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Cell Membrane
Forms a selective barrier between the inside and outside of the cell.
Comprised of a network of tubules and filaments (the cytoskeleton), which is suspended in the cytosol, a gel-like material
a network of tubules and filaments
a gel-like material that suspends the cytoskeleton
Functional components surrounded by a membrane, segregating their functions from other organelles.
Largest of all organelles. Contains genetic material and serves as the control center. Contains DNA found as chromosomes
Nuclear membrane
Surrounds the nucleus
Contains DNA, which is located in the nucleus
Site of ribosomal RNA synthesis and ribosome assembly.
Directs protein synthesis within the cytoplasm after leaving the nucleus.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
System of membrane-bound tubules and cisternae.
Smooth ER
found in cells specializing in hormone synthesis or detoxification
Rough ER
synthesizes proteins and enzymes. Rough because covered with ribosomes clinging to the membrane surface.
Golgi Apparatus
Stack of membranous sacs that sort, process, and package proteins produced in the rough ER. These proteins may be used within the cell or secreted at cell surface
Small membrane-bound packets of enzymes that digest microorganisms, cell debris, or excess organelles.
Smaller membrane-bound packets of enzymes that oxidize organic substances and form hydrogen peroxide.
Energy sources of the cells, sites of oxidative phosphorylation and ATP formation. # of mitochondria reflects energy requirements. Numerous in cells that actively synthesize and secrete protein