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Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (Emperor Napoleon III)
the elected leader of France’s 2nd Republic in 1848, and later the emperor of France’s 2nd Empire in 1851
of fame related to Napoleon, applied to many social classes, and promised a government representing the people and protecting the economy
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was popular because:
Napoleon III
Under , the French economy began to grow and he rebuilt Paris with urban planning
coup d’etat
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte staged a _____ to gain power after becoming president:
they viewed he was too authoritarian
Napoleon III became unpopular with some further into his rule because:
Victor Emmanuel
the monarch of the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont who helped bring about the unification of Italy
Count Camilo Benso di Cavour
a brilliant statesman from Sardinia who wished to unify Italy
Giuseppe Garibaldi
the leader of the patriotic Red Shirts in Italy, a militant group who wanted to unify Italy
France and Austria
To bring Italian regions under unification, Victor Emmanuel and Cavour fought to gain territory in the North from _____ , and Garibaldi later conquered many territories in the South:
Austria’s exclusion from the Zollverein (German customs union) and Austria’s interference in German reunification efforts
After 1848, Prussia and Austria, a lot of tension grew because of:
William I
Prussian monarch (1861 - 1888) who pushed to build up Prussia by increasing the defense budget and creating a stronger army
Otto von Bismarck
Prussian political leader who wished reunify Germany and expand its power by any means necessary in the 19th century
the nineteenth-century struggle for Italian independence and unification
a German term referring to political practice based on a careful calculation of real-world conditions rather than ethical ideals or ideological assumptions, employed by Bismarck and other nineteenth-century politicians
conquering territory from Denmark and during the Austro-Prussian war, tamed parliament, and creating liberal, social welfare programs to please the people despite being a staunch conservative
Otto von Bismarck expanded Prussia by:
Franco-Prussian War
a balance of power war between France and Prussian from 1870-1871, resulting in a decisive Prussian victory with devasting peace terms for France
It established Prussia (now a unified Germany) as one of the most powerful European states, the creation of a unified Germany, a strong sense of nationalism among the German people, and bitter tensions with the French over harsh peace terms
What was the result of the Franco-Prussian war?
It was a non-industrialized, agrarian, impoverished country
What was the state of Russia in the 1850?
Crimean War
a war primarily between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, also seeing French and British involvement in the support for the Ottomans, resulting in Russia’s defeat, demonstrating how they had fallen behind in Europe
Tsar Alexander II
Russian ruler from 1855-1881 who known for his Great Reforms; he abolished serfdom, pushed for rapid social change, a reformed legal system with equality before the law, and a modernization of Russia
one of Alexander’s reforms, establishing local governments to give people some form of representation and say over local issues
Alexander III
Russian ruler after the assassination of Alexander II, resulted in a continued oppression of people after periods of reforms
railroads (Trans-Siberian railroad)
Russia experienced a surge in industrialization from 1890 to 1900, largely in the expansion of:
Ruso-Japanese War
war from 1904-1905, resulting in Russia’s humiliating defeat, prompting social turmoil back in Russia
Bloody Sunday Massacre
an event where Russian troops opened fire on peaceful protestors to petition to the tsar in St. Petersburg
Russian Revolution of 1905
a revolution where the Russian people rose up against a government that has been oppressing them for ages, sparked by recent conflicts like the Ruso-Japanese war and Bloody Sunday
October Manifesto
issued full civil rights and promised the popularly elected Duma by the tsar after the revolution of 1905
a popularly elected representative legislature, which really had no real power, later dismissed by the tsar