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independent (I or Mod I)
no assistance or supervision needed from a helper. The person can use AD, AE, or AT (modified independent) or complete without adaptation (independent)
modified independent is considered the same assist level as independent
supervison A
requires cues to complete without A, or supervision needed due to other safety concerns. This may also include set-up or clean-up A: assistance is needed to set the client up with a task or assistance with clean up.
What type of score does this example represent?
“client dons shirt with supervision A for safety and set-up A with A needed for item retrieval.”
Supervison A
Contact Guard Assistance (CGA)
occasional steadying A
CGA can sometimes viewed as the same score as min A, and other times it is considered the same level as supervision A (it all depends on which standardized self-care form you are using) however, in the ADL scoring guide- all three are separate levels of A
minimal assistance (min A)
the patient does 75% or more of the task- if a practitioner performs one of the four possible steps of a task, this in min A
What type of scoring does this example represent?
“client dons shirt, but requires A with putting their L UE into the shirt, they complete the remainder of the task without A.”
min A
Moderate assistance (Mod A)
the patient requires assistance with 50% to 74% of the task, meaning they can perform some parts independently but need help with significant portions.
if a practitioner performs one of the three possible steps of a task, this is considered Mod A.
What scoring does this example represent?
“A client performs a stand pivot transfer with one a boost to stand, but does not need physical A with the pivot or the stand to sit.”
Mod A
maximum/maximal assistance (max A)
the patient does between 25%-49% of the task
if a practitioner performs three of the four possible steps of this task, this is max A
What scoring does this example represent?
“client dons their shirt, but can only put their head in the shirt without A. The practitioner completes the remaining three tasks- threading each UE into shirt and pulling shirt over trunk”
Max A
total assistance/dependent (total A)
the patient does 24% or less of the task with 1 helper. or 2 helpers are needed
a client can be scored as total A even if they perform some parts without A, it depends on their overall performance.
What scoring does this example represent?
“A client performs bathing and washes 2/10 parts without A, but requires A with the other 8 body parts.”
Max A