Q1 - WW1
SOURCE FEATURES- The impression of…. is created by…
(Refer to source detail/s which relate to the question).
OWN KNOWLEDGE- At the time the source was created…
(Use knowledge which relates to the impression it gives)
Q2 - WW1
Opening Judgement: This source is useful because it
provides insight into…
Content: The source suggests… Use quote or detail. What is
the message of the source?
Own Knowledge: This source is accurate because…How does
your own knowledge link to the content?
Provenance: (Nature, Origin Purpose): The source is also
credible/ lacks credibility as…
Own Knowledge: The source is trustworthy/untrustworthy
because…How does your own knowledge link to the
Judgement: The source is useful as it…
Carry out a paragraph for each source, then…
Overall Judgement: Taken together both sources are useful because…
Q3 - WW1
P: The first phase of how X became a crisis was…
Ev: Description on that phase of the event- aim for 2-3
sentences if possible to show your depth of knowledge
Ex: This led to X becoming a crisis because…
P: The second phase of how X became a crisis was…
Ev: Description on that phase of the event- aim for 2-3
sentences if possible to show your depth of knowledge
Ex: This led to X becoming a crisis because…
Q4 - WW1
P: X was the most important/ was an important/ the least
important reason for A.
EVIDENCE- 1-2 sentences including strong factual knowledge
EXPLAIN- This was an important reason for A because…
P: Y was the most important/ was an important/ the least
important reason for A.
EVIDENCE- 1-2 sentences including strong factual knowledge
EXPLAIN- This was an important reason for A because…
P: Z was the most important/ was an important/ the least
important reason for A.
EVIDENCE- 1-2 sentences including strong factual knowledge
EXPLAIN- This was an important reason for A because…
Conclusion: Overall, the most important factor for A was…-
use the conclusion to compare factors
If you are a really slow writer: Do a paragraph on the
question factor and then just another paragraph covering
other factors. Then a conclusion.
Q1 - Germany
Interpretation A places emphasis on… (include 1 short quote + expand in your own words)
However, Interpretation B focuses on… (include 1 short quote + expand in your own words)
Q2 - Germany
Author A was influenced by… (refer to provenance).
This influenced A’s interpretation because… (EXPLAIN)
Author B was influenced by… (refer to provenance).
This influenced B’s interpretation because…(EXPLAIN)
Provenance: Who is the author? What was going on at the time of writing? Where are they writing?
Q3 - Germany
P: Author X provides the more convincing interpretation of…
Ev: 1-2 sentences of OWN KNOWLEDGE supporting Interpretation X
Ex: This provides a strong account because (EXPLAIN)
P: Author Y provides a less convincing interpretation of…
Ev: 1-2 sentences of OWN KNOWLEDGE supporting Interpretation Y
Ex: However, Author Y’s account is weaker because… (EXPLAIN
Q4 - Germany
Ev: One problem was… (1 sentence of knowledge)
Ex: This was a problem for X as…
Ev: A second problem was… (1 sentence of knowledge)
Ex: This was a problem for X as…
Q5 - Germany
P: One way in which the lives of X were affected was…
Ev: Facts about the way things changed- 1-2 sentences
Ex: This was a change because… (try to show before and after)
P: A second way in which the lives of X were affected was…
Ev: Facts about the way things change- 1-2 sentences
Ex: This was a change because… (try to show before and after)
Q6 - Germany
P: The less important factor for X was… (pick bullet point)
Ev: Facts about the factor 1-2 sentences
Ex: This was an important factor for X because…
P: The more important factor for X was… (pick bullet point)
Ev: Facts about the factor 1-2 sentences
Ex: This was a crucial factor for X because…
Conclusion (as long as your previous paragraphs!)
The more important factor was … (now explain why using 1. Comparison of impact 2. Linking- how did the more important factor lead to the less important one 3. Counter-factual thinking)- Try to use key cause phrases too!