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first plague
water to blood
fish will die, water is undrinkable
second plague
frogs are everywhere
third plague
dust of land is turned into gnats, they came upon man and beast
fourth plague
swarms of flies everywhere
fifth plague
livestock diseased, pestilence
egyptian livestock dies and isrealite livestock lives
sixth plague
scattered dust all over the land, caused festering boils that affected man and beast
seventh plague
rain down a fierce hail with thunder and lightning, all living things outside will die
eighth plague
huge wind from the east brings locusts that cover everything completely, they eat everything
ninth plague
darkness so intense you can feel it, nobody could see or move, lasted for three days
tenth plague
death of the firstborn
at midnight the firstborns will die including the animals
a made-up story based on a real event
religious truth
any truth about god
a state of eternal life and union with god, full happiness and satisfaction
a deliberate offense in thought, word, or deed against the will of god
an indication of a type of thing, person, or event that points to its future fulfillment, foreshadowing
particular good
something that shares in the goodness of god but ultimately leaves you unsatisfied
ultimate good
the source of our complete fulfillment which can be found only in our union with god
the power of gaining knowledge through the use of logic
the proper or reasonable way of thinking about things
original holiness
the original state of humans in their relationship with god, sharing in the divine life of full communion with him
original justice
the original state of Adam and Eve before the fall, a state of complete harmony with themselves, with each other, and with all of creation
the fall
the biblical revelation about the origins of sin and evil in the world expressed figuratively in the account of Adam and Eve in genesis
original sin
the sin of the first human beings who disobeyed god’s command by choosing to follow their own will
the fallen state of human nature that affects every person born into the world except Jesus and Mary
the number 40
represents a time of testing, trials, and purification
an agreement where mutual commitments are made
our human nature is weakened and we have a tendency toward sin
our immortal spiritual principle that makes us most like God
divine revelation
God’s self communication through which he makes known the mystery of the Divine Plan
natural revelation
god making himself known through the created world
divine inspiration
the assistance that the Holy Spirit gave to the human authors of the Bible to help them communicate God's message
blow or breath into
bible inerrancy
the books of Sacred Scripture are free from error regarding the truth that God wishes to reveal
old testament books
46 books, pentateuch, historical books, wisdom books, prophetic books
greek word that means five books
hebrew word that means law or teaching
new testament books
27 books, the gospels, the acts of the apostles, the epistles, the book of revelation
deuterocanonical books
9 old testament writings that are included in the catholic bible but not in the protestant bible
the old testament used by the early christians
list of deuterocanonical books
tobit, judith, I and II maccabees, wisdom, sirach, baruch, parts of daniel and esther
ecumenical council
a gathering of the church bishops to address pressing ideas
the official list of books in the bible
3 original languages of the bible
herbrew, greek, aramaic
latin vulgate
latin translation of the bible used by the church for over a thousand years
biblical inerrancy
the books of sacred scripture are free from error regarding the truth that god wishes to reveal
oral tradition
the handing on of the message of gods saving plan
the founding father of christianity
abraham’s wife who was jealous of Hagar when she was pregnant
abraham and sarahs maid who was the mother of ishmael
abraham’s oldest son
abraham and sarahs son who was almost offered as a sacrifice
issacs wife who tricked issac into giving jacob the birthright
the younger brother who stole the birthright, had 15 kids who became the 12 tribes of isreal
jacob’s older twin
jacobs favorite son who was disliked by his siblings, was sold into slavery and became the governer of egypt
jacobs wife whom he actually loved
why are there 2 creation stories?
both stories emphasize different parts of religious truth, both are myths, they were passed down differently and tell different stories
myths of the bible
the creation stories, cain and abel, noahs ark, the fall, the tower of babel
where are the myths of the bible located?
first eleven chapters of genesis
do religion and science oppose each other? why?
no, because they address different kinds of truth. the bible reveals religious truth, science reveals logical truth.
st jerome
translated the bible into latin so it could be translated into other languages
why is human reason damaged?
we are not always logical
we are swayed by emotion
we are tainted by selfishness
we are limited to our experiences
we make mistakes