ENVS 150 Exam 3 (Foret)

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b. Auxin

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b. Auxin

Which hormone promotes apical dominance in plants? a. abscissic acid b. auxin c. cytokinin d. GA e. jasmonic acid

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c. Abscisic acid

Initiates plant responses to water stress. a. Ethylene b. Gibberellin acid c. Abscisic acid d. Cytokinin e. Auxin

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A. Phototropism

Plant growth response to light A. Photomorphogenesis B. Phytochrome C. Phototropism D. Photoperiodism

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C. Phototropism

Plants growing towards a light source A. Photomorphogenesis B. Phytochrome C. Phototropism D. Photoperiodism

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B. Pleiotropy

A single gene controls many characters A. Heterozygous B. Pleiotropy C. Trait D. Allele E. Phenotype

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B. Gene transcription

Synthesizing RNA from DNA A. Gene expression B. Gene transcription

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B. Mutation

Random changes in genetic composition of an organism A. Fitness B. Mutation C. Genetic drift D. Gene flow E. Acclimation F. Homology

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C. Genetic drift

Random events affecting genotypes of a population A. Fitness B. Mutation C. Genetic drift D. Gene flow E. Acclimation F. Homology

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D. Gene flow

Change in population allele frequency due to individuals leaving or joining a population A. Fitness B. Mutation C. Genetic drift D. Gene flow E. Acclimation F. Homology

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F. Homology

Different species inherit the same trait from a common ancestor A. Fitness B. Mutation C. Genetic drift D. Gene flow E. Acclimation F. Homology

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C. Convergent evolution

Organisms evolved independently but appear similar A. Adaptive radiation B. Co-evolution C. Convergent evolution

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C. stamen

A _____ consist of a filament and an anther. A. calyx B. tepals C. stamen D. pistil E. corolla

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b. pistil

A _______________ consist of a stigma, a style, and an ovary. a. stamen b. pistil c. flower d. fruit e. calyx

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B. cotyledons

Primary food storage in eudicot seeds A. pollination B. cotyledons C. imbibition D. endosperm

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B. plumule

The embryo shoot A. testa B. plumule C. radicle D. parthenocarpic

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C. radicle

The embryo root A. testa B. plumule C. radicle D. parthenocarpic

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D. endosperm

Primary food storage in monocot seeds A. pollination B. cotyledons C. imbibition D. endosperm

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D. Quiescence

When a seed does not have the appropriate environmental conditions to germinate A. Physical dormancy B. Stratification C. Scarification D. Quiescence E. Physiological dormancy

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C. Scarification

Overcoming physical dormancy by damaging the seed coat A. Physical dormancy B. Stratification C. Scarification D. Quiescence E. Physiological dormancy

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E. Physiological dormancy

Embryo dormancy when the seed must be subjected to specific conditions to enhance germination A. Physical dormancy B. Stratification C. Scarification D. Quiescence E. Physiological dormancy

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c. Accessory fruit

A fruit formed when the receptacle becomes fleshy and the seeds attach to the surface of the fruit (like a strawberry) is classified as: a. Simple Fruit b. Multiple fruit c. Accessory fruit d. Aggregate fruit e. Drupe

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d. a and b

Which of the following describes the study of evolution? a. How life forms changed over millennia b. How organisms continue to change c. Breeding new species of animals or plants d. a and b e. b and c

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d. gene

A ___________ is the length of DNA that codes for the production of a protein or protein subunit. a. RNA b. enzyme c. ATP d. gene e. nucleic acid

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c. A character can be controlled by more than one gene

Inheritance patterns don't always follow Mendel's principles because: a. A gene has only two alleles b. All are correct c. A character can be controlled by more than one gene d. All alleles have the same rank e. When more than one gene controls a character then they are linked

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b. Evolution is a change in allele frequency from one generation to the next.

Which of the following statements best describes evolution? a. Evolution is a change in physiological characteristics of a species. b. Evolution is a change in allele frequency from one generation to the next. c. Evolution is a change in size characteristics of species d. All are correct e. Evolution is a change in morphological characteristics of species.

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d. All alleles of all individuals of a population

What is the gene pool of a population? a. All heterozygous alleles in a population b. All homozygous alleles in a population c. Frequency of the most common genes d. All alleles of all individuals of a population e. Frequency of the least common genes

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c. phytochrome

Which chemical in the plant allows for the measurement of day length? a. auxin b. ethylene c. phytochrome d. none are correct e. all are correct

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e. hormone

What is the term for a naturally occurring, organic compound that affects physiological processes at low concentrations? a. carbohydrate b. growth substance c. signal molecule d. aminoacid e. hormone

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d. All are correct

The hormone auxin causes the following responses: a. Promotes growth of flower parts b. At high concentration it can be used as an herbicide c. Initiates roots on stem cuttings and in tissue culture d. All are correct e. Regulates response to light and gravity

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e. radicle

In a seed, the ____________ is the new primary root of the new plant. a. testa b. hilum c. plumule d. epicotyl e. radicle

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a. monoecious

A pecan tree has separate pistillate and staminate flowers, and they both occur on the same plant. Therefore, a pecan tree is __________. a. monoecious b. monogamous c. perfect d. complete e. dioecious

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c. corolla

All the petals of a flower are called the ________________. a. corona b. peduncle c. corolla d. calyx e. petiole

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e. All are reasons for limited fruit set

Which of the following situations results in limited fruit set? a. Plants may not set blooms with high night temperatures b. Plant flowering too early and hit by a cold snap c. Plants flowering before insects are available d. Plants may stall and not flower in the high heat of summer e. All are reasons for limited fruit set

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a. soil acidity and aluminium content

The flower color of hydrangeas is affected by: a. soil acidity and aluminium content b. polygenic inheritance c. incomplete dominance d. night temperature e. gene linkages

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d. all are correct

Chromosomes a. vary in number among different species b. are found in the nucleus c. form the genome of an organism d. all are correct e. are histones surrounded by the DNA double helices

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e. Directional selection

If in a population of lizards the small ones survive extreme drought better than the large ones and produce more small-sized lizards in the following years, what type of natural selection is this? a. Stabilizing selection b. adaptation c. Diversifying selection d. Disruptive selection e. Directional selection

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c. all are included

Mendel's law of inheritance included: a. The law of independent assortment b. The particulate theory of inheritance c. all are included d. The law of segregation e. The principle of dominance

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a. All are correct

Which of the following is/are part of a hypersensitive response in plants? a. All are correct b. Results in starvation or killing of intruding organism c. Results in stronger cell walls d. Is a reaction when they are intruded by bacteria, virus, or fungi e. Results in production of toxic compounds killing invaded cells

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d. all are correct

How can a plant protect itself from intruders? a. physical defenses b. inducible defenses c. none are correct d. all are correct e. chemical defenses

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c. imperfect and staminate

When a flower has sepals, petals and stamens but is missing a pistil, it is referred to as? a. imperfect b. pistilate c. imperfect and staminate d. perfect e. staminate

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e. monoecious

A plant that bears both male and female flowers on the same plant is referred to as? a. imperfect b. dioeceous c. perfect d. incomplete e. monoecious

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e. adaptive radiation

What is the term for rapid evolution that results of many species from a single ancestor when islands are colonized? a. convergent evolution b. punctuated equilibrium c. microevolution d. macroevolution e. adaptive radiation

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e. adenine-thymine, guanine-cytosine

In the genetic code, the following are the two correct bonding pairs of nucleic acids in DNA: a. adenine-thymine, guanine-uracil b. adenine-uracil, guanine-cytosine c. adenine-cytosine, guanine-uracil d. adenine-guanine, cytosine-thymine e. adenine-thymine, guanine-cytosine

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d. gene flow

What is the term for when the gene pool of a population changes because individuals are moving among populations? a. nonrandom mating b. genetic drift c. mutation d. gene flow e. natural selection

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e. common in animals

Polyploidy is NOT: a. part of evolution b. a tool for breeding new crops c. common in large, vigorous plants d. common in flowering plants e. common in animals

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a. hormone -> reception -> transduction -> response

What is the correct order in which a hormone activates a response in the cell? a. hormone -> reception -> transduction -> response b. hormone -> transduction -> reception-> response c. reception ->transduction -> hormone -> response d. transduction -> reception ->hormone -> response e. transduction ->hormone -> reception-> response

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e. abscisic acid

Which plant hormone protects plants from drought stress by causing the stomata to close when the soil starts to get dry? a. auxin b. cytokinin c. gibberellin d. jasmonic acid e. abscisic acid

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c. All are correct

Blue light receptors trigger the following: a. Plants responding to phototropins b. Chloroplast orientation to optimize light absorption c. All are correct d. Plants grow towards a light source e. Direct roots to grow away from blue light

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d. two plants with different characteristics

Hybrids are a cross between: a. homozygous and heterozygous plants b. homozygous plants c. heterozygous plants d. two plants with different characteristics e. three individual plants

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a. 4 endosperm nuclei

Which of these is NOT part of the double fertilization in plants? a. 4 endosperm nuclei b. 3 female nuclei c. 2 sperm nuclei d. formation of endosperm e. formation of a zygote

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c. scarification

The type of dormancy exemplified by the hard seed coat of seeds like lotus can be broken by a. after ripening b. quiescence c. scarification d. stratification e. nothing

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b. GA

Which hormone stimulates shoot elongation and bolting in plants? a. jasmonic acid b. GA c. auxin d. abscisic acid e. cytokinin

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B. all answers are correct

Peas were good plants for Mendel to study the inheritance of traits because: A. Different varieties differed in morphological traits B. All answers are correct C. They easily self-fertilize D. Most characters maintained their traits from one generation to the next E. Pollination is easy to manipulate for experiments

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c. Natural selection favors individuals which are best adapted and will reproduce in greatest numbers

The concept of survival of the fittest is based on the assumption that: a. overpopulation allows more hybrids to survive b. all are correct c. natural selection favors individuals which are best adapted and will reproduce in greatest numbers d. over population allows more species to survive

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e. endosperm

In a monocot seed, the largest part of the seed being a pair of modified leaves full of stored food: a. cotyledons b. plumule c. radicle d. testa e. endosperm

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E. all of the above

Speciation occurs because of: A. Lack of gene flow between populations B. Pre-zygotic isolation C. Non-viable hybrids D. Post-zygotic isolation E. All of the above

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e. ploidy

____________________ is the number of replicate chromosomes present in the nucleus of a cell a. Pollination b. Totipotency c. Phenotype d. Potency e. Ploidy

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d. auxins

What hormone can be used as an herbicide at high concentrations? a. abscisic acids b. gibberelins c. cytokinins d. auxins e. jasmonic acids

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d. aggregate fruit

A fruit formed from several ovaries produced by a single flower that share a receptacle (like a blackberry) is referred to as: a. Simple Fruit b. Multiple fruit c. Accessory fruit d. Aggregate fruit e. Drupe

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d. the plant's response to touch or mechanical stimuli

Thigmotropism is: a. when plants blend towards the light b. when plants bend toward the ground c. when plants grow taller d. the plant's response to touch or mechanical stimuli e. the change in growth before a plant goes dormant

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Transfer RNA brings amino acids to the ribosomes where they are assembled into a _________. a. Polyphenol b. DNA c. Starch d. Alcohol e. Protein

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c. burst of ethylene synthesis followed by high cellular respiration

What applies to climacteric fruit? a. dramatic drop in ethylene synthesis followed by high cellular respiration b. examples are citrus, grapes and watermelon c. burst of ethylene synthesis followed by high cellular respiration d. ripen gradually i e. high cellular respiration followed by a burst of ethylene

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exposure to white light

What treatment during the night can trick a plant to experience long days when days are short? a. All are correct b. Exposure to white light c. Exposure to warm temperatures d. None are correct e. Exposure to far red light

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d. all of the above

Self pollination occurs when the anther and stigma are: a. in different flowers on the same plant b. in the same flower c. in different flowers on different plants of the same clone d. all of the above

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a. in different flowers on plants of different cultivars

Cross pollination occurs when the anther and stigma are: a. in different flowers on plants of different cultivars b. in different flowers on different plants of the same cultivars c. in different flowers on different plants of the same clone d. in different flowers on different plants of different clones

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B. Primary dormancy

When the seed is not immediately able to germinate after ripening or harvest A. Physical dormancy B. Primary dormancy C. Secondary dormancy D. Quiescence E. Physiological dormancy

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C. Secondary dormancy

When the seed is exposed to extreme stress and dormancy is induced A. Physical dormancy B. Primary dormancy C. Secondary dormancy D. Quiescence E. Physiological dormancy

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after ripening

Step of physiological dormancy where the seed is stored to provide time for embryos to become mature

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