Franking privilege
Members of congress can mail newsletters and documents to constituents for free using their signature instead of having to pay for a postage stamp
Delegate model of representation
Value reelection over every other consideration and do what their district/constituents want
Trustee model of representation
Use their best judgment on issues without regard to their district’s preferences, focusing on big issues
Politico model of representation
Representatives first put their own judgment on an issue (trustee) until their constituents become vocal, then they turn delegate
Senate majority/minority whips
A senator who helps the majority or minority leader stay informed about what party members are thinking and rounds members up for important votes
Steering committee/ Committee on committees
Steering committee (democrat) and the committee on committees (republican) are groups that assign senators to the standing committee
Standing committee
responsible for legislation within a certain subject area, are permanent
Senate majority leader powers
Schedules the business of the senate and is recognized first on the debate floor
Speaker of the house powers
Decides who will be recognized to speak on the floor
Influences what bills are brought up to vote
Rules whether a motion is germane
Appoints members to committees
Nominates majority-party members
Congressional Caucus
An association created under a common issue/goal to advocate a political ideology or a regional, ethnic, or economic interest. Used to show their constituents they care about certain issues and are a leader. (ex: black caucus, conservative caucus, midwest caucus)
Select/Special committee
Appointed for a limited time and purpose, example Watergate committee and January 6 committee
Joint committee
Both senators and representatives are members
Conference committee
Representatives and senators appointed to resolve differences in the senate and house versions of the same bill
Descriptive representation
Idea an elected body should mirror demographically the people they represent
Substantive representation
Ability of a legislator to represent the interest of a demographic group they don’t belong to
Drawing of district boundaries in bizarre shapes in order to make it easier for one party to win an election in the house. This leads to more safe districts. Districts are drawn by majority party in state legislature.
Representation in each district is no longer proportionate to it’s population due to population shifts and the redrawing of district boundaries, causing the value of individual votes to be unequal
Redistributing of house seats among the districts to reflect population changes, happens every 10 years after a census
Any attempt by a senator to delay or block action on a bill
Cloture motion
Breaks a filibuster in the senate and ends discussion on a bill if 60 people (supermajority) vote for cloture
Congressional agencies
Organizations of congressional staffers who provide members with specialized knowledge or necessary services, benefiting congress as a whole (ex: GAO, CBO)
Discharge petition
A petition only in the house, that a bill in a committee may be brought to the floor after 30 days (requires 218 votes, a majority)
Open rules in house
Permits amendments on the floor of the house
Closed rules in house
Sets a time limit on debate and forbids a bill from being amended on the floor
A provision added to legislation in the senate not relevant to its purpose to make a president veto a bill, sign an objectionable bill, or to add something that the chief executive really wants done
Affirmative action
A program designed to increase minority participation in some institution
Baker v Carr
Tennessee had not redrawn its legislative district lines since 1901, despite a large shift of people moving from rural areas to urban areas.
Court ruled that congressional districts must have equivalent populations to avoid malapportionment. Created the principle of one person one vote.
Shaw v Reno
Geographically disparate districts that are drawn solely on the basis of race resemble racial segregation, violating the equal protection clause. This case gave courts power to shut down racial gerrymandering
Federalist 51
Ambition must counteract ambition and men aren’t angels
The constitution sets up a system of checks and balances, federalism, and separation of powers making sure power is split between branches and levels, and no one branch or level gets too powerful.
large republic= more factions= preventing tyranny of the majority
Committee chairs
Determines the committee’s agenda, schedules all votes of the committee, preside over all committee proceedings. Selected by senoirty or secret ballot always from the MAJORITY party.
Marginal v Safe districts
Marginal: candidates win in close elections, less than 55% of the vote
Safe: incumbents win by margins of 55% or more
Party polarization
A vote in Congress in which a majority of voting Democrats vote one way and the majority of Republicans vote the other way
Government shutdown
When Congress and the President cannot agree on a budget to fund the federal government. There is no money appropriated to continue running parts of the federal government