anaerobic GPRs
found in GI/GU tracts, oral cavity, skin
differentiate by spore production
aerotolerant clos (histolytica, tertium, canis)
pos: anaerobic spores
neg: cat, aerobic spores
bacillus sp
pos: cat, aerobic spores
neg: anaerobic spores
vanc R, colistin S
vanc S, colistin R
clostridium spp
large, GPR spore forming
ubiquitous (soil)
aerotolerant: histolyticum, tertium, carnis
fluoro: c. diff, innocuum = chartreuse; ramosum = red
exogenous infections: wounds, organism, toxin ingestion (except c.diff)
antibiotics can prevent growth on artificial media
wood’s lamp
may need longer incubation or exposure to O2
a. odontolyticus red
veillonella brick red
c. perfringens diseases
food poisoning
gas gangrene (clos myonecrosis)
food poisoning - c. perfringens
ingestion of spores from contam food = enterotoxin made in GI
beef, poultry, gravies, dried/precooked foods
large amts of food made (hospitals, cafeterias, events)
watery diarrhea, adb cramps, 8-12 hrs, self resolving
clostridial myonecrosis - c. perfringens
traumatic injury, entry of vegetative bacteria/spores in wound
vascular damage = improper perfusion = lack of O2 = anaerobic
sudden pain, skin pale = bronze = purple red
bullae develop (black bubbles)
tachy, fever, shock, organ failure, IV hemolysis, jaundice, renal failure, hypotension, liver necrosis
c. perfringens toxins
alpha toxin: phospholipase C and sphingomyelinase
theta (perfringolysin O): pore forming
morphology of c. perfringens
boxcar GPR with rare subterminal spores
double zone hemolysis (inner = theta) (outer = alpha)
presumptive ID - c. perfringens
growth on anaBAP: large, irregular, double zone, boxcar, square rods; no indole
pos: gelatin, lecithinase, stormy litmus ferm, rvs CAMP
neg: motility, urease, lipase, proteolysis litmus
which clostridium are lipase pos
c. botulinum, sporogenes, noyvi
litmus milk
determine metabolic activity of microbes in milk (esp for clos)
skim milk substrate, azolitmin pH (pink acid; blue alk)
no change: no carb ferm
alk: proteolysis of lactalbumin (pos)
acid: ferm of lactose and/or dextrose (stormy - gas)
clot formation: coag of casein
clot dissolution: peptonization of milk protein
spore induction - heat method
inoculate 2 tubes of starch broth and heat 1 for 10 min at 70C
incubate both 37C anaerobic
if growth in both = spores induced
spore induction - ethanol test
mix week old TG broth with 95% EtOH
sit at RT 30 min and sub to anaBAP (incubate anaerobically 48 hrs)
growth = spores produced
tetanus - c. tetani
spores enter tissue and vegetate, producing tetanospasmin
four types: generalized, local, cephalic, neonatal
2nd most toxic sub
carried thru to nerves, spinal cord, brain stem
binds to neuronal receptors irreversibly, blocks signals to inhibit motor responses (GABA) = spastic paralysis
generalized tetanus
trismus (lockjaw) + irritability, restlessness, sweating, tachy
progresses with contraction of skeletal muscles + spasms
stiff neck, opisthotonus, risus sardonicus, rigid abd, dysphagia, apnea, airway obstruction from muscle contraction
local tetanus
rare; muscle tonicity/spasms isolated to one region of body
progresses to generalized
cephalic tetanus
in head/neck regions due to injury, progressing to generalized
dysphagia, trismus, focal cranial neuropathies can misDx as stroke
neonatal tetanus
failure in aseptic techniques in delivery/umbilical stump management
cultural practices: ghee, juices, cow dung
unclean hands/environment
onset faster; begins with refusal to feed (trismus)
c. tetani morph
GPR terminal spores; drumstick, tennis racket
swarming on anaBAP
presumptive ID of c. tetani
smoothly swarming, slow growing, swollen terminal spores, indole pos
pos: motility, gelatin
neg: lecithinase, lipase, proteolysis, acid from lactose, urease
V: indole
c. botulinum
botulism: spores enter body thru wounds, ingestion, inhalation which vegetate in tissue and make exotoxin
five types: infant, foodborne, wound, adult infectious, bioterrorism assoc
botulism toxin
most potent toxin to man
carried to nerves, spinal cord, brain stem
moves across presynaptic nerve terminal membrane
breaks down neuronal SNARE proteins that are supposed to release Ach to stimulate motor responses = flaccid paralysis
infant botulism - floppy baby syndrome
ingestion of clostridial spores move to GI tract and germinate and produce toxin
common form in US
constipation, weakness, feeding difficulties, hypotonia, drooling, anorexia, irritability, weak cry, dyspnea
foodborne botulism
ingestion of preformed toxin in contam food (canned goods)
2nd most common in US
nausea, vomiting, adb pain, diarrhea, dry mouth, sore throat
blurred vision, diplopia, nystagmus, dysphagia, muscle weakness, dyspnea
wound botulism
bacteria/spores enter thru skin and tissue trauma
same symptoms as foodborne w/o prodromal
adult infectious botulism
arises from enteric colonization by the bacteria
symptoms like infant form
botex used for cosmetics and migraines
bioterrorism assoc botulism
theoretical delivery of botulinum toxin via aerosol or food
similar symptoms to generalized
morphology of c. botulinum
GPR w subterminal or eccentric spores
large, rough appearing on anaBAP
c. botulism lab dx
based on symptomology (cx done by ref lab)
sero or molecular methods
phenotypically similar to c. sporogenes, but makes a neurotoxin
lipase pos (so is c. noyvi)
dx from stool (organism or toxin)
c. diff
no O&P after 3 days in hospital (CAP requirement)
after taking antimicrobials (clindamycin, fluoroquinolones)
advanced age and proton pump inhibitors also inc risk
c. diff toxins
toxin A enterotoxin: causes inflammation leading to fluid secretion, mucosal injury
toxin B cytotoxin: induces cellular apoptosis, necrosis
watery diarrhea hallmark, lower abd pain, fever, nausea, anorexia, leukocytosis
pseudomembranous colitis: damage to colon leads to bloody stools, hypotension, bowel perforation, peritonitis
toxic megacolon: diffuse ulcerations, nodules, superficial plaques
how to treat c. diff
new superbug R to metronidazole
oral vanc: not absorbed so it works, but expensive
fecal transplant
c. diff morphology
thin GPR with rare subterminal spores
large, ground glass colony on ana BAP, horse stable odor
chartreuse fluro
grow on CCFA at 35C yellow colonies
c. diff presumptive ID
large, flat, horse manure smell, chartreuse fluoro; thin rods rare spores; indole neg
pos: motility
neg: lecithinase, lipase, proteolysis, gelatin, acid from lactose, urease
lab dx of c. diff
do not perform cx
old gold standard: cytotoxin neutralization test on human foreskin
current: PCR and EIA
other clos species
septicum: cecum cancer, medusa head
sordelli: septic miscarriage
tertium: aerotolerant, terminal spores
actinomycosis - actinomyces
normal flora in oral cavity and GI tract; bacteria enter thru trauma sites
form a mass in affected area, usually in mandible (misDx as cellulitis)
bluish/red swelling progressing to abscess, fistulae, draining sinus tracts
sulfur granules in yellow exudate
a. israelii
most common isolate, slow grower, molar teeth
a. odontolyticus
red pigment enhanced with air exposure
a. naeslundii
colonies produce tan pigment with prolonged incubation
a. visocosus
pos catalase
a. meyeri
small GPR, strict anaerobic (QA organism)
actinomyces ID
branching GPR, stain from exudate, sulfur granules
differentiation not done
normal GI, vaginal, oral flora
rare resp, UTIs, dental caries
assoc w probiotics
bifurcated ends, Y shaped GPR
rare infections (oral flora) teeth, human bite, polymicrobic vaginal infections
bacteremia, endocarditis, dental caries in IC
normal vaginal flora
some aerotolerant
long thin GPR in chains
cat neg
vanc R
polymicrobial BV
curved GPR (like vibrio)
skin flora in sebaceous glands = common contam in skin and blood cx
endocarditis, implanted prosthetic devices
presumptive ID - p. acnes
small, opaque enamel white, circular colonies
cat pos w 15%
coryneform (diphtheroid like) spiders
indole pos
anaerobic GPC
normal mouth, URT, GI, female GU, skin flora
opportunistic polymicrobial infections: skin, oral, brain, bacteremia, necrotizing pneumonia, septic abortion
anaerococcus, finegoldia, peptoniphilus, peptococcus, peptostreptococcus
a. prevotii: urease neg
a. tetradius: urease pos
f. magna
greater than 0.6um
p. asaccharolyticus: nitrate neg, indole pos
p. indolicus: nitrate pos, indole pos
black colonies rarely isolated in cx
anaerobius most common: SPS sensitive so not recovered in blood cx
p. micros < 0.6um
staphylococcus saccharolyticus
v. parvula
nitrate pos