the target cell’s detection of a signal molecule coming from outside the cell (every single diagram)
the conversion of the signal to a form that can bring about a specific cellular response (every single diagram)
the specific cellular response to the signal molecule (every single diagram)
a protein molecule on a target cell that binds to specific signal molecules, initiating a cellular response. (typically polar) eg: CCPRs, RTKs, Ligand Gated Ion Channels
local signaling
signaling to nearby/adjacent cells (eg: gap junctions, plasmodesmata)
paracrine signaling
a form of local signaling where signal molecules are released by cells and affect nearby target cells. (more than one cell)
synaptic signaling
a type of signaling in which neurotransmitters are released from a neuron and bind to receptors on a nearby target cell, such as another neuron or a muscle cell.
long-distance signaling
a type of signaling where hormones (signal molecule) or other signaling molecules are transported/secreted through the bloodstream to distant target cells.
molecules that bind to receptors on target cells, initiating a cellular response. (signal molecules) these are very specific to their receptors and can include hormones, neurotransmitters, and growth factors.
intracellular recpetors
receptors located inside the cell that bind to ligands that can pass through the cell membrane, such as steroid hormones, to initiate a cellular response.
nuclear response
The cellular response initiated by the binding of ligands to intracellular receptors in the nucleus, often leading to changes in gene expression.
cytoplasmic response
The cellular response initiated by the binding of ligands to intracellular receptors in the cytoplasm, typically resulting in changes in cellular activities or functions.
cellular death (a process of programmed cell death when a cell, is infected, damaged, or has reached the end of their functional life span)
endocrine signaling
A form of cell signaling where hormones are released into the bloodstream and travel to distant target cells, triggering specific responses.
juxtacrine signaling
a form of local signaling where ligands are released from a cell and reach an adjacent cell
autocrine signaling
a form of local signaling where the target cell releases its own hormones