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mise en scène
the arrangement of the scenery, props, lighting, character, etc on stage in a production or a film
auteur director
a film director who influences their films so much that they rank as their author. special style
auteur theory
Auteur theory is a person with a specific and unique style of film that is regnaziable throughout most of their films.
180 degree rule
a screen direction rule that camera operators must follow -an imaginary line on one side of the axis of action is made(e.g., between two principal actors in a scene), and thecamera must not cross over that line - otherwise, there is adistressing visual discontinuity and disorientation; similar to the axis of action (an imaginary line that separates thecamera from the action before it) that should not be crossed
24 frames per second
refers to the standard frame rate or film speed - the number of frames or images that are projected or displayed per second;
a film that has a three-dimensional
above the line
usually refers to that part of a film's budget that covers the costs associated with major creative talent: the stars, the director, the producer(s) and the writer(s), although films with expensive special effects (and few stars) have more 'above the line' budget costs for technical aspects; the term's opposite is below the line
abstract (form)
a type of film that rejects traditional narrative in favor of using poetic form (color, motion, sound, irrational images, etc.) to convey its meaning or feeling
absurd (absurdism)
a stage, philosophical and literary term originally, adopted by film-makers, in which ordinary settings become bizarre, illogical, irrational, unrealistic, meaningless, and incoherent
Academy Awards
the name given to the prestigious film awards presented each year by AMPAS (the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, or simply 'The Academy'), a professional honorary organization within the industry, since 1927. The annual awards show, in slang, is sometimes referred to as a kudo- cast, see also Oscars
a main division within the plot of a film;