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What do revenue models influence?
Although choosing and establishing your revenue model is an important step, it is equally important to have what?
Four Key Revenue Drivers
What is the first key revenue driver?
What is the second key revenue driver?
What is the third key revenue driver?
What is the fourth key revenue driver?
But how do you determine your revenue drivers when your business hasn’t even begun yet?
Understanding the factors that drive costs are just as important as your key revenue drivers. True or false?
When it comes to cost drivers, two different types of costs should be taken into consideration:
Cost of Goods Sold
Operating Expenses
COGS and operating expenses are both what?
Example of COGS
When does COGS occur?
What does lowering COGS mean?
However, there needs to be a balance between reducing your costs and satisfying your customer.
Why are operating expenses more difficult?
Examples of Operating Expenses
What is one way to cut operating expenses?
What is another way to decrease operating expenses?
You need to strike the right balance in the areas of COGS and operating expenses.
What do you use to measure the revenue generated and your company’s profitability?
Income Statement
What is the income statement also called?
Every entrepreneur needs to develop what?
Pro forma income statement
What is the difference between the income statement and the pro forma income statement?
What else does the income statement reflect?
How does depreciation work?
Depreciation vs. Amortization
Operating Profit
What is the interest expense a good indicator of? Why?
What is the last expense item before net income?
What taxes are included?
Net Income
Dark Triad of Entrepreneurship
Productive Entrepreneurial Motives
Unproductive Entrepreneurial Motives
What are productive motives?
What are unproductive motives?
Unproductive entrepreneurs have been referred to as what?
To study dark personality characteristics, what individuals did the research use?
Are narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism positively associated with a person’s intention to start a business?
How do narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism relate to motives for starting a business? Are the motives productive or unproductive?