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core features of wgs
interdisciplinary academic field devoted to topics concerning women, gender, and feminism and intersections with other topics
the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.
Kimberle Crenshaw
Coined the term intersectionality
Patricia Hill Collins
"Matrix of Domination"; Numerous social factors subjugating women
Matrix of domination
the interlocking systems of oppression associated with race, class, and gender
Combahee River Collective
A black feminist lesbian organization active in Boston from 1974 to 1980, laid ground work for intersexuality
Male centered; the belief that the male is the norm
a system where men and masculine bodies dominate because power and authority are in the hands of adult men
Personal is political
a political argument used as a rallying slogan of student movement and second-wave feminism from the late 1960s. It underscored the connections between personal experience and larger social and political structures.
key legal changes
Equal Pay Act of 1963, title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964, '78-'79: protect pregnant workers, gave right to damages for sex discrimination, '93: 12 weeks unpaid leave for workers to care for children or ill relatives
concerns equality and justice, inclusive and affirming of women across their differences
feminism's waves
1st (1858-1920): suffrage, legal status of women, property ownership
2nd (1960's-70's): equal opportunity in employment and education, reproductive rights
3rd ('90's): deconstructing social identities, social justice, global feminism, sexual violence
4th (2000's): fast circulation of ideas, digital and social media
liberal vs. radical feminism
liberal: inequality in legal and economic arenas (inclusion and equality)
radical: change foundations of society, upend existing structures (liberation)
feminism's myths
all feminists are man-haters; feminist men are wimps; feminists have no sense of humor; feminists are outspoken, macho, pushy, narrow minded; feminists are lesbians; feminists are cold and uncaring
Human similarities and differences: Biologically-based universals, social universals, generalities, and particularities
bio: infancy, brain
social: live in groups, families
generalities: certain times/places, but not all cultures
particularities: not widespread, larger distinctive patterns of culture
Category formation
human universal, include and exclude, creates identity but also stereotypes
members of an ethnic group with shared beliefs, habits, customs, norms bc of shared background
ethnic group assumed to have a biological basis
social organizations that involve established patterns of behavior organized around particular purposes
the political, social, economic, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended time
conscious policy aimed at seizing and ruling foreign territory and people
advantages people have by virtue of their status or position in society
earned vs. unearned privilege
unearned: something you're born with
earned: examples include earning a degree, fulfilling responsibilities
systems of inequality and privilege
systems that discriminate and privilege based on perceived or real differences among people
assumes some groups inherently inferior to others, should be dominated by superior groups
stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination
Stereotypes: fixed ideas about what group members are like
Prejudice: devaluing group bc of assumed attributes
Discrimination: policies and practices that harm a group and its members
gender identity matches norms for sex assigned at birth
people whose gender identity or expression differs from that associated with their birth sex
mythical norm
normalized or taken for granted position/identity/experience that marks the generic, universal, ideal person
sovereign model of power, vs. how power is everywhere (Foucault)
process of creating knowledge or a culturally constructed representation of reality
internalizing oppression
We self police ourselves as result of discourses
the biological distinction between females and males, although biological characteristics of some individuals don't always fall in this binary
social expressions of biological difference
gender assignment
The initial assignment as male or female, which usually occurs at birth
gender identity
how one feels about their own gender
gender expression
how we present ourselves to the world, how we perform gender
system that discriminates and privileges on the basis of gender
a political system in which women play a much more prominent role than men do in social and political organization
a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male.
masculinity vs. femininity
masculinity: intelligence, courage, honesty, machismo, provider role
feminity: soft, nurturing, sensitive, needy
neither men nor women (eunuchs)
two spirit
an alternative gender role in native North America
gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine
social construction of body
bodies are interpreted and contextualized in sociocultural meanings informed by our ideas about gender and identities
biological determinism
idea that all human behavior is innate
How do we know what we know?
enlightenment binaries
understanding of body cannot exist outside of society that gives it meaning
to represent something as a disease
science of women's bodies
origins of gynecology in Europe and US, clitorodectomy and castration to cure masturbation, belief that sexual independence was mental disorder
science and racial/sexual taxonomies
used to support white supremacy/homophobia
eating disorders
anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, muscle dysmorphia; pressure to measure up to cultural standards of beauty
fat acceptance
a movement to contest the public health approach to overweight and obesity and the social stigma against larger body sizes that such an approach may promote
health at every size
respect, compassionate, self-care; eating flexibly, intuitively; finding joy in body; challenging scientific and culture assumptions; values body knowledge
the me that separates me from you; individual, action, free will, choice
power of one group over another through consent
4 points of beauty ideal
changeable, fluid notion of beauty; beauty ideals illustrate power in society; beauty standards enforced in complex ways; relationship between contemporary beauty standards and capitalism
fat phobia
Fear and dislike of obese people and/or obesity
seeing the body as an object and separate from its context
organized vs. small-scale acts of everyday resistance
"A Transnational Black Feminist Network"- Four Principles of Transnational Black Feminism in Context of Black Lives Matter:
3)Solidarity Building
4)Attention to Borders/Boundaries
"Thick"- what does it mean to walk normally?, "We are people, with free will, circumscribed to different degrees by histories that shape who we are allowed to become"
"Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person"- intersectionality: how you can be privileged in some ways but not others, unearned privilege
"Cisgender Privilege"- how people that can be easily recognized as male/female need to spend less energy to be understood by others
"The Social Construction of Gender"- how we assume gender is natural when really socially constructed, gender-stratification
"The Five Sexes, Revisited"- 2 sex system not adequate, sex on a binary, also constructed, sex and gender as multidimensional
"Native American Men-Women, Lesbians, Two-Spirits"-systems of multiple genders in Native American culture
"Breast Buds and the 'Training' Bra"- Garment industry + biomedicine + "precocious puberty"=Training bra as critical "rite of passage"
"If Men Could Menstruate"- more boast worthy, bragging, characteristics of powerful thought to be better than those of powerless
"Understanding Transgender and Medically Associated Gender Transition"- how gender and power play out in medical community, progressive and regressive role, people have authority over own bodies, how being transgender shouldn't be seen as mental issue
"I Click and Post and Breathe, Waiting for Others to See What I See"- how #feministselfie campaign has given minorities a voice to challenge dominate ways of seeing personhood and beauty
"Fat is Still a Feminist Issue"- how we are told to govern our bodies, the promise that looking good is feeling good