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simple distillation
involves the process of separating two or more liquids homogenously mixed but with different boiling points (at least 20° difference)
as the distillation progresses, the concentration of the __ boiling component will steadily decrease
simple distilation
eventually, the temperature within the apparatus will begin to change and a pure compound can no longer be distilled
• the temperature within the apparatus will continue to increase until the boiling point of the other liquid left at the distilling flask
• when the temperature again stabilizes, another pure fraction of the distillate can be collected (fractional distillation)
distillation set up
boiling chips
small, insoluble, porous stones made of calcium carbonate or silicon carbide
calcium carbonate or silicon carbide
boiling chips are small, insoluble, porous stones made of __
boiling chips
have pores inside which provide cavities both to trap air and to provide spaces where bubbles of solvent vapor can form. these bubbles ensure even boiling and prevent bumping and boiling over and loss of the solution
right below the side arm
the bulb of the thermometer should be placed __ of the distillation flask
simple distillationn process
lowering the pressure
the application of distillation is limited to a certain extent due to the of decomposition some organic compounds when they are distilled at normal atmospheric pressure
this problem can be resolved by __, thus, lowering the boiling point of the substance
theoretical boiling point of diethyl ether
theoretical boiling point of ethyl acetate
theoretical boiling point of dichloromethane
theoretical boiling point of ethanol
theoretical boiling point of acetone
theoretical boiling point of n-butanol