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The lymphoid tissues located behind the nasal cavity are called:
Both food and air travel through the:
mouth and pharynx or throat
The double-sac membrane that covers each lung and lines the thoracic cavity is the:
The surgical term for the puncture of the chest cavity in order to aspirate fluid is called:
The medical term 'hypoxemia' means:
deficient oxygen in the blood
The area in the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged is called the:
alveolus or cavity (alveolar sacs)
Pulmonary Endo/scop/y is best used to _____________ diseases of the Respiratory System.
view and diagnose
The term Ortho/dont/ist literally means:
The term Eu/pnea actually means:
well, easy, true, normal, or good breathing
The term Dys/phasia means difficult or faulty:
speech or utterance
The term Trache/os/tom/y actually means:
creation of an artificial mouth-like opening in the throat and neck
The suffix ___________ is added to word part Pneumono-/________ to refer to the surgical procedure of puncturing the lung and aspirating fluids like blood, pus, & lymph. This procedure promotes easy breathing and cell oxygenation.
The diagnostic term for pus in the pleural space in the chest is:
The diagnostic term for narrowing or contraction of the larynx or voice box is:
laryngospasm or laryngo/stenosis
A patient with diagnosis of blood in the chest has a:
The condition where the bronchi of the lungs are dilated outward is:
When lung tissue swells as a result of distention and loss of elasticity in the alveoli, the condition is called:
emphysema "puffed up"
The diagnostic abbreviation for an infection of the nose, pharynx, larynx, and trachea is:
upper respiratory infection "URI"
The diagnostic term that is also referred to as whooping cough is:
per/tussis "through/cough"
The diagnostic term for a chronic respiratory disease characterized by paroxysms of coughing, wheezing, panting with shortness of breath is:
asthma "to pant"
Which birds are pigeon breeder's lung primarily contracted from?
pigeons and parakeets
A term that refers to food inhalation that blocks the airway:
aspiration "process of/without/breath"
The term that means difficulty in speaking or making a sound is:
dys/phasic or dys/phonic
Lobar Pneumonia refers to a lung infection in:
one or more of the 5 lobes in the 2 lungs
The medical term Hypo/pnea actually means:
deficient rate and depth of breathing
The medical term that means containing both mucus and pus is:
The medical term Nebuliz/er is defined as:
a device "one who" creates a fine spray or mist
The medical term Chord/itis or Cord/itis actually means:
inflammation of the vocal cords
The medical term Emphysema literally means:
puffed up
The medical term asthma literally means:
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited exocrine gland disorder that causes thick secretions of ________________ to accumulate in the lungs.
mucus and pus from respiratory infections
The medical term diphther/ia literally means:
The medical term Pertussis actually refers to:
whooping cough and the bacteria bordetella pertussis
The disease of Histoplasmosis or Darlings Disease is a _______________ infection caused by histoplasma capsulatum. Bird or cat feces is the source and the disease is characterized by fever, malaise, coughing, respiratory failure, and lymph/adeno/path/y. A major problem for pregnant women and their fetuses.
fungus or fungus spore
Globally, approximately ___________ people are infected with tuberculosis.
2 billion
The Schick Skin Test is used to detect _______________, which is caused by the bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
The Mantoux Skin Test is used to diagnose:
Tuberculosis "Mycobacterium tuberculosis rod-shaped bacteria"
Anthrax infections (Bacillus anthracis bacteria) are classified as infecting the:
all of the above
Bronchitis often progresses to a more severe lung condition called _____________________, which was the leading world killer around 1900 A.D.
The Etiologic Agent (E.A.) or causative agent that is responsible for Anthrax is:
bacillus anthracis
An Upper Respiratory Infection is referred to with the Abbreviation:
Spiro/metry means to measure the breath and is used to evaluate:
lung capacity
The term Dys/lexia literally means difficult or faulty:
The term Dys/phonia actually means difficult or faulty:
sound or voice
The disease of Crypto/cocc/o/sis is a _______________that can infect the lungs, skin, brain (CNS), bones, and urinary tract causing death.
yeast-like budding fungus
The disease of Aspergill/osis (to sprinkle/condition) is a soil or dust fungus that causes granular lesion on or in any body organ. Prognosis is poor like most systemic fungal infections. It is treated with:
fungi/cidal drugs
The condition referred to as ________ is an acute viral infection that is usually seen in infants before 3 years of age (Y/O: years old). It occurs after an URI and causes vocal cord swelling, voice loss, hypoxia, & possible choking:
Pneumonia can be caused by:
all of the above
Emphysema causes shortness of breath and a(n):
Barreled Chest Look "Advanced Stages"
The incubation period for influenza is from ____ to ____ days.
1 to 3 days
Kerat/o/sis, Leuk/o/plakia, Tartar, Caries, Purpura, Fibr/oma, Ulcers, Gingiv/itis, Tonsill/itis, Adenoid/itis, Squamous Cell Carcin/oma, Catarrh (Coryza), Cleft Palate, Thrush, and Candid/i/asis are all conditions that are usually diagnosed with a(n) ______ exam by a Dentist or Medical Doctor.
oral or oro/pharyngeal