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spoken, written, signed communication
smallest unit or sound
smallest unit of meaning
system of organizing
language development : 0-4 months
random sounds
language development: 4-10 months
babbling stage, repeat commonly heard syllables
language development 10-24 months
one word stage, single word but with intention/meaning
language development: 2 years
two word stage - pairing words together (mommy up)
telegraphic stage - beginning stage of grammar (want juice)
language development: 2 years +
rapid language devvelopment
the linguistic genius of babies
babies are taking stats on most common sounds they hear
critical period
when babies try to master sounds of language, 0-7 months
universal language/tone used to talk to babies
effects of bi- or multilingualism
a baby with 1+ languages spoken to them takes two different sets of stat
is language innate - B.F Skinner
presenting nurture side
children learn language
reinforced with attention
is language innate - Noam Chomsky
predisposed towards speech/language
supported critical period
Benjamin Lee Whorf theory of linguistic determinism
we separate nature into separate groups and use certain expressions for certain times
is language uniquely human - KoKo
is language uniquely human - Dogs Decoded
actual DNA, genetic instructions
physical, expressed traits
dominant trait
when present will be expressed
recessie trait
less likely to be shown, 2 recessive genes show up
stages of prenatal development - zygotic (germinal) period
0-2 weeks
stages of prenatal development - embryonic period
3-8 weeks
poppyseed - kidney bean
teratogens : substances harmful to pregnancy
stages of prenatal development - fetal period
9 - 39 weeks (birth)
grape - pumpkin
fetal alcohol syndrome : cluster of traits that tend to occur when mom heavy drinks, mostly affects facial features
infant reflexes and development - rooting, sucking, grasping reflex
touch cheek = turn head, open mouth
something in baby mouth = suck
anything in hand = grasp
infant reflexes and development - babinsky reflex
stroke bottom of foot = toes fan out then curl in
infant reflexes and development - moro reflex
when babies feel like they're falling their arms flail out
habituation and infant attention
baby will look at new visual stimuli and then turn away
infant brain maturation
brain stem - limbic system - cerebral cortex
infant amnesia
cant remember infancy
innate dispostion, nature not nurture
temperament - easy
don't cry, like new ppl, emotionally stable
temperament - difficult
cry, trouble sleeping, no strangers
temperament - slow to warm up
starts out difficult in new situation but then becomes easy
temperament - average
doesn't fit in a certain catergory
Jean Piaget's philosophy of development
child is little scientist
mental category or concept
take new information and change existing schema OR create a whole new schema
fit new information into existing schema
Piaget stages of cognitive development - sensorimotor
experiments with senses and actions, needs to touch everything
object permanence - know something exists even when you cant see it
stranger anxiety - separation anxiety, state of agitation when away from parent
Piaget stages of cognitive development - pre operational
symbolic thinking, intuitive reasoning
egocentrism - to not understand others points of views
theory of mind - understand that different people have different sets of knowledge
centration - to be focused on one physical attribute
overgeneralization - overuse of rules or catergenes
Piaget stages of cognitive development - concrete operational
logical thought about concrete events/math/awards
conservation - understand objects maintain people
reversibility - undo operations
Piaget stages of cognitive development - formal operational
12 - adult
develop abstract reasoning, things intangible
abstract logic - thinking about things you can't see
Critiques of Piaget
ignores socialization/culture, neglects child ability with help
Lev Vygotsky
social is greater than physical eduction
tools that help child reach goals in ZPD
zone of proximal development (ZPD)
space between what someone can already do and whats beyond their proximal development
Parenting Styles
cold and rejecting, degrades child, lack of communication and love, demanding, high on punishment
permissive indulgent
spoil child , high communication and love, no punishment and consequences, child makes decisons
permissive neglectful
low communication and love, doesn't want to be involved, indifferent to child
high communication and love, cares about child well being, punishment vs. reasonable, helps child
emotional connection from child to caretaker must start forming at birht
Konrad Lorenz
theory of imprinting
an infant becomes attached to first caretaker they see
animals not humans
Harry Harlow
monkey prefers cloth over food, contact comfort
Mary Ainsworth's strange situation
actual human babies
babies in new playroom with mother and mother leaves
cries when parent leaves, happy when parent comes back, explores
baby cry when parent leaves, happy when parent returns, doesn't explore
Avoidant Ambivalant Disorganized
not upset when parent leaves or comes back, explores whenever, lack of connection
self concept
understanding of who you are, child can recognize him/her when in mirror
Eriksons Stages of Psychosocial Development
Trust vs Mistrust
birth - 1
good : rely on others
bad : hates the world, world hates them
Is world friendly or hostile?
Autonomy vs Doubt
2 - 3
good : i am my own person
bad : helpless to control thoughts
can i be independent and do things myself ?
Initiative vs Guilt
4 - 6
good : i can make things happen