1.1 The introduction to history 1.2 The evolution of human from the Paleolithic to the Metal age 1.3 Nalazišta i kulture na tlu Hrvatske 1.4 The Economic Activities and Modes of Production in Prehistory 1.5 The Inventions and Technologies in Prehistory 1.6 Early Religious Beliefs and Art in Prehistory
pr. The introduction to history
Uvod u povijest
What’s the definition of history ?
It’s a science which critically studies and explains the past of the human society
Who are historians ?
They are experts who are engaged in the studying of the past.
What are the 5 kinds of historical sources ?
objective (material), written, pictorial, sound (sonorous), verbal tradition
a big time period that starts with a major event after which the years are counted
when does the greek / olympic era start ?
776 BC
when does the roman era start ?
753 BC
when does the jewish era start ?
3761 BC
when does the byzantine era start ?
5509 BC
when does the muslim era / hijrah start ?
622 AD
pr. modern age
novi vijek
what are the 5 historical periods ?
prehistory, the old ages, the middle ages, the modern ages, newest period
when does prehistory start ?
from the beggining of humankind until the invention of scripture (cuneiform) in 3500 BC
when do the old ages start ?
from the invention of scripture in 3500 BC until the fall of the western roman empire in 476 AD
when do the middle ages start ?
from the fall of the western roman empire in 476 AD until the discovery of america in 1492 AD
when do the modern ages start ?
from the discovery of america in 1492 until the end of WW1 in 1918
when does the newest period start ?
from the end of the WW1 in 1918 until now
what are the first historians called ?
what was the logographers’ job ?
their job was to record all available data on the past events, not looking into the reliability of the sources
who was the first known logoraph ?
hecataeus from miletus
who’s the father of history and what book did he write ?
herodotus (herodot) from halicarnassus, The Histories
why is herodotus considered the father of history ?
because he was the first one to check the reliability of his sources
what was written in The Histories book ?
the description of the people on the eastern mediterranean
where is thucydides from and why is he important ?
he’s from athens and is important because he was the first one to distinguish the difference between the immediate cause and underlying causes
what did thucydides write ?
History of the Peloponnesian War
pr. immediate cause
pr. underlying causes
who continued the greek historiographical tradition ?
roman historians
who are the most important roman historians ?
cicero, titus livius / livy, tacitus
who was the greatest roman historian and what’s his quote ?
tacitus, sine ira et studio (bez ljutnje i pristranosti)
what’s cicero’s quote ?
historia est magistra vitae
what’s livy’s quote ?
ab urbe condita
pr. monument
što slika prikazuje, za što se predmet koristio te kojoj kulturi pripada ?
riton, ne zna se za što se koristio, pripada danilo kulturi
slika prikazuje vučedolski orion (pripada vučedolskoj kulturi). to je najstariji europski prikaz kalendara (iz eneolitika je) te je pronađen potkraj 20. stoljeća u vinkovcima. ima četiri paralelne vodoravne trake te svaka predstavlja jedno godišnje doba - gore je proljeće, a dolje zima. trake su podijeljene na 12 polja tj. tjedana ili 3 mjeseca. godina im je trajala 360 dana, mjesec 30, godišnje doba 90 dana, a na dijelu posude koji je otkrhnut se pretpostavlja da je bilo napisano kako objašnjavaju nedostatak dana u godini. zove se orion zbog zviježđa koje se u vrijeme njihove nove godine pojavljuje na nebu - orion.
gdje se nalaze slike crteža u špiljama ?
lascaux i altamira
vučedolska golubica ?
za vučedolsku golubicu se pretpostavlja da je kultna posuda jer je šuplja i ima rupu na glavi. povezuju je s kultom sunca te kultu umijeća kovačkog zanata (u slučaju da je jarebica) jer su kovači često prikazani kao hromi u mitovima, a jarebice se prave da su hrome pred neprijateljima kako bi preživjele
how are the 3 broad periods of the stone age called ?
old stone age / paleolithic, middle stone age / mesolithic, new stone age / neolithic
when did the paleolithic start and end ?
3.5 million BC - 10 000 BC
when did the mesolithic start and end ?
10 000 BC- 6 500 BC
when did the neolithic start and end ?
6 500 BC - 3 500 BC
into what are hominids subdivided ?
hominins and pongids
what’s the oldest hominin ?
what are the oldest australopithecus remains called and where were they found ?
lucy, hadar (ethiopia)
what’s pleistocene ?
a period of repeated glaciations
what happened during pleistocene ?
homo habilis developed
what’s homo habilis also called and why ?
handy man because he was the first one to use tools
what’s the difference between homo erectus and australopithecus ?
homo erectus could stand with legs unlike the australopithecus
when did the neanderthals start appearing ?
250 000 years ago
after what did the neanderthals get their name ?
after a valley near dusseldorf in germany
when did homo sapiens appear ?
100 000 BC
when did the homo sapiens appear in europe and what’s it called ?
35 000 years ago, cro-magnon (named after a cave in france)
what did the cro-magnons invent ?
harpoon, needle, spear, knife
what started with the agricultural revolution ?
sowing of wheat
pr. alloy
legura, slitina
pr. glaciation
pr. amalgamate
spojiti, miješati
pr. melting-plants
pr. casting
lijevanje metala
pr. metal working
obrada metala
pr. copper
pr. proto humans
into what periods is the metal age divided ?
eneolithic (the copper age), the bronze age, the iron age
why is the eneolithic called that ?
because stone was still used, even though copper was discovered
when did the eneolithic start and end ?
3500 BC - 2200 BC
when did the bronze age start and end ?
2200 BC - 1200 BC
when did the iron age start and end ?
1200 BC onwards
how did people discover bronze ?
they discovered tin which they amalgamated with copper to make an alloy (bronze)
what happened during iron age ?
melting plants were established all over asia minor
who were the celts ?
they were the most important nation of the european iron age because they developed metal working (casting) and pottery. they also dominated europe because of their military expansion .
koje su najstarija nalazišta u hrvatskoj (paleolitik) ?
šandalja 1., veternica, vindija, hušnjakovo brdo
gdje se nalazi šandalja 1. i zašto je važna ?
nalazi se u puli te je tamo pronađen kameni oblutak koji je najstarije udaračko oruđe
gdje se nalazi veternica i zašto je važna te tko ju je istraživao ?
nalazi se na medvednici i važna je jer su tamo pronađeni ostaci neandertalaca i kameno oruđe te se uz nju povezuje kult spiljskog medvjeda. istraživali su ju mirko malez i dragutin gorjanović kramberger.
gdje se nalazi vindija i zašto je važna ?
nalazi se kod varaždina te je važna jer su tamo pronađeni ostaci neandertalaca te kameni i koštani artefakti
gdje se nalazi hušnjakovo brdo, što je pronađeno tamo i tko ga je i kad otkrio ?
nalazi se kod krapine, to najveće nalazište ostataka neandertalaca u hrvatskoj (od 130 000 god. pr. Kr.) te su pronađeni ostaci kostiju životinja i ljudi, strugala te kresanog kamena. otkrio ga je dragutin gorjanović kramberger 1899. godine.
koje se kulture u hrvatskoj spominju u neolitiku ?
starčevačka, sopotska, danilo, hvarska
gdje se nalaze (hrvatske) kulture iz neolitika ?
starčevačka - srijem, slavonija
sopotska - slavonija
danilo - danilo (šibenik), smilčić (zadar)
hvarska - hvar
koji su prvi poznati narodi na tlu hrvatske ?
kelti i iliri
gdje su se kelti nalazili (u hrvatskoj) i koji se još narodi spominju za njih?
u sj. hrvatskoj, skordisci i taurisci
gdje su se nalazili iliri i koji im još narodi pripadaju ?
u istri i dalmaciji, histri, japodi, liburni i delmati
što je tumul ?
grobni humak
što je gradina (i pr.) ?
kamena utvrda na uzvisini, grad motovun
kojem razdoblju pripadaju kelti i iliri ?
koja kultura je važna za brončano doba u hrvatskoj ?
vinkovačka kultura
koja kultura je važna za kasno brončano doba u hrvatskoj i gdje se pojavljuje ?
kultura žarnih polja, u zagrebu, velikoj gorici i virovitici
why were people in paleolithic living the nomadic life ?
because of climate change and continuous search for food
how many people did live together in paleolithic ?
15- 20
what was the average lifetime in paleolithic ?
30 - 40 years
what did the neanderthals hunt ?
large animals such as buffalo and deer because they could use their remains for a lot of different things
what happened in mesolithic when it comes to climate changes ?
the ice began to melt due to the warmer climate and the water level increased (¨̧̧̧+ 100 m on the adriatic sea)
what were the cro-magnons doing during mesolithic ?
they were fishing and knew how to use harpoon, needle, spear and knife. they also cultivated cereals - barley and wheat as well as domesticated some animals- sheep, goats, pigs, cattle
what were the oldest towns ?
jericho (palestine, 8000 BC) and catal huyuk (turkey, 7000 BC)
what’s the oldest village ?
qalat-jarmo (mesopotamia/iraq)
koja su obilježja gradova ?
zidine, trgovine, proizvodnja
explain what happened with humans and their way of living in neolithic ?
they transformed from hunters and gatherers into cattle-breeders and agriculturists (farmers). they settled into permanent villages and towns.
what did the discovery od metals result in ?
an increasing number of permanent settlements
what professions emerged in the metal age ?
miners, merchants, artisans
what cultures are important for the metal age ?
the hallstatt culture (older iron age) and the la tene culture (younger iron age)
what was the hallstatt culture named after ?
it was named after hallstatt in austria - the oldest iron age site in europe
was was the la tene culture named after ?
it was named after an archeological site in switzerland that was associated with the celts