A theoretical model that emphasizes the role of groups, organizations, and unions in the political process to influence public policy.
Public Choice Theory
An economic approach to understanding public policy that emphasizes individual decision-making, focusing on self-interested behavior in political contexts.
Dynamic Theories
Theories of public policy that view the policy process as open to competitive influences, adapting to environmental factors.
Interest Groups
Organizations that seek to influence public policy to promote their specific interests.
A principle in pluralism where groups exert strong collective sentiments to shape public policy.
Concentrated Benefits and Dispersed Costs
A principle in public choice theory explaining how small groups with significant benefits are incentivized to act while larger groups with spread-out costs may not.
Homo Economicus
A theoretical representation of an economic man who acts based on rational self-interest.
Policy Window
A chance for advocates to push a proposal through the policy process when there is alignment of problem, policy, and political streams.
Punctuated Equilibrium Theory
A theory that describes how policy systems remain stable until significant changes occur, often driven by sudden events.
Game Theory
A mathematical framework used to model strategic interactions where the outcome depends on the choices of all involved parties.
Normative Political Theories
Theories that involve moral judgments about the appropriateness of policies or political actions.
Information regarding whether existing policies have achieved their goals, necessitating reconsideration or changes.
Fluid Participation
The phenomenon where individuals frequently change roles within organizations, impacting policy dynamics.
Structuralist Theories
Theories that argue public policy outcomes are determined by broad societal characteristics, such as class and culture.
National Mood
The general sentiment of the population towards specific issues, influencing political decision-making.
Policy Community
A network of long-term participants in a specific policy area that work to influence discussions and outcomes.
Multiple Streams Framework
A model that explains policy change as a result of the convergence of problem, policy, and political streams.
Advocacy Coalition
Groups or actors who share beliefs and work together to influence public policy outcomes.
Policy Entrepreneurs
Individuals or groups that advocate for specific policy proposals by investing resources and efforts to promote them.
Wicked Problem
A complex issue with conflicting goals and multiple stakeholders that complicates policymaking.