Questions from the quizzes 1-9
according to the lifespan perspective, which of the following is true about development
it is determined by multiple factors
according to the lifespan perspective, different domains of development could exhibit both gains and losses at any age
what ages is middle and late childhood
6-12 years old
what ages is adolescence
12-18 years old
what ages is emerging adulthood
18-25 years old
what ages is middle adulthood
what ages is middle adulthood
what ages is late adulthood
how would you correctly restate the concept of meta theories
meta theories are sets of assumptions about the nature of humans and the meaning of development
how would you correctly summarize the role of researchers in the study of human development
researchers are active shapers of the study of human development with assumptions and convictions that guide their work
Dr. Mehta Morf has evidence that children undergo a radical shift in their language ability at occurs around age 2. Rather than a steady increase in vocabulary over time, he believes their language ability takes on a completely different form. His view illustrates the concept of:
discontinuous development
How would you generalize the concept of universality vs. context specificity in human development?
Whether development occurs similarly across domains, or whether some domains develop differently.
Which of the following is a limitation of personal and professional experience?
They can be biased and influenced by societal contexts and historical times
Why is science considered a powerful way of knowing and a process of learning about ourselves and the world?
Due to its ability to test hypotheses and identify patterns in observations
Which methodology is best suited for gathering lessons about best developmental practices?
Analyzing lines of work, replicating findings from multiple perspectives, and forming “bodies of evidence”
Contrast “naive meta-theories of human development” with “evidence-based practices” in promoting development.
Naïve meta-theories of human development are based on deeply ingrained assumptions, while evidence-based practices are derived from scientific research.
How would you express the relationship between scientific evidence and expert practitioners in promoting development?
Scientific evidence and the knowledge of expert practitioners complement each other in promoting development.
According to the textbook, which of the following is True of the advice of pediatricians in the 1950s (to not pick up a baby when it cries) and the body of work on attachment-theory (indicating a baby should be picked up when it cries)?
The advice of pediatricians was not based on scientific evidence, while the insights attachment were.
What are “bodies of evidence” in the context of best practices for promoting development?
Lines of work that replicate findings from multiple perspectives
What are some of the general strengths of using observations and self-reports in developmental research?
They provide a direct and rich understanding of the target phenomena.
What is the meaning of generalizability in the context of research methods?
The degree to which the results of a research method can be applied to other settings or populations.
Which of the following is a key component of community-based participatory action research?
Including community members in all aspects of the research process
Which of the following are limitations of quantitative methods in developmental research?
All of the others are accurate limitations
What is the primary goal of the action component in community-based participatory action research?
Enhancing strategic action that leads to social change and community transformation
How would you distinguish between deductive and inductive methodologies in lifespan developmental research?
Deductive methodologies involve starting with a theory and then collecting data to support or refute it, while inductive methodologies involve collecting data first and then developing a theory.
How would you express the relationship between qualitative and quantitative methodologies in lifespan developmental research?
Qualitative and quantitative methodologies are complementary ways of knowing and can provide a more complete understanding of developmental phenomena when used together.
(Fill in blank) ___ are focused on tracking the same individuals at different timepoints (e.g. Sara at age 1, 5, 10, and 20 years)
Longitudinal studies
Cross-sequential designs allow comparison of longitudinal sequences across the same ages for different cohorts
All of the following EXCEPT ___ are TRUE.
Variations in phenotype are entirely determined by gene expression
Which of the following is TRUE of Behavioral Genetics?
Behavioral genetics is the study of the interplay between genetic and environmental contributions to behavior.
Behavioral Genetics involves the study of how genetic predispositions impact a person’s potential.
Behavioral Genetics involves the study of how the environment may trigger genetic susceptibility to disease)
Behavioral Genetics framework recognizes that genes and environment influence each other bidirectionally
Adoption studies provide evidence for genotype-environment interactions, highlighting how environmental effects on behavior differ based on the individual’s genotype.
Epigenetics is the study of how genetic mutations affect gene expression
Which of the following is NOT True about the zygote?
The zygote is the final stage of prenatal development
Which of the following is/are True about myelination?
It aids in both the insulation and efficiency of neural transmission
Which of the following is NOT True about the neural tube?
Its formation is completed by the second week of gestation
Which of the following measures can help prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV prenatally?
Delivering the child by c-section
Avoiding breastfeeding after birth
Taking antiviral medications during pregnancy
The timing of exposure to a teratogen does not impact the severity of the damage caused.
Males are less likely than females to experience damage due to teratogens.
Which of the following factors increase the risk of premature birth?
Vaginal infections during pregnancy
Which of the following are associated with being older when becoming a parent?
Higher income
Family stability
Which of the following factors are associated with an increased risk in people over 35 becoming pregnant?
High blood pressure
Placenta Previa
According to Eriksons theory, what is the primary psychosocial task during infancy?
Trust vs. Mistrust
Which ethological theorist proposed that attachment is an evolutionary-driven survival mechanism?
John Bowlby
What is the main idea of Harlow’s research on attachment in baby monkeys?
Touch is the most important factor in attachment
Ten month old Aria is very upset when her mom departs a strange room leaving her behind. She crawls to her mom and is happy when her her mom returns. What style of attachment is she demonstrating?
In the context of attachment, what do evolutionary functions suggest about negative responses to separation?
They help ensure proximity to the attachment figure for survival
The attachment styles of children in the United States are evenly distributed, with 25% securely attached, 25% avoidant, 25% ambivalent, and 25% disorganized.
According to the New York Longitudinal Study (Chess and Thomass), which type of temperament is characterized by low activity level, adjusts slowly to new situations, and is often negative in mood?
Where does temperament originate from in newborns?
Brain-based capacities
What is one way in which a newborns temperament can influence parenting?
Parents of newborns with a difficult temperament are more likely to become punitive.
How would you generalize Eriksons theory of psychosocial development during toddlerhood?
Autonomy is the primary concern during toddlerhood
Which of the following statements best expresses the concept of “goodness-of-fit” as it relates to child temperament?
The match between the child’s temperament and the demands and expectations of their particular environment.
Which statement best compares temperament and personality?
Temperament is biologically based, while personality is a result of continuous interplay between biological disposition and experience.
Social referencing refers to the process in which infants:
Seek out information from others to clarify a situation
In the mirror experiment (Lewis and Brooks, 1978), what was the response that indicated self-awareness in children?
Touching their own face when looking in the mirror
What are the basic emotions that appear first in infants?
Happiness, anger, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust
Which of the following is a developmental milestone for fine motor skills in infants?
Grasping an object with the thumb and forefinger
Between six and nine months an infant’s ability to distinguish sounds outside of their native language diminishes.
Infants first show different facial expressions to different flavors at two months after birth.
Which of the following is true about a newborn’s vision?
The world initially looks blurry to newborns
What is the typical response of infants to a repeatedly presenting the same auditory stimulus in a habituation task?
Decreased rate of sucking
Infants prefer to look at faces that are scrambled.
Which of the following statements best compares the concepts of assimilation and accommodation in Piaget's theory?
Assimilation involves fitting new information into existing schemas, while accommodation involves expanding the framework of knowledge.
What is the relationship between object permanence and the emergence of representational thought in Piaget’s theory?
Object permanence is a prerequisite for the emergence of representational thought
Recent studies indicate infants develop object permanence earlier than thought by Piaget.
Baby Alvin would like his daycare teacher to give him a bottle. He looks at his teacher and says "ba ba." What is this an example of?
Alvin has developed the ability to use holophrases
Which parenting style emphasizes obedience in their children along with low warmth?
Which of the following is a correct comparison of authoritative and permissive parenting styles?
Authoritative parents use reasoning, while permissive parents allow children to make their own rules.
Which of the following best expresses the conclusion of Gershoff's 2008 review of decades of research regarding physical punishment.
Physical punishment may lead to increased aggression and mental health problems in children.
According to the text, what is a likely long-term effect of confrontations between siblings?
better social and cognitive skills
Authoritative parenting leads to best outcomes in all contemporary cultures.
Which of the following are ways that status hierarchies make parenting more difficult for marginalized groups:
Parenting may occur under stressful economic and social conditions
Counteracting the negative effects of discrimination on the development of their children requires significant effort
Inequities may create physical living conditions that are hazardous to children
Considering the chapters on parenting as well as on status hierarchies, which of the following are potential critiques of Baumrind’s classic categorization of parenting styles?
Many studies linking parenting to child-outcomes cannot establish whether there is a causal relationship
Parents may shift between different parenting styles day to day, such as if they are tired
In some racial/ethnic groups, extremely strict parenting is associated with high warmth and doesn’t fit into the classic divisions.
Which of the following statements contradicts the ‘deficit view’ of the development of poor and minoritized children?
Families and communities find creative and courageous ways to support their childs development
There is ‘cultural wealth’ in historically marginalized communities
Children from divorced families have more behavior problems than those from a matched sample of children from non-divorced families.
According to the text, the long term, children of parents who divorce show which of the following?
greatly reduced self-esteem and social competence
dramatically lower levels of achievement in school
severely elevated levels of emotional and behavioral problems
none of the above
Hispanic, black and white children are about equally likely to be living in blended families.
Which of the following statements about childhood maltreatment is an accurate summary of the main viewpoint of the text?
research documenting common neurophysiological effects of adverse experiences is useful to survivors because it can alert them to some of the behavioral and emotional outcomes they may already be experiencing
Research documents enormous capacity for healing and recovery at every age)
Most useful are frameworks that consider both adversity and resilience as two sides of the same coin.
The majority of reports of child maltreatment come from friends, neighbors, and relatives
The most common form of child abuse is:
The idea that most survivors of sexual abuse as children experience much recovery once the abuse has been terminated is consistent with the _____ framework.
Which of the following are associated with a history of maltreatment in childhood disturbances in attachment,
delays in cognitive and language development,
deficits in behavioral skills.
deficits in emotion regulation
It is common to experience at least one ACES
The two primary pathways through which early adversity registers in long-term health effects seem to be ____.
increased behavioral risk and disruption of immuno-biological systems
Which of the following best represents a child's genuine goals during adaptive behavioral regulation?
Staying in touch with their own goals
When do children start regulating their behaviors as it relate to others in social situations?
During the toddler years
How would you differentiate between "compliance" and "internalization" in the context of child development?
Compliance refers to following rules and regulations, while internalization refers to understanding and accepting them.
How does the Marshmallow Test relate to self-regulation?
It showcases the ability to delay gratification
Mike wants his 3 year old son Henry to learn to make more choices for himself. How can Mike reinforce taking initiative in Henry?
By offering praise for the Henry's efforts and supporting his choices
What is the impact of brain maturation on children’s executive function skills?
Brain maturation, especially the prefrontal cortex, has a positive impact on children's executive function skills
Shiloh is shown two glasses which are filled to the same level, and asked if they have the same amount. The experimenter will then pour one glass into a much taller/thinner glass, and then repeat the question. This experiment assesses which of the following constructs?
Piaget believed egocentrism was a hallmark of the pre-operational stage. According to Piaget, children in the pre-operational stage
assume others can perceive/know what they know
Clarence just turned 3 and his sister, Marie, just turned 5. Both participate in the false belief task and are presented with a box of chocolate. When they open it, they find a pencil. The researcher asks each of them what another child seeing the box for the first time would think was inside it. What is the most likely outcome?
Only Clarence will say the new person would think there were pencils inside
How would you infer the limitations in cognitive functioning from the preoperational stage behaviors in young children?
Preoperational stage behaviors in young children are the result of genuine limitations in their cognitive functioning
According to Vygotsky, which of the following plays a crucial role in the development of higher-order thinking skills?
Scaffolding, Social interactions, Language
What concept does the Sally-Anne task measure in children’s cognitive development?
Theory of mind
Children with older siblings, tend to have an earlier understanding of false belief
How would you generalize the process of language development in children?
Active participation in helping children learn is important for language development.
The rate of vocabulary growth is much faster for children at age six years than at age two years.
The rate of vocabulary growth is much faster for children at age six years than at age two years.
Bilingual children consistently outperform monolinguals on measures of inhibitory control, such as ignoring irrelevant information.