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the ability to learn from experience / solve problems then use the knowledge to adapt
g factor
the general ability of the population
multiple abilities
there are different ways and things people can learn
How is IQ caclulated?
mental age / biological age x 100
study concered with constructing measurement models for psychological data
the procwss of defining meaningful scores related to a pretested group
test reliability
extent to yielf consistent results
consistency when applied multiple times
split half
divide total set ti out interests into half
test validity
extent to measure and predict what it is supposed to
how well a test measures what it is meant to evaluate
ability to predict a future outcome
stereotype threat
risk of confirming negative stereotypes, leading to potientally reduced preformance
stereotype lift
preformance boost by awareness of stereotype
flynn effect
intelligience preformance imrpoves over time
potieintal causes for the flynn effect
1.) advancements in tech
2.) more accesible education
3.) better health and nutrients
what differences are observed between groups and a group
greater variation when comparing one group vs multiple groups
predicts future preformance
assesed what is already learned
growth mindset
abilities and knowledge can be improved
fixed mindset
qualities are fixed and cannot improve
what are some studies to learn about intelligience
twin studies, adoption, longitudial, rossontial