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what percent of human DNA encodes proteins & functional RNAs?
~1.5 (the rest is regulatory sequences & introns)
dna sequence encoding a functional gene product (protein or rna) including the protein coding, enhancer, and promoter regions
solitary genes
25-50% of prot-coding genes in multicellular orgs represented only once in haploid genome
gene families
diff proteins w/ specific but similar phys fns; heavily used products that must be transcribed @ high rates
simple transcription unit (~10% in humans)
from gene, get one mRNA to be used in translation
effect of mutation within a transcription-control region
may reduce or prevent transcription, thus reducing or eliminating synthesis of the encoded protein
effect of mutation within an exon
may result in abnormal protein w/ diminished activity
effect of mutation within an intron
if it introduces a new splice site, it results in an abnormally spliced mRNA encoding a mutated protein
complex transcription unit
primary transcript contains alternative splice sites - can be processed into mRNAs w/ same 5’ & 3’ exons but diff internal exons (alt splicing)
mobile DNA elements
include transposons & retrotransposons; promote generation of gene families by gene duplication; exon shuffling creates new versions of genes & complex regulatory regions; SELECTED AGAINST
recombination / unequal crossing over
can cause gene duplication or unequal distribution of exons
possible outcomes of gene duplication
redundancy, neofunctionalization, subfunctionalization, gene loss or pseudogene
redundancy (gene duplication)
duplicate gene retains its fn & increases basal transcript levels
neofunctionalization (gene duplication)
duplicated genes tend to accumulate mutations faster and these mutations may result in new and different functions
subfunctionalization (gene duplication)
mutation in both copies of the gene lead to functionality of the original gene being distributed among the two copies
gene loss or pseudogene (gene duplication)
the extra copy of the gene may be lost over time due to not being needed, or it may become a pseudogene (copy retained but mutations lead to nonfunctionality)
deduced mechanism for evolution of tubulin genes
ancestral cell had only one tubulin; duplication event occurred before speciation.
a- & b-tubulin are
homologous, orthologous, paralogous
homologous genes
evolved from common ancestor
orthologous genes
same fn but differ bc of speciation
paralogous genes
differ bc of gene duplication
dna wrapped around histone octamer (both considered part of nucleosome)- can be stacked to form 30 nm fibers
10 nm nucleosome filament
“beads on a string” - nucleosomes linked together by DNA strand
consist of chromatin fibers (composed of DNA & assoc proteins)
lowest level of chromosome organization
linker DNA
used to join nucleosomes together; btwn octamers?
histone octamer
2 mcs each of histone H2A, H2B, H3, H4 that adopt disc shape around which 147bp coil forms in a left handed turn; neg dna binds tightly to + lysine in histones
what nucleosome structures plays a role in regulating higher order of packing
n-terminal AA tail; fifth histone protein (H1)
how does H1 (histone protein) regulate higher level chromatin structure
binds linker DNA & DNA wrapped around the octamer; pulls nucleosomes together into regular repeated array (lg supercoiled loops) to establish 30nm chromatin fiber
how is dna compacted to a nucleosome?
DNA wrapped around octamer, H1 binds linker & nucleosomes to form 30 nm fiber, which forms anchored loops, which form chromosomes
chromatin-remodeling complexes
hlyze ATP to slide DNA along nucleosome and make it more accessible - may make chromatin more or less compact
what controls chromatin condensation & fn?
modifications of histone tails (usually contain several modifications)h
istone code
specific post-TL modification combinations in diff chromatin regions which specifically influence chromatin fn by creating or removing chromatin-assoc protein binding sites
reversible histone modifications
acetylation, phosphorylation, methylation, ubiquitination
acetylation of lysines (histone mod.)
neutralize + charge of lys, weakening histone/DNA assoc & making DNA more accessible
methylation (histone mod.)
prevents acetylation, resulting in more compact DNA not as accessible for TS
highly condensed interphase chromatin - essentially inactive and without transcription
where is heterochromatin located?
concentrated around the center (centromere) & termini (telomeres) of chromosomes
euchromatin (eu=good)
more relaxed & therefore more accessible; variable state of decondensed chromatin; TRANSCRIPTIONALLY ACTIVE
heterochromatin regulation
H3K9me (enzyme) promotes heterochromatin spreading by recruiting specific methyltransferases that modify adjacent nucleosomes; will continue to spread until a barrier DNA sequence is encountered
epigenetic regulation
depends on factors other than DNA seq; can be transmitted from parent to progeny cells & regulate gene expression w/o altering nucleotide sequence; usually reversible
example of epigenetic regulation
x-chromosome inactivation - two ch can have identical DNA seq, but one is inactivated and the other is not
homologous chromosomes
most human cells are diploid: contain one maternal & one paternal copy of each chromosome
non-homologous chromosomes in men
X and Y (sex chromosomes)
nuclear organization - chromatin in interphase
chromatin fibers from each chromosome are concentrated into distinct territories - genes physically moved to nuclear sites called “transcription factories” where ts machinery is located
located at center/waist of chromosome; contain constitutive heterochromatin; site of microtubule attachment during mitosis
do not encode genetic information; encode repetitive sequences; at ends of each chromosome & prevents degradation
telomeres & tumors
in somatic cells, telomere lengths are reduced each cell division. when it gets short enough, cells stop dividing. cells that are able to resume telomerase expression continue to proliferate (instead of dying) and do not show normal signs of aging. Approximately 90% of human tumors have cells w/ active telomerase
Approximately ___% of human tumors have cells w/ active telomerase