How many identified living species right now? What group has the most?
3.1 million, insecta has the most species with 14,000 species of just ants alone
Animals that need to ingest/absorb/engluf their food, humans
Animals that make their food, plants
What are characteristics of animal multicellular eukaryotic organisms?
No cell walls, not all cells look the same (protein cells, nerve cells, etc.), have nervous tissue and muscle tissue
Sperm and egg cell together
Sperm and egg cells separately
The process of cell division
The process after mitosis when an embryo is formed, the beginning of all life forms
8 celled organism after first steps of mitosis
Multicellular organism after the morula under goes more mitosis, has a hollow center
Hollow center of the blastula
The organism when the first pore is formed, is still hollow on the inside with the blastopore forming at the bottom
Pore in the gastrula
First layer of skin, the outer shell, is responsible for skin, fur, and/or some bones
Central layer of skin, responsible for glands, lungs, and digestive tubing in gi systems called the archenteron
Inner most tubing in the gi systems, made by the endoderm
The second tissue layer responsible for the muscles, ligaments, tissues, heart, other organs, and connective tissues
Have both ectoderm and endoderm tissue layers
Have all 3 layers of tissue; ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm
Body cavity
Also called the coelum, created with the mesoderm and is responsible for mobility, organ repair, transportation of nutrients and gas, acts as hydro structure around organs in abdomen
A true body cavity, where body cavity is surrounded and made by the mesoderm, does not touch endoderm, coelmates have these
Animals that posses a true body cavitym ex; segmented worm
Have a ‘fake’ body cavity, made with mesoderm and endoderm, one layer of mesoderm and rest is hollow touching endoderm, ex; round worm
A coelmates
No body cavity, entirely filled with the mesoderm, ex; flatworms
What kind of body cavity do vertebrates usually have?
Coelmates, ex; octopuses, squid, humans
What are triploblastic pseudocoelum organisms called?
Pseudocoelumates, ex; roundworms
What are triploblastic organisms that lack a body cavity called?
Acoelmates, filled with mesoderm jellies, ex; flatworms
Organism that has a spiral and determinate cleavage (spiraled and all cells have a pre-determined job so each one is vitally important to development) arthropods and mollusks
Organism whose cleavage is radial and indeterminate (stacked evenly and each individual cell has the ability to develop into a complete embryo) this makes identical twins possible, humans are deutrosomes
3 differences between deutrosomes and protosomes:
1- cleavage pattern: spiral (proto) or radial (deutro)
2- how ceolum formation: budding off of mesoderm (deutro) or splitting mesoderm to create (proto)
3- fate of blastopore: mouth (proto) or anus (deutro)
Germ layers
Usually 2 or 3 layers in an organism; ectoderm, endoderm, and/or mesoderm
What stage can you tell if an organism is a protosome or deutrosome?
Morula stage (8-celled organism stage)