family: Oleaceae
Physiognomy: Nt tree
Common Name: Red Ash/Green ash
Leaf: opposite. pinnately compound 5-9 leaflets, serrate
Fraxinus quadrangulata
Family: Oleaceae
Physiognomy: Nt tree
Common Name: Blue Ash
Leaf: opposite, pinnately compound, 5-11 leaflets, serrate.
Viburnum lentago
Family: Adoxaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Nannyberry
Leaf: simple, 2 leaves per node, lightly serrate,
Corylus americana
Family: Betulaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Hazelnut
Leaf: simple, alternate, ovate with sharp tip, finely serrate
Gaylussacia baccata
Family: Ericaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Huckleberry
Leaf: alternately along the stem, forming a flat plane. The leaves are typically oval or egg-shaped, with serrated edges and a leathery feel. The leaves are usually bright green and glossy on top, and lighter in color beneath
Nyssa sylvatica
Family: Nyssaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Tupelo (Black)
Leaf: simple, alternate, glossy, oblong/ovate, grow in an circle kinda
Quercus bicolor
Family: Fagaceae
Physiognomy: Nt tree
Common Name: Swamp White Oak
Leaf: very distinct from the rest of the oaks, Overall shape/outline is similar to bur oak, however the lobes are extremely shallow. Alternate, simple
Quercus palustris
Family: Fagaceae
Physiognomy: NT tree
Common Name: Pin oak
Leaf: simple, alternate, shiny, shallow, 5-7 lobes
Rhus copallina
Family: Anacardiaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Shrub
Common Name: Winged Sumac
Leaf: pinnately compound, alternate, 9-21 leaflets, shinier than other sumac leaves, lanceoate
Ribes cynosbati
Family: Grossulariaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Prickly gooseberry
Leaf: pubescent on undersite, simple, palmate veination similar to maples, rounded edges. If maples had a “bur oak” equivalent in their leaves it would be this plants’ leaves.
Rosa multiflora
Family: Rosaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Multiflora rose
Leaf: Pinnately compound, luster, 7-9 leaflets, elliptical, serrate. similar to black ash (no petioles) but much smaller with different leaflet shape, and no bristle tip.
Rubus allegheniensis
Family: Rosaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Highbush Blackberry.
Leaf: palmately compound, 3-5 leaflets (often 5), very pronounced veins, oval/oblong, hairless on top with small hairs underneath.
Rubus occidentalis
Family: Rosaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Shrub
Common Name: Black Raspberry
Leaf: Leaf: palmately compound or pinnately compound (usually pinnately), 3-5 leaflets (usually 3), very pronounced veins, oval/oblong, hairless on top with small hairs underneath.
Smilax hispida
Family: Smilcaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Vine
Common Name: Bristly green-brier
Leaf: alternate, simple, ovate to heart shaped, Large leaf, sharp tip
Spiraea alba
Family: Rosaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Meadowsweet
Leaf: pinnately compound, 5-90
Vaccinium angustifolium
Family: Ericaceae
Physiognomy: NT shrub
Common Name: Low sweet Blueberry
Leaf: aternate, simple, lanceolate, skinnier smaller leaves than the other blueberry.
Vaccinium corymbosum
Family: Ericaceae
Physiognomy: Nt shrub
Common Name: Highbush Blueberry
Leaf: alternate, simple, ovate, waxy on top, slightly hairy on underside, larger leaf than lowsweet blueberry.
Zanthoxylum americanum
Family: Rutaceae
Physiognomy: Nt Tree
Common Name: Prickly-Ash
Leaf: Pinnately compound, alternate, no petiole, leaf main stem turns red, 5-11 leaflets, kinda looks like sumac….
Acer Negundo
Family: Sapindaceae
Physiognomy: Nt tree
Common Name: Box elder
Leaf: opposite, pinnately compound, 3-5 leaflets, looks like poison ivy however poison ivy is alternate.
Berberis thunbergii
Family: Berberidaceae
Physiognomy: Ad shrub
Common Name: Japanese Barberry
Leaf: whorled sprouts from alternate sprouting/branching areas, simple, small, oval/spoon shaped. small thorns along stem.
Picea abies
Family: Pinaceae
Physiognomy: Ad tree
Common Name: Norway Spruce
Leaf: one needle per node, rounded needles, 4 sided needle
Picea glauca
Family: Pinaceae
Physiognomy:Nt Tree
Common Name: White spruce
Pinus banksiana
Family: Pinaceae
Physiognomy: Nt tree
Common Name: Jack pine
Leaf: 2 needles per bundle, pine cones often curved and relatively thin.
Pinus nigra
Family: Pinaceae
Physiognomy: AD tree
Common Name: Austrian Pine
Leaf: 2 needles per node,
Pinus resinosa
Family: Pinaceae
Physiognomy: Nt tree
Common Name: Red Pine