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Two types of happiness
hedonia, eudaimonia
hedonic approach
focuses on pleasure attainment and pain avoidance
eudaimonic approach
focuses on meaning and self-realization – the degree which a person is fully functioning
Maslow’s theory of self-actualizations
Developed hierarchy of needs, with self-actualization forming the top of the hierarchy
Defined as the drive to realize one’s talents and fulfill one’s potentials, to express one’s true self and develop “a sense of connectedness with the broader universe”
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Lower levels focus more on physical and affective components of happiness
Higher levels include more cognitive components
physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization
Characteristics of self-actualizing people, as indicated by Maslow’s research
Self-aware and self-accepting, open and spontaneous, loving and caring, not paralyzed by others opinions
Tend to focus energies on a particular task, one often regarded as one’s mission in life
Most enjoy a few deep relationships rather than many superficial ones
Interests are problem-centered rather than self-centered
Peak experience
moments of ecstasy and bliss in which one experiences a sense of “oceanic oneness” and a transcendence of the small sense of self
to be motivated by values that transcend the self
Two problems with the hedonic approach to happiness
it focuses only on the present, and happiness requires meaning
hedonic adaptation
in the vast majority of cases, shortly after reaching our destination, we return to our base level of well-being
Related flawed premise
Happiness is highly dependent on the state of our bank account
Daniel Kahneman analyzed 450,000 responses from daily Gallup surveys of US residents and found that people with higher incomes
Report being somewhat more satisfied with their lives, but…
Are in fact more likely to experience daily anxiety and anger
Don’t spend time in any more enjoyable activities than their less prosperous peers
Looking for happiness in the wrong direction is not only ineffectual, but can actually produce negative effects
Those for whom making money is the primary objective generally
Experience more distress
Are more likely to be depressed and anxious
Are less healthy, less vital
study found that individuals from lower social class
Scored higher on tests of empathic accuracy, including identifying emotions on photos of faces (from MSCEIT) and on a Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET) − Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET)
Judged the emotions of a partner in a mock job interview more accurately
study with high and low-income participants were shown photos of objects or human faces with accompanying stories
On social-information trials (relative to object-information trials), brains of low income participants, demonstrated much more activity in areas associated with theory of mind and empathy (dmPFC, mPFC, precuneus) than wealthy participants’ brains
The happiness advantage
positive emotions increase external success
Researchers have found that happy people tend to…
Have high self-esteem
Be optimistic, outgoing, and agreeable
Have close friendships or a satisfying marriage
Have work and leisure that engage their skills
Have meaningful religious faith or spiritual life
Sleep well and exercise
Subjective health (what you think about your health)
However, happiness seems not much related to other factors, such as
Physical attractiveness
Gender (women are more often depressed, but also more often joyful)
Educational level
Parenthood (having children or not)
Objective health (what doctors say)
top factors influencing happiness
Social relationships
locus of control
sense of meaning and purpose to life
sleep and exercise