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Settled for money. Land grants and large plantations for elite cavaliers. Not concerned with religion. Area of the early country
In Boston. Intolerant of different ideas and people. Left England because they were being persecuted for their religious beliefs
Pennsylvania. More tolerant of other religions.
"Religious society of friends"
a religious group whose members bind themselves to one another and to the group by a solemn agreement called a covenant. The group may be members of one religious faith
Rallied colonial opposition against British policy and established a political union among the Thirteen Colonies. Spread propaganda
Met in Philadelphia at Independence Hall
Grew out of Stamp Act Congress
Response to the intolerable acts
The Declaration of Independence was written, War was declared on England
Pivotal battle of the Revolutionary War
Fought on Christmas day
Turning point, led to the French entering the war
Most fighting ended here, Cornwallis surrendered
written by Thomas Jefferson; grievances about the treatment of the colonists by the King
Life, liberty, property
Influenced the founding fathers of the US
French goal vs English goals
Americans got everything they wanted
Treaty that ended the Revolutionary War
One branch of government (legislative)
all states had one vote regardless of size
no power to tax
no power to draft an army
no common currency
sought to establish credit and strengthen the new economy 4 parts:
-pay war debts to foreign nations
-pay off state war debts
-pay debts to soldiers from revolution
-Establish a National Bank
Raised resident requirements from 5 to 14 years
Gave the president in peacetime power to order any alien out of the country
Gave the president in wartime power to jail any alien he wanted to
Hamilton convinces Congress to elect Jefferson In House of Representatives Jefferson wins on 36th vote
Supreme Court chief justice for many years
Strong federalist who wanted the court to have the last say on laws
doubled the size of the united states purchased from Napoleon for $15 million
passed in order to protect American ships from seizure, was disastrous
cut off trade with everyone.
reduced exports from $118 million to $22 million
Members of congress who called for war against the british in 1812: John C. Calhoun & Henry Clay
"Mr. Madison's war" started because:
-British instigation of Indians
-War Hawks in congress
fought after the treaty that ended the war was signed, Andrew Jackson - hero
New England delegates discussed secession from the Union, Overshadowed by the end of the war/New Orleans
meant to help American industry - made it more expensive to import, which made it better for most to just buy from Americans, the south blocked it
"Buy American" Tariff that designed to unite the east and west
under James Monroe, nationalism, time of rapid growth
led to bank foreclosing on mortgages in the west, which gave it (the bank) a bad name there; results: soup kitchens, debtor's prisons, economic depression
uneasy compromise, Missouri became a slave state, Congress waited until Maine joined as a free state ; in the future: 30*60 line drawn, Slavery was prohibited above
McCulloch = president of National Bank ; MD wanted to tax the bank of US ; Supreme Court decided states couldn't tax a federal agency ; "Power to tax is power to destroy"
minority won election of 1824 although Jackson got more popular and electoral votes (John Quincey Adams beat Andrew Jackson)
designed to protect industry in the northern US; Jackson said the south couldn't nullify it
Jackson wanted to get rid of the bank so he had Congress re-charter it so he could veto and end it, Many considered him a king
War hawk, resigned from being VP over the tariff
Rebel - comitted treason
American Texans declared independence & Started Mexican War
-"Mexican Cession" for $15 million
-forced slavery issue up front
-trained new generation of military leaders for civil war
-Aroused Latin American resentment of the US
led the slave revolt which killed 55 whites; made Virginia consider abolishing slavery (it did not)
wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin" ; polarized pro-slavery/anti-slavery groups; led to harsh slave codes; punishments for fugitive slaves
published "The Liberator" became the leader of the emerging anti-slavery movement
one of the best known abolitionists; continued fighting for equality by protesting segregation; renowned for stirring oratory; joined fight for female suffrage after abolition
spoke to crowds on what it's like to be a slave; very well spoken and well written
most known for her work on the underground railroad; freed many slaves