2 ~ fluid flow + sediment transport

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what is hydrodynamics?

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what is hydrodynamics?

study of flow + behaviour of sediment particles

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what is fluid flow?

entrainment of sediment particles by fluids (water, air, water/sediment mix)

gravity of pressure driven flows

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what is a fluid?

substance that continually flows under applied shear stress

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what is fluid viscosity?

measure of ability of fluid flow

low visc - flow readily

high visc - flow sluggishly

temp dependent - flow faster with inc T

flow by internal shear

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what is newtons law of viscosity?

relationship between shear stress and fluid flow

<p>relationship between shear stress and fluid flow</p>
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what is the shear box experiment?

viscous fluid sheared btwn 2 plates

lower plate immobile, upper plate moves to the right

laminar shear transmitted through fluid

velocity increases upward

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what is reynolds experiment?

inject dye streak int fluid moving and constant velocity through tube

varied fluid density, tube diameter and velocity of flow

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what were the results of reynolds experiment?

low discharge - dye follows straight path

med discharge - dye follows wavy path

high discharge - dye rapidly mixed with fluid

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what are the 3 types of flow behaviours?

laminar (low) - fluid molecule follows straight path parallel to boundaries of the tube

transitional (med) - fluid molecules follow wavy parallel path

turbulent (high) - fluid molecules follow very complex path that mixes

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what is reynolds number?

predicts transition from laminar to turbulent flow

<p>predicts transition from laminar to turbulent flow </p>
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what is the turbulent flow structure?

velocity increases upward

outer layer - fully turbulent, not affected by bed friction

transition layer - intermediate between laminar and turbulent

viscous sub layer - thin layer, laminar flow

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what is hydraulic roughness?

smooth bed - particles withing VSL, low flow rate, behaves laminar

rough bed - particles above VSL, VSL thins, particles subject to eddies

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what are the 3 forces on the particle?

lift force (upwards)

drag force (parallel to bed)

gravity force (downwards)

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how does the lift force act on a grain?

flow lines converge over grain

inc in velocity + dec in pressure at top

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how does gravity act on the grain?

opposes lift force

acts to keep grain on bed

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what is fluid force?

result of lift force and drag force

is diagonal

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what is a bed load?

sediment that resides on bed but goes into transport during high flow events

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what are the types of bed loads?

contant - sliding/rolling

saltation - jump/hop along

suspensive saltation - longer trajectory of hopping

intermittent suspension

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what is a suspended load?

sediment suspended in upper region of turbulent flow

continuous - eddies keep particles aloft

intermittent - grains periodically drop back to bed

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what is a wash load?

silt and clay size material remains in suspension even during low flow events

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what is stokes law?

falling particles reach terminal fall velocity where drag and buoyancy forces are balanced by gravity

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what are the complications of stokes law?

natural grains are not perfect spheres

grains are in contact as they settle - clump and collide

grains larger than fine sand fall fast enough to cause turbulent eddies

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what did hjulstrom determine?

determined critical velocity for entrainment/transport experimentally

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what is cohesion?

clay + fine silts are cohesive sediments

held together by electrostatic forces

  • must break bonds to erode clay

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what is shields diagram?

determine critical boundary shear stress required to initiate entrainment of spherical grains of varying diameters n density

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what is middletons diagram?

particles will remain in suspension when the shear velocity exceeds settling velocity

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