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How did Jung view the development of behavior?
Driven by both positive and negative forces, influenced by the past and the future.
How did Jung view the development of personality?
It develops throughout the lifespan.
What is the personal unconscious?
A person’s forgotten or repressed memories.
What is the collective unconscious?
Memories shared by all people and passed down through generations.
What are the two aspects of the unconscious in Jung’s theory?
Personal unconscious and Collective unconscious.
What does the collective unconscious contain?
What are archetypes?
Universal thoughts and images expressed in myths, symbols, and dreams that influence behavior.
What are some examples of archetypes?
Persona, shadow, hero, and anima/animus.
What is the persona?
The social mask one wears in public.
What is the shadow?
The darker, hidden aspects of the personality.
What is the hero?
The figure who overcomes challenges and achieves greatness.
What is the anima and animus?
Feminine and masculine representations of the psyche.
How are archetypes expressed?
Myths, symbols, and dreams.
What is the primary goal of Jung’s analytical psychotherapy?
Bring unconscious material into consciousness to facilitate the process of individuation.
What is individuation in Jung’s theory?
A person becomes a psychological whole and a unique individual.
When does individuation primarily occur?
During the second half of life.
What are the main techniques used in analytical psychotherapy?
Dream interpretation and analysis of transference.
How did Jung view transference?
Projection of elements from the personal and collective unconscious.