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Age of Jackson
A time period in which America witnessed a new democratic spirit in American politics, Andrew Jackson is president
a government in which power is given to those believed to be best qualified
universal manhood suffrage
all adult white males were entitled to the right to vote, regardless of their religion or how much property they owned
Second Bank of the United States
located in Philadelphia, PA, it was the official repository of the federal government, destroyed by Jackson when he removed the federal government's money from it
a member of the ruling class
presidential veto
the power granted to the president by the Constitution to prevent passage of legislation by Congress
spoils system
(rotation in office),
the practice of using public offices to benefit members of the victorious political party.
Panic of 1837
an economic situation that resulted from reckless land speculation which led to bank failures and dissatisfaction with the use of state banks as depositories for public funds
nominating conventions
a meeting of members from the same political party to choose that party's candidates for president and vice president
Henry Clay
member of the House of Representatives from Kentucky, "The Great Compromiser," presented the American System, the Missouri Compromise, and the Compromise of 1850
protective tariff
a tax on imported goods that is intended to protect a nation's businesses from foreign competition
states' rights
the idea that states possess certain rights and political powers in relation to the federal government
women's suffrage movement
the time period in which women worked to get the right to vote
Seneca Falls Declaration
modeled after the Declaration of Independence, listed the rights and grievances of women in 1848, written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
a leading participant of the women's rights movement, she staged a convention in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848 and helped to found the National Women's Suffrage Association
Susan B. Anthony
a leading participant of the women's rights movement, was fined $100 for voting in the 1872 presidential election and helped to found the National Women's Suffrage Association
(February 23 - March 6, 1836)
a 13 day siege by Mexican troops under Santa Anna on a mission in San Antonio, killing 187 Texans including Davey Crockett, William Travis, and Jim Bowie
Mexican War
a war between the U.S. and Mexico, Mexicans were led by Santa Anna and the Americans by General Winfield Scott, resulted in a U.S. victory, the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, and the U.S. getting the Mexican Cession
Trail of Tears
the forced journey of mainly the Cherokee Indians from their homes in Georgia to the Indian Territory in the West (Oklahoma), 25% die on the trail
a tract of public land set apart for the use by Native American tribes