Think of as many good aspects to the slander (Ifik) (1)
Unveiling the truth about some hypocrites
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Think of as many good aspects to the slander (Ifik) (2)
In view of this slander (ifik), rulings were legislated to deter lewdness and corruption
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Think of as many good aspects to the slander (Ifik) (3)
The Great reward for bearing or dealing patiently
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Think of as many good aspects to the slander (Ifik) (4)
Spreading the values of respecting and honor in individuals as well as in society
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What is the significance of establishing the innocence of Saidydah Aishah may Allah be pleased with her, by divine revelation?
For her great status in Islam as the mother of believers and wife of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
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Complete: Man has to show good will towards the people around him until the contrary is proven in order to reap the fruits of good will, which are numerous, including:
Protecting society against the spread of lewdness and vice
Increasing affinity and love among individuals in society
It causes trust and unity that leads to a strong society
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What is the punishment inflicted on those who indulged in the slander (Ifik)?