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the study of behavior and mental processes
used introspection to determine the underlying structures of the mind
need to analyze the purpose of behavior
psychoanalytic/dynamic approach
unconscious, childhood
behavioral approach
learned, reinforced
humanistic approach
free will, choice, ideal, actualization
cognitive approach
perceptions, thoughts
evolutionary approach
biological approach
brain, Neurotransmitters
sociocultural approach
biopsychosocial approach
order of approaches (1870s to now)
structuralism, functionalism, psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, evolutionary, biological, sociocultural, bio psychosocial
mary calkins
first female president of APA
margaret floy washburn
first female to get a PhD
charles darwin
natural selection and evolution
dorothea dix
reformed mental institutions in the US
stanley hall
first president of APA
william james
father of american psychology - functionalist
wilhelm wundt
father of modern/scientific psychology - structuralist
basic research
purpose is to increase knowledge (rats)
applied research
purpose is to help people
research or counseling - MS or PhD
prescribe medications and diagnose - M.D.
researcher controls variables to establish cause and effect
independent variable
purposefully altered by researcher to look for effect
experimental group
recieved the treatment - can have multiple groups
control group
placebo, baseline - can only have 1
placebo effect
show behaviors associated with the experimental group when having received placebo
dependent variable
measured variable
double blind procedure
niether the participants or the experimentare are aware of which condition people are assigned to (drug studies)
single blind
only participant blind - used if experimenter can't be blind (gender, age, etc)
operational definiton
clear, precise, typically quantifiable definition of your variables - allows replication
error/flaw in study
random assignment
assigns participants to either control or experimental group at random - minimizes bias, increase chance of equal representation
random sample (selection0
method for choosing participants for your study - minimizes bias, everyone has a chance to take part
representative sample
sample mimics the general population
identify relationship between two variables - no cause and effect
positive correlation
variables increase and decrease together
negative correlation
as one variable increases the other decreases
correlation coeficient
the stronger the number the stronger the relationship regardless of the positive or negative sign
3rd variable problem
different variable is responsible for relationship (breast implants and suicide)
illusory correlation
belief of correlation that doesn't exist (old man predicts rain from arthritis)
naturalistic observation
real world validity (observing people in their own setting) - jade goodall
case study
studies one person in great detail - lots of information
descriptive statistics
shape of the data
measures of central tendency
mean, median, mode
average - use in normal distribution
middle number - used in skewed distribution
occurs most often
positive skew
mean > median (high point on left)
negative skew
mean < median (high point on right)
inferential statistics
establishes statistical significance
statistical significance
if p is less than or equal to 0.05 than the results are most likely not due to change - manipulation caused the difference in means
ethical guidelines (APA)
confidentiality, informed consent, debriefing, deception must be warranted, no harm - physical or mental
basic cell of the nervous system
receive incoming signal
cell body (includes nucleus)
action potential travels down this
myelin sheath
speeds up action potential down axon, protects axon
multiple sclerosis
myelin sheath destruction. disruptions in nerve impulse conduction
sacs inside terminal contain neurotransmitters
gap between neurons
action potential
movement of sodium and potassium ions across a membrane sends an electrical charge down the axon
axon starting charge
negative until the membrane becomes permeable and the sodium potassium pumps flood with positive ions
all or none law
stimulus must trigger the AP past its threshold, but does not increase the intensity of the response
refractory period
neuron must rest and reset before it can send another action potential
sensory neurons
afferent neurons - receive signals
motor neurons
efferent neurons - send signals
inter neurons
cells in spinal cord repsonsible for reflex loop
central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
peripheral nervous system
broken down into somatic and autonomic nervous system
somatic nervous system
voluntary movements
autonomic nervous system
automatic body functions - broken down into sympathetic and parasympathetic
sympathetic nervous system
fight or flight
parasympathetic nervous system
established homeostasis after a sympathetic response
chemicals released in the synaptic gap, received by neurons
major inhibitory neurotransmitter
major excitatory neurotransmitter
reward and movement
moods and emotion
acetylcholine (ACh)
memory and muscle movement
epinephrine and norepinephrine
sympathetic NS arousal
pain and pleasure
love and bonding
mimics a neurotransmitter
drugs that block neurotransmitters
unused NTs are taken back up into the sending neuron
ssri (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor)
block reuptake of serotonin
oldest part of the brain
movement and balance
heartbeat and breathing
sleep and dreams
reticular formation
alertness and arousal
higher thought processes
fear and aggression
reward/pleasure center, eating behaviors, controls pituitary gland
relay center for all sensory information except smell
cerebral cortex
outer portion of the brain - higher order thought processes
occipital lobe