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How many deaths per 100,000 live births?
How many are preventable?
19, ½
___ women die every day during pregnancy and childbirth in the US
Normal menstrual cycle duration ___ days. Can vary: ___
28; 21-35
__ phase involves forming a mature egg.
__ phase lasts 10-14 days
During the follicular phase, ___ is released.
__ phase lasts 1 day
During ___, the mature follicle ruptures in response to a surge in LH.
during ovulation, an ____ is released
The ___ begins at ovulation and lasts until the menstrual phase of the next cycle.
The follicle after rupturing forms the ___ which secretes progesterone.
corpus luteum
During luteal phase, the body temp increases ___ F
What hormone is involved in maintaining a pregnancy?
__ preserves the corpus luteum and progesterone production
What is a zygote?
Fertilized ovum
hCG levels __ every 48-72 hours in the early weeks of pregnancy
amniotic fluid is composed of:
98% water and 2% organic matter
__ contains albumin, urea, uric acid, creatinine, bilirubin, lecithin (mix of fats), sphingomyelin (lipid found in myelin sheath), epithelial cells, vernix & lanugo
amniotic fluid
< 500 mL of amniotic fluid is referred to as ___
>2000 mL of amniotic fluid is referred to as ___
oligohydramnios is associated with: ___
uteroplacental insufficiency and renal insufficiency
polyhydramnios is associated with: __
maternal diabetes, neural tube defects, chromosomal variations, malformations of the CNS, GI alterations
__ is a polyploidy condition that is diagnosed by genetic testing
Down syndrome
Patient presents with small, low set ears, hyperflexibility, muscle hypotonia , wide spaced eyes , ulnar loop on the second digit , simian crease , fat facial profile, small white spots on irises, open mouth with protruding tongue. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Down Syndrome
This condition follows an autosomal recessive inheritance that is characterized insufficient activity of the enzyme hexosaminidase A.
Tay Sachs Disease
Immunoglobulin that crosses the placenta is called __
What immunoglobulin is found in the colostrum?
The __ is made up of 1 large vein (O2) and 2 small arteries (CO2) surrounded by Wharton's Jelly
umbilical cord
__ is made by the placenta and functions to maintain endometrium, decrease contractility of the uterus, stimulate maternal metabolism & breast development
__ preserves the corpus luteum and its progesterone production
__: enlargement of the women’s breast, uterus, and external genitalia.
___ Stimulates myometrial contractility (Braxton Hicks)
__ relaxation of the pelvic ligaments, softens the cervix in preparation of birth
__ regulates fetal and maternal metabolism, development of breast for lactation, decreases maternal glucose utilization (increase glucose avail to fetus)
Protecting the fetus from immune attack by mothers immune system is a function of the __
Weeks of gestation for full term
37-42 weeks
number of times a woman has been pregnant
term births (after 37 weeks)
pregnancies delivered from 20-37 weeks
number of miscarriages ending before 20 weeks
number of living children
First day of LMP - 3 months + 7 days + 1 year
Naegele’s rule
How to determine delivery day if the patient has irregular periods?
CBC, blood typing, Rh factor, rubella titer, urinalysis, renal function, pap smear are all __
prenatal labs
tuberculin skin test, STI, HIV, hep B surface antigen, VDRL, RPR testing, glucose tolerance are all __
prenatal tests
Pregnant blood volume should increase 50% above non pregnant levels by the __th week
Increase in blood volume begins at __ weeks and peaks at __ weeks.
10-12, 32-34
Maternal HR should increase __ bpm
BP should decrease 5-10 mm Hg by the __ trimester.
Pregnancy makes the woman __ due to an increase increase in fibrin, plasma, fibrinogen levels.
Amenorrhea, fatigue, breast tenderness, n/v, urinary frequency are all __
presumptive signs
hyperpigmentation, fetal movement, uterine enlargement, & breast enlargement are all __
presumptive signs
braxon hicks contraction, abdominal uterine enlargement and positive pregnancy test are all __
probable signs
Ballottement can be done in how many weeks?
Ballottement is a
probable sign
Hegar sign can be done in how many weeks
Hegar sign is a
probable sign
Chadwick’s sign can be checked in how many weeks?
Chadwick’s sign is a
probable sign
Goodell's sign can be checked at how many weeks
Goodell's sign is a
probable sign
What is this
What this
Hegars sign
What is this
Chadwick’s sign
What is this
Goodell’s sign
Ultrasound, fetal movement felt by experienced clinician, and auscultation of fetal heart tones via doppler are all
positive signs
Measuring __ involves using a tape measure and measuring from the top of the uterus to top of pubic bone
fundal height
__ presents as decreased CO, BP, and increased orthostatic stress. Advised to encourage patient to lay on her side.
Vena cava syndrome
Excessive salivation or __ is one of the GI signs during pregnancy
__ conflicting feelings is the most common in the first trimester
__: mother become increasingly preoccupied with herself and her fetus (early part of pregnancy)
__: physical changes of the growing fetus, enlarging abdomen and fetal movement, bring reality and validity to the pregnancy (second semester)
__: Emotional lability is characteristic throughout most pregnancies
Mood swings
__: pregnancy affects a woman’s body image varies greatly from person to person
Changes in body image
__ occurs d/t progesterone, estrogen, and melanocyte stimulating hormone levels
__ aka mask of pregnancy occurs in about 70% of pregnant women
__: pigmented line down middle of abdomen
Linea nigra
__: stretch marks reduce connective tissue strength at 6-7 months
Striae gravidarum
__ occur due to poor circulation and uterus compression
Varicose veins
__ refers to spontaneous, irregular, painless contractions
Braxton hicks contractions
Advise a patient to hydrate, rest in side lying position, and teach breathing techniques if they are experiencing
braxton hicks
Amount of water recommended per day for pregnant women
8 glasses
Fetal movement starts in ___ weeks
If fetal movement lasts longer than __ call the HCP
2 hours
decrease fluid intake before bedtime, reduce caffeinated beverages, and kegel exercises are all interventions for ___
Urinary frequency/incontinence
Side lying position, release pressure in blood vessels is a recommendation for a pregnant woman experiencing
Eat small frequent meals, bland, low fat is a recommendation for a pregnant woman experiencing
Wear larger bra with good support is a recommendation for pregnant woman experiencing
breast tenderness
__ is the flow of a whitish, yellowish, or greenish discharge from the vagina of the female that may be normal or that may be a sign of infection
shark, swordfish, king mackerel, orange roughy, ahi tuna, tilefish are all things that should be __ during pregnancy
Hot dogs, lunch meat, deli meat should be __ during pregnancy
soft cheese should be __ during pregnancy
Refrigerated pate or meat spreads should be __ during pregnancy
Refrigerated smoked seafood should be __ during pregnancy
Refrigerated smoked seafood should be __ during pregnancy
artificial sweeteners should be __ during pregnancy
shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, catfish, tilapia, cod should be __ during pregnancy
Peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, broccoli, salmon, kale, and molasses all include __
Lactose free dairy products or calcium enriched orange juice or soy milk should be given as a Ca replacement for __
lactose intolerance
__: omit red meat, fish, and poultry but eat eggs, milk, and dairy products along with plant-based foods.