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Properties of Language
Ability to understand past, future, or imaginary events through language
The proper order of symbols in a language
Surface Structure
The symbols used in language and their order
Deep Structure
The underlying meaning from combining words
How social context effects our understanding of language
Ex. Asking “do you have the time?” vs “I don’t understand this, do you have the time?”
Garden Path Sentences
Show how we interpret sentences linearly and not as a whole
Ex. The old man the ships
Sensitive Period
Time in someone’s life where they are quicker to learn a certain skill
Critical Period
Time in someone’s life where if a certain skill is not developed, it will later be significantly harder or impossible
Focused Thinking
Goal based and focused on problem solving
Unfocused Thinking
Includes daydreaming and unintentional creative thinking
Imaginal Thought
Images that we can see, hear, or think of in our minds
Motoric Thought
Mental representations of a physical movement
Negative Set
Tendency to solve problems in a particular way even when another approach is more effective
Functional Fixedness
Being fixed in perception, unaware of alternate functions/interpretations
Availability Heuristic
Making assumptions based on what is already known
Judging events based on how easily we think of related examples
Urge to prove something right before considering it as wrong
Look for evidence that confirms and ignore evidence that contradicts
The ability to acquire knowledge, think and reason effectively, and adapt to environmental changes
Francis Galton
Intelligence is entirely inherited
Believed upper class was genetically superior to lower class
Set stage for attempts to measure intelligence
Alfred Binet
Mental abilities evolve with age at a constant rate unique to everyone
Developed concept of mental age, which became a part of IQ measures
William Stern
Creator of IQ tests
Calculated by dividing mental age by actual age and multiplying by 100
Crystallized Intelligence
Ability to apply previously acquired knowledge to present situations
Fluid Intelligence
Ability to deal with situations with no prior knowledge
Two-Factor Theory
G Factor: General Intelligence that remains stable
S Factor: Specific Intelligence that varies within individuals
Triarchic Theory
Meta Components
Problem solving skills
Performance Components
Mental processes used to perform a task
Knowledge-Acquisition Components
Learning and storing information
Expectancy Theory
Behaviour is determined by your expectations for what goals will be met based on your actions (and how those goals are valued)
Explains why people respond differently to the same incentive
Self-Determination Theory
3 Fundamental needs for fulfillment
Achievement Motivation
Desire to accomplish tasks and attain standards of excellence
Can either motivate success or cause fear or failure
Mastery Goals
Intrinsic motivation to acquire new skills for the sake of it
Performance Approach Goals
Extrinsic motivation from social goals
Performance Avoidance Goals
Demotivator due to fear of failure outweighing desire for success
Thematic Apperception Test
Series of pictures of scenes where respondents tell a story of what they think if happening
Reveals subconscious personality
Humanistic View
We are motivated based on the hierarchy of needs
Feelings consisting of cognitive, psychological, and behavioural reactions to events that influence our goals
Expressive Behaviours
Physically reacting to our emotions
Instrumental Behaviours
Ways in which we try to adapt to the stimulus causing our emotions
Ex. Studying for a test that is making you anxious
Cognitive Components of Emotion
The context in which we perceive the stimulus influences our emotional reaction
Ex. A phone call in the middle of the night will make you worried, whereas it won’t in the day
Lazarus’ Cognitive Appraisal Theory
We conduct a cognitive appraisal of stimuli and THEN react relative to how the stimuli is perceived
Duper’s Delight
Slight smile people often let out after lying
Inability to perfectly mask or replicate faked emotions
ex. Genuine smile will cause muscle tension around eyes that is hard to fake
Large Somatic Theory
Physiological reactions inform our emotional responses
Bard Theory
Thalamus sends information to cerebral cortex and internal organs simultaneously
Physical and emotional reactions occur at once
Piaget’s Stage Model
The brain builds new or alters old schemas to adapt to new information
Sensorimotor Stage
First 2 years of life
Understand world through physical interactions
Preoperational Stage
2-7 years old
View the world exactly as it is
Concrete Operational Stage
Show reversible thinking but lack abstract reasoning
Easily able to perform basic tasks
Formal Operational Stage
Can think logically about abstract problems
Able to form and test hypotheses
Zone of Proximal Development
Tasks that can be achieved with assistance
Provide insight into what abilities are developing
Theory of Mind
The ability to understand that others hold unique and different thoughts, desires, and knowledge
Develops around 3-4
Lev Vygotsky
Whorfian Hypothesis
The language you know shapes how you think about the world
Biological Language
Acquiring language depends on brain chemistry
There is a sensitive period of language acquisition
Environmental Language
Social learning guides language acquisition
Formal education is important
Psychological Language
Cognitive processes are involved in learning a language
Language influences how we think
Procedures that automatically generate correct solutions to problems
General rules that can be applied to various problems
Means-End Analysis
A problem solving device in which you identify a goal and compare the difference between your goal and present situation
Subgoal Analysis
Approaching a larger problem by creating subgoals
Representative Heuristic
Making predictions based off of what we already know
Study of the statistical properties of psychological tests
Series of subtests that fall into 4 index scales
Verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed
Achievement Test
Measure of one’s accomplishment in a particular subject based on a standardized set of experiences
Aptitude Test
Measure of ability to gain from further experience/training in a given subject
Test-Retest Ability
Consistency of results over time
Internal Consistency
The correlation between items on a test, suggesting they are measuring a common characteristic
Interjudge Reliability
The extent to which different judges will find the same results on a test
Flynn Effect/Rising Curve
Average IQ has become progressively higher
Likely due to better education, nutrition, and learning environments
Static Testing
Scores are sole reflection of ability based on extremely detailed instructions
Dynamic Testing
Subjects are given advice on how to improve after standard testing
Measures ability to utilize advice and improve
Theory of Successful Intelligence
Intelligence is based on what is required to meet a given culture’s measure of success
Drive Theory
Physiological disruptions motivate us in ways to reduce tension
Ex. Hunger energizes you to find food
Adding extrinsic motivation to something that is enjoyed intrinsically may reduce intrinsic motivation
Ex. When you’re paid to do your hobby it becomes a job
Approach-Approach Conflict
Conflict between attraction to two incompatible goals
One must be sacrificed to achieve the other
Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict
Choosing between two alternatives, neither of which are desired
Approach-Avoidance Conflict
Simultaneously being attracted and repelled by the same goal
Ex. changing majors at the cost of having to do more school
Environmental agents that can cause abnormal prenatal development
Ex. HIV, Zika, Rubella
Cupboard Theory
Babies attach to mothers because they provide food
Doesn’t make sense because babies fw everyone
Harlow’s Monkeys
Babies enjoy food in ADDITION to nurture and warmth
Indiscriminate Attachment
All behaviours that evoke caregiving result in attachment from infant
Discriminant Attachment
3+ months
infants direct attachment towards familiar caregivers
Specific Behaviour Attachment
7-8+ months
Infants direct attachment towards specific caregivers
Secure Attachment
Happy in presence, stressed without, happy upon return
Post Formal Thought
Ability to reason logically about opposing viewpoints and accept contradictions